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Most interestingly, Shailendra Singh of Sequoia Capital India said something that silenced the crowd for a moment before they burst into a round of applause. In essence, he explained that different markets face different challenges. Instead of looking at them as problems, start-up founders should embrace these difficulties and find a way around them. Essentially, founders who excel are the folks who can overcome these problems and make their product a success. He gave a very simple example:

Say a group of students study at the same school. After they graduate, they go on to different paths and achieve different successes.


最も興味深かったのは、Sequoia Capital インドのShailendra Singh氏が話したことで、聴衆は一瞬沈黙し、その後一斉に拍手喝采となったことだ。本質的に、同氏は市場が違えば問題も異なると説明した。それらのことを問題と見るのではなく、新興企業の創業者はそれらの問題を認め、回避する方法を見つけるべきである。実際のところ、人より秀でている創業者はそれらの問題を克服し商品を成功させることのできる人物である。Singh氏はとても簡単な例を挙げた。


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Perhaps, Sina has felt pressure to react to rumours that Tencent has its eyes set upon the leading video site, Youku. CEO, Jiang Lan of Share Media, a video advertising agency believes that Sina chose to invest in Tudou due to its low valuation, where it trades at less than 25% of Youku’s valuation but still holds the number 2 position. But already their investment has lost US$550 million in value after Tudou shares dropped 7.54% and closed last Friday, US time at US$19.24.

Sina CEO, Charles Chao has announced that video will become a part of Sina’s “total media platform,” and become an important part of the overall revenue model. In the second quarter, Sina video advertising revenue grew 110% year on year.


おそらく、新浪は騰訊が主要な動画サイト優酷に目をつけているという噂への対応にプレッシャーを感じたのだろう。ビデオ広告企業Share MediaのCEOである Jiang Lan氏は、新浪が土豆に投資すると決めた理由は時価総額が低いからだと考えている。土豆の株式は優酷の4分の1以下で取引されているが、業界第2位の地位を誇っている。しかし、金曜日(米国時間)に土豆の株式が7.54%下落し終値19.24ドルで終了したために、価値にして5億5000万米ドルを失った。
新浪のCEOであるCharles Chao氏は、動画サイトは新浪の「総合メディアプラットフォーム」の一部となり、総収益モデルの重要な要素となると発表した。新浪の 第2四半期の動画広告収益は前年対比で110%伸びている。

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Internet only accounted for 13.3 percent of its ad spending last year, barely surpassing newspaper ad spending at 11 percent. Japanese newspaper circulation has been huge in past years, and is likely still doing pretty good.

eMarketer projects that at their current pace, Japan and China will both be spending about $9.5 billion in three year’s time. While I’m not aware of all the factors that went into this projection, China still has much more room to develop online than Japan, so the prediction seems logical at least. New data from iResearch today shows that video ad revenue alone took a huge jump recently, at 1.48 billion yuan (about $231 million) for Q2 2011, up from a billion in Q1.




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India Facebook Users Growing Fast, May Overtake Indonesia

We often hear this, but it’s true: “Indonesia is the second largest Facebook nation in the world.” Cool to know, but it might not be true much longer. India, the second most populous nation in the world, is loving Facebook and the number of users there is spreading like wildfire.

According to SocialBakers, India now has 32.6 million Facebook users, which puts it in third place worldwide, about 7 million short of Indonesia. The charts below show the user growth rate of each country and clearly, India is experiencing a surge while Indonesia’s growth is pretty much stagnant.





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Well, it’s a numbers game, isn’t it? India has a population of 1.15 billion (60+ million internet users) while Indonesia has 230 million (20+ million internet users). So it is only normal that India will soon overtake Indonesia. I spoke to Pretham Venkky, Business Head at KRDS India, a Facebook marketing firm that works closely with Facebook India, to discuss Facebook’s rise in India. He credited Facebook India for making the social network service free on mobile phones with no data charges which he strongly believes is the key behind the country’s strong growth.


これは数の勝負だ。インドの総人口は11億5000万人(インターネットユーザー数:6000万超)で、インドネシアの総人口は2億3000万人(インターネットユーザー数:2000万超)。だから、インドが直にインドネシアを超えるだろうと見るのもごく自然なことである。そこで、フェイスブック・インドと提携して同社のマーケティングを行なっている企業であるKRDSインドの営業責任者Pretham Venkky氏に、インドでのフェイスブックの台頭について話を聞いた。Venkky氏は、フェイスブックが携帯電話向けのソーシャルネットワークサービスをデータ料金を徴収することなく無料で提供していることを評価し、そのことがインドにおけるフェイスブックの大きな成長の鍵を握っていると強く信じている。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Venkky said that India gained 2.2 million additional Facebook users last month, and in contrast, Indonesia has only gained 32,000. This is just the beginning for the social network platform in India though. Its penetration rate is only at 2.78 percent and there is lots of room for growth. This growth comes will bring new opportunities and perhaps we will see many start-ups riding on the Facebook wave very soon.

Of course, the rise in Facebook’s popularity has attracted the attention of brands in India. Venkky told me that KRDS’s business in India has been very good so far. “We get plenty of requests for Facebook brand campaigns,” he said.


