zhizi 翻訳実績

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"The food was everything and more. Gregory Marchand definitely took my palate to places it has never been to before. I can't say that I loved everything I ate, but the taste was very different from anything I have tried before. The word that describe the food the best is ”multi-layered.” In between the beginning of the bite, to the time I swallowed the food, I experienced 4-5 flavors that beautifully complimented themselves.

My girlfriend and I were very lucky to eat here on our first day in France. Unfortunately, the bar was set very high for the rest of the trip, and no other restaurant on our two week journey managed to beat it (although few came close)."


「料理は最高でした。グレゴリー・マーチャンド(Gregory Marchand)では、今まで経験した事のない味覚を提供してくれたことは間違いありません。食べたものすべてがすごく気に入ったわけではありませんが、これまでに食べた料理とはまったく違う味わいでした。料理を表現する一番よい言葉は、「(味わい)の層」でしょう。料理を口に入れた時から飲み込むまでに、食材が上品に融合し、4〜5種類の味を感じました。」


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

On The Eve Of One Facebook Event, The Spartans Prepare For Another

You’ll recall that Project Spartan is the HTML5-driven mobile application platform that Facebook has been quietly building for months with the help of a group of third-party app developers. While some of those very developers believe Facebook’s intentions here is to break up the control Apple (and Google) have over the mobile app space, Facebook started freaking out when we reported that. The spin began almost immediately. And it has continued, even with the group of third-party developers working on the project — they’re affectionately known as “Spartans”.


“One Facebook Event(ワン・フェイスブック・イベント)”の前夜、スパルタンは他のプロジェクトを準備


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

We previously reported that after our initial story, Facebook began reaching out to the Spartans, reminding them that the information of the project was confidential (while telling the press this stuff was really “nothing new”). Since then, Facebook has stepped up their game as well. We now hear that there’s been a lot of stern talks with the Spartans, telling them that the project is not about going after Apple. But it’s not really working. “I look at these apps and how content rich they are and how they have nothing to do with Apple and everything to do with Facebook and assume that they think we are retarded,” is how one put it.



zhizi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

On The Eve Of One Facebook Event, The Spartans Prepare For Another

Tomorrow morning at their headquarters in Palo Alto, Facebook is holding an event to show off an “awesome” new product. Our sources tell us that product with be the long-rumored Skype integration within Facebook for full-on video chat goodness — just a week after arch nemesis Google unveiled Hangouts as a part of Google+. Given that news has already leaked out, it’s certainly possible that Facebook could surprise with talk of their iPad app or new Photos experience as well. But one thing not on the agenda is Project Spartan.


“One Facebook Event(ワン・フェイスブック・イベント)”の前夜、スパルタンは他のプロジェクトを準備

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Following $53 million Newtoy acquisition, Zynga's mobile DAUs have risen 10-fold

Continuing the flow of material from Zynga following the release of its pre-IPO S-1 form, the company has highlighted some of the issues surrounding its future mobile strategy.

"We believe there is a large opportunity to extend our brand and games to mobile platforms such as Apple iOS and Google Android," the company states in the Our Strategy section.
"We will continue to make our games accessible on a large number of mobile and other Internet-connected devices and invest in developing and acquiring mobile development talent, technologies and content."



