[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 【1】 デザイン専門学校に通っているなんてうらやましいです!高校生の頃憧れていました。 どんなデザインの勉強をしているんですか? イラスト?エディトリアル...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "Eメール" "コミュニケーション" のトピックと関連があります。 yoshi7 さん [削除済みユーザ] さん [削除済みユーザ] さん fantasyc さん appletea さん yoppo1026 さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 16件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1769文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 2時間 8分 です。

marifilesによる依頼 2013/06/14 14:50:39 閲覧 5222回
残り時間: 終了




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:12:36に投稿されました
I envy you that you are attending a design academy! I wished to go there when I was a high school student.
What kind of design are you studying?
Illustrations? Editorial? Architecture? Any of them is wonderful!

You seem very busy with many assignments. Please take care! And take rest during summer holidays.
Also I was extremely busy, when I was a senior in university, with graduation work and job hunting. I feel nostalgic (lol

Now my job is creating footage. I storyboard too, but mainly I create CG of commercials and music videos.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:24:31に投稿されました
I feel a little jealous to hear that you have been studying at a design college! I yearned for studying there.
What designing course are you taking, illustration, editorial or architectural?
Any course is wonderful!

Looks like you have been in the middle of conversation; take it easy. Always take care of yourself! Have a good rest during the summer vacation!
I was also quite busy during the fourth year college because of the graduation work and the job hunting. I could recall in those good old days. (^o^).

I am now working for the videos. I do create the storyboard but majority is to create the CG for the advertisement and the music video clip.
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:27:02に投稿されました
It is enviable of studying in design college. I dreamed for that when I was a high school student.
What kind of design are you studying?
Illustrations? Editorial? Architecture? Everything is wonderful!

There are many assignments. But please take care of yourself! Have fun during the summer holidays.
When I was a college senior, I was also in a hectic job search and preparing graduate research. Such good old days lol

My job is producing video. I also draw storyboards, but I mainly make CG for music videos and CMs.
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:08:24に投稿されました
I envy you because you go to a design school! I wanted to become a designer when I was a high school student.
What kind of design do you learn?
Illustration, editorial, or an architecture? Any of them are wonderful!

You appear to be busy because you have a lot of homework. Please take care of yourself! Please take your time during your summer vacation.
When I was a senior of a university, I was really busy in the graduation work and job hunting. Those were good old days. lol

My job is making films. I do storyboarding too. Most of my job is to make CGs of TV commercials and music videos.



評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:13:07に投稿されました
I'm making a commercial like this one (URL)
Of course, the Illustration was done by a professional.
Also, if you're not turned off by BL, here's a film I made as a hobby.

(person name)'s laughter is so refreshing and soothing. It says something about his character.
His sneezes are also great!
When they were playing (game name), did you hear him sneeze "achoo!" like a comic character?
It caught (person name) off guard who was like "what?" which was funny.
yoshi7- 11年以上前
すいません、細かい訂正をさせて下さい。"Illustration"の頭文字は小文字にするべきで"illustration"が正しいです。また、映像がメール内ではなく、リンク先にあるのでしたら、"here's a film I made..."ではなく"there's a film I made..."となります。
marifiles- 11年以上前
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:51:36に投稿されました
Just visit here. My output is like this [URL]
Of course, a professional illustrator created this illustration.
And, if you are not clueless about Shonen-ai, this is a video clip I created as my part of hobby.

I feel very good and pleasant to hear the laughing voice of (人名). I really can imagine his characteristics.

The same is as his sneezing, great.
While they were plying the (ゲーム名), did you hear the sneezing of (人名) like a character in a manga. ”haaaaatching”. It was funny to see (人名) set him back a little with yucky face.
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:19:15に投稿されました
This is one of TV commercials I made (URL)
Of course, its illustration was made by a professional illustrator.
If you don't hate Boys Love, please watch this film I made for enjoyment.

(Name)'s laughter is really cheerful and feels good. It shows his character very well.
His sneezing is dynamic as well!
Did you hear (Name) sneeze "Achoo!" when they were playing (Game's name)? It was like that of a comic book. (Name) was walking backward saying, "Boy!", which was interesting.




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:33:29に投稿されました
I'm really happy that (game name) was turned into a TV anime!
Conversation between (person's name) and (person's name) is so cool. It is really like in the military sometimes.
I want to hear the theme song by(person's name). I wish (person's name) could sing too!
Don't you think the voice of (person's name) and (person's name) could be in excellent harmony because (person's name) is a very nice bass.

I love this anime, when drawing the comic, I would listen to the song again and again.
I wish they themselves could sing the song!

Also, thanks for the comment to my picture painted recently! I was very happy.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 16:09:35に投稿されました
I will be also happy if the (ゲーム名) is made to TV animation program.
The conversation between (人名) and (人名) looks cool as if the real soldiers sometimes.
do really want to hear that (人名) sings the theme song. I want to le (人名) sing the same. Since the voice of (人名) is fantastic low voice, it may create a good harmony with the voice of (人名).

I love this animation and I listened to the theme song endlessly when I was writing the manga.
I hope that some matured might sing this song.

