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Zynga Files S-1, Plans to Go Public and Raise $1 Billion, Overcoming Credits Costs

Zynga, the leading social gaming company on Facebook, has filed to go public today, submitting its S-1 document detailing its business to date and its prospective valuation. The long-speculated numbers are finally in. The company made $597 million in revenues over 2010, with $235 million in revenues for the first quarter of 2011. It expects to raise up to $1 billion in the offering, giving it lots of ammunition for expanding across mobile and social. Although the company also appears to be sitting on nearly $1 billion in cash.



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“In July 2010, we began migrating to Facebook Credits as the primary payment method for our games played through Facebook, and by April 2011, we had completed this migration. Facebook remits to us an amount equal to 70% of the face value of Facebook Credits purchased by our players for use in our games. We record bookings and recognize revenue net of the amounts retained by Facebook.”

Facebook has continued to say that its goal around Credits is to make it more profitable than any alternatives for all involved. Investors will now be keen to figure out exactly how effective it might become.



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Overall usage is what we’ve regularly covered in our AppData tracking service. It has 148 million monthly unique users, which clarifies the otherwise nondeduplicated total monthly active user count that we track by adding together the traffic for each app on Facebook. The number also includes mobile users. It has 60 million daily active users on Facebook, according to AppData, which it cites.

Bankers on the deal include Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Barclays Capital, J.P. Morgan and Allen & Co.

Here’s the link to the filing. More to come.


全体的な利用については、当社のアプデータ(AppData)追跡サービスで定期的にお伝えしている。月間1億4800万人のユーザーがサイトを訪問しており、他ではまねをすることのできない月間アクティブユーザー総数を明らかにしている。 その総数は当社がフェイスブックの各アプリのトラフィック量と合わせて追跡している。この数字にはモバイルユーザーも含まれている。アプデータの引用によれば、フェイスブックでは、1日あたり6000万人のアクティブユーザーがいる。

この新規株式公開には、モーガン・スタンレー、ゴールドマン・サックス、バンク・オブ・アメリカ、メリルリンチ、バークレイズ・キャピタル、J.Pモーガン、アレン& Co. らが幹事を務める。


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He was clearly destined for great things - to become his country's foreign minister, at least, if not its federal chancellor. Yet in 1906 he abruptly resigned rather than preside over a dinner given by the diplomatic corps for Edward VII. The king was a notorious womanizer and made it clear what kind of dinner he wanted. The ambas-sador is reported to have said, "I refuse to see a pimp in the mirror in the morning when I shave." That is the mirror test.Ethics requires that you ask yourself. What kind of person do I want to see in the mirror in the morning? What is ethical behaviour in one kind of organization or situation is ethical behaviour in another.



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If confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Woodall will fill a final spot on the Financial Stability Oversight Council, a body created by Congress as part of the Dodd-Frank financial law. The 15-member FSOC, chaired by the Treasury Department, is supposed to help prevent another financial crisis by identifying risks to the financial markets.

Lawmakers and the insurance industry have criticized the FSOC for lacking adequate insurance expertise as it makes decisions that could affect the industry. The FSOC is in the process of determining which nonbank financial firms pose a "systemic" risk to financial markets and should be subject to heightened regulatory and capital requirements.




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The FSOC has two nonvoting members with insurance expertise: John Huff, the Missouri insurance director, and Mike McRaith, who heads a newly created Federal Insurance Office. Mr. Woodall will be the 10th voting member of the council, along with the heads of the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve and other regulatory agencies.

The intent to nominate Mr. Woodall comes as the FSOC finalizes additional guidance it plans to give in late July on the criteria that will be used to determine which financial firms are so large and interconnected that their failure poses risk to the financial system. The FSOC is not expected to actually designate any firms as "systemic" until the first quarter of 2012 at the earliest.


FSOCには議決権のない保険専門家が2人いる。1人はミズーリ保険取締役のジョン・ハフ氏で、もう1人は新しく設立された連邦保険局局長のマイク・マックレイス (Mike McRaith) 氏である。ウッダル氏は、財務省長官、連邦準備銀行頭取やその他の監督機関の責任者らと共に、同カウンシルの10番目の議決権付きメンバーになる予定である。
ウッダル氏が任命される意図は、どの金融機関が巨大で相互連結し、その機関が倒産すれば金融制度にリスクを与えるかどうかを決めるために用いられる基準への追加手引書をFSOCが7月下旬に提出する予定で、その追加手引書の最終承認のためとされている。早く見積もったとしても、2012年の第1四半期までは、実際に FSOCが「連鎖的」なリスクを与えうる企業を指定することは ないと見られている。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Through this program, PapayaMobile is looking to grow its network and round up more developers for its monetization SDK, which lets developers sell in-game content and virtual goods. The company says the SDK handles local billing methods in the Chinese market, where few consumers may have credit card accounts.
PapayaMobile, which recently raised $18 million from Keytone Ventures and DCM, is a mobile-social gaming network that allows developers to layer their games with social networking features like profiles and competitive leaderboards. Unlike rivals like GREE-owned OpenFeint and Scoreloop, which was recently acquired by RIM, PapayaMobile is purely focused on Android.


この取組みを通じて、パパイヤモバイルはネットワークを広げ、デベロッパーがゲーム内の内容やバーチャルグッズを販売することができる同社の通貨ソフトSDKにより多くのデベロッパーを集めようとしている。同社は、クレジットカードを持つ人があまりいないかもしれない中国市場では、SDKの現地請求方式を取っているという。パパイヤモバイルは、最近、凱旋創投( Keytone Ventures )およびDCMから1800万ドルの資金を調達したモバイル・ソーシャル・ゲーム・ネットワークで、デベロッパーは独自のゲームソフトをプロファイルや競争用のスコアボードなどのソーシャルネットワークにある機能と重ねあわせることができる。GREEが所有しているOpenFeintや最近RIM(Research in Motion社)に買収されたScoreloopのようなライバル社とは違い、パパイヤモバイルは純粋にアンドロイドだけに的を絞っている。

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China’s Sina Finds Partner to Verify Japan Weibo Accounts

Chinese company Sina announced yesterday that it would be partnering with Find Japan to help push its Weibo microblog among Japanese users. The deal will see Find Japan act as Sina’s ‘verfication service provider’ for Japan-based companies, celebrities, and well-known individuals hoping to reach an audience in China. The service is set to start on July 1.

Sina Weibo’s verified accounts are essentially the same as Twitter’s, displaying a ‘verified’ badge to make it easy for the public to recognize an account as legitimate rather than an impostor.


中国企業の新浪は、昨日、日本のユーザーに中国の微博マイクロブログを押し広めるためにFind Japan社と提携することを発表した。計画内容は、中国市場に参入したい日本に拠点を置く企業、著名人、その他個人的に有名な人のために新浪のアカウント認証サービスプロバイダーとしてFind Japan社を機能させるというものだ。このサービスは7月1日に稼働する予定である。