And, thank you for you comment for my recent painting. I felt really happy.
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 16:08:26に投稿されました
I will be really glad if (Game's name) will be TV anime!
The conversation between (Name) and (Name) is cool, because it sounds like a real soldier.
I'm eager to listen to the theme song sung by (Name). I want (Name) to sing it too!
Don't you think their voices will make a beautiful harmony because (Name) has a beautiful bass?

I am very fond of this movie. When I was drawing a comic story, I repeated again and again.
I wish it would be sung by the original singers!

Thank you for giving me a comment on my recent drawing! I was really glad.




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:38:46に投稿されました
They are also similar to (person's name), cute and always at their own pace lol

I am very glad to hear your kind words. Thank you.
I will draw the picture slowly at my own pace from now on!
Next I'm going to draw a cartoon of (game name), but the time is not quite enough. It might take some time to complete.
It would be very nice if you like it.

I was also laughing at the scene when (person's name) seems so sad! He is really depressed, and starts speaking like smattering, which is very interesting lol
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 16:19:01に投稿されました
They look like (name) and does things in his own pace, and very cute. lol

Thank you for approaching me in a familiar way.
I will draw pictures in my own pace!
I am going to draw a comic story of (game's name). But I don't have much time, so it will take a long time to finish it.
I hope you will like it.

I burst into laughter to see (name) crying very sadly! Because he was so disappointed and was babbling words.
It was interesting. lol



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:45:09に投稿されました
After that, it was cute when he was told by (person's name) that the pig is still survived. (person's name) is also very cute when he is happy!
(Person's name) was happy about "The piglet is cute ~" while I, thought he is cute. lol
(Person's name) is just like a mother indeed. Having a son of 30-year-old must be terrible lol
I'm glad we have the same opinion! The conversation between their family is really heartwarming~

Thanks for telling me the anime video site!
It was very interesting. Although the language is different, I could feel their love of (person's name)!
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 16:28:34に投稿されました
Later, (name) was showing cute delight when she knew that the pig was still alive!
She said, "Little piggy is cute!" in delight. I thought he was more cute than a pig. lol
I hear she is a mother. I think she has a hard time bringing a 30-year-old son. lol
I'm glad that you think the same as I! Conversations among that family really makes happy. I feel comforted. lol

Thank you for showing me the video site!
I got really interested in it. Their language is different from ours, but I can understand what they like very well!



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:49:51に投稿されました
And after all, many people wrote comments when (person's name) appeared riding on the pig :D

Yes, they went on a trip in the last week of May. It was a one hour live broadcast from the travel destination at that time. When broadcasting the network was very crowded, so I did not watch very well.
It is still a mystery where they have been and what they did. (person's name) said it would be announced in some kind of form in the future.
In the broadcast at that time, the Game of Life was played in the car. Ranked first was (person's name), second place (person's name), third place (person's name), fourth place was (person's name).
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 16:37:53に投稿されました
And after all, many people made comments when (name) appeared on a pig. lol

Yes, They went on a trip in the last week in May. A live program of their trip was on air for an hour. The line was very busy because many people were watching it, and I could hardly watch it.
They keep secret on where they went and what they did. (name) said they will announce it in some way in the future.
They were playing "Jinsei game" (life game) in the car in that program. 1st winner was (name), 2nd was (name), 3rd was (name) and 4th was (name).




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:54:10に投稿されました
If you take a look at this illustration, you may also understand the contents.
It would be very nice if they can post videos someday!

In the (game name), (person's name) might be artisan. It seems he could build solid house lol
The sense of (person's name) was too unique, but the bedroom with a starry sky ceiling sounds romantic :)

In (game name), (person's name) who is afraid of everything is really interesting. I have never seen such a funny horror game lol
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:48:35に投稿されました
I think you can grasp the contents if you look at this illustration.
I hope they will post some movies someday!

In (game), (name)might be an artisan. Looks like he can build a steady house w
(name)'s sense was too unique, but the ceiling of the starry sky was in some way, romantic w
In (game), (name), who doesn't scared of anything at all, was interesting. I've never played that interesting horror games.
★★★★★ 5.0/1
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 16:47:46に投稿されました
This illustration might give you a brief contents of it.
I hope they will post a movie of their trip some day!

(Name) is probably the artisan in (game's name). He will make a solidy-constructed house. lol
(Name) has a too unique sense. However, a bed room with its ceiling covered with stars is a kind of romantic. lol

In (game's name), (name) was interesting because he didn't look afraid at all. I had never seen such an interesting horror game. lol



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 15:10:02に投稿されました
I wish you could play together with (name) as well as them someday.
(name) is more timid than (name), and it is interesting because their opinions are always opposite!

In (Game name), (name)'s character design is so cute!
Other characters are also lovely, but (person's name) is short and plump. He is so cute that you would like to decorate your room with the doll of him.
It was really cute in Part 2 when the ghost of (person's name) is waving!
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/06/14 16:58:51に投稿されました
I'd like them to play with (Name) some day.
I hear (Name) scares more easily than (Name). It seems interesting because their roles are reversed!

I really like (Name)'s character design in (Game's name), because it is cute!
Other characters are cute, especially, (Name) has blobbing two-head figure. I even want to put that figure in my room. lol
Ghost (Name) was waving in part 2, which was really lovely!





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