CHAPTER 24-2Hold that impulse, and let the other person speak. Perhaps the other person becomes quiet for a few moments; let the silence work. Maybe what the other person wants to say is all jumbled up inside, and it takes some time to come out. Perhaps the person is feeling very emotional about the subject. Don't rush the person. Ask questions Once employees have said what is on their minds, ask some questions that will help you understand better. Learn to identify a hidden meaning in what they are saying or how they are saying it.
CHAPTER 24-1For a manager, it is essential to speak with truth, integrity, and honesty. And it is no less essential to learn how to listen effectively. Communication can break down in two major areas. The first is being articulate enough to say exactly what you mean or to clearly explain how you feel. The second is taking the verbal communication that comes from another person and deciphering it correctly. With two problem areas and two people involved, that means four areas are vulnerable to breakdown.Listen The first step. in understanding what your employees mean is simply listening. Far too often, managers (and people in general) want to quickly respond to something that was said.
23-3But it is also a perfect situation for you to give the name of the company and the contact there, along with several other companies to contact, to this employee to research. Help him understand what kinds of answers you need. Meet regularly with the employee doing the research to review his progress in finding a better method to handle the mail.The bottom line is this: by helping an employee does this work instead of getting on the phone yourself and making a deal, you're creating a victory opportunity for this employee. He will have the chance to contact people outside the company, learn how to do research, ask questions, and make a recommendation to you about what company can save you the most money
CHAPTER 23-2To help your team get that infectious love of winning, create situations where each employee can win consistently. We are not talking about a million-dollar sale or an idea for a new product that will earn your company millions of dollars. We are talking about finding a way that each employee can contribute to the bottom line.A winning example Perhaps you have an employee in your mail room who just puts in his time. Your postage costs are rising quickly and exerting a lot of pressure on your budget. You happen to know of a bulk mailing service that will allow your company to save more than 15 percent on postage costs. Should you call this company and make a deal? Perhaps.
CHAPTER 23-1In many companies, the management staff looks for the person who is able, on occasion, to deliver the big deal or have an amazingly innovative idea. These people are valuable. Don't misunderstand. But the law of averages dictates that most employees who work for you will not be this kind of worker.All winners The majority of workers you will manage will be people who come to work, want to do a good job, and then want to go home. If you are to motivate these people beyond this concept of a Job, you must help them feel and understand how exciting It can be to be a part of a cutting edge, winning team. And there is only one way that anyone can know what it feels like to be a part of a winning team
CHAPTER 22-3Letting those employees know how well they are doing is the other half, especially when some employees try to take credit for things that they didn't really do. You know these employees. Some employees always seem to be around excellent work and take credit for everything that was done. If they contributed, give them credit for their part. But if they just happened to be around or pushed their way in for credit, be sure to give the credit to people who really did the work or made the contribution.Address teams When you have people working in teams or groups, recognize the entire group as well as individuals.
CHAPTER 22-2Report to executives When you hate the chance to report to executives on the area you are managing, point out persons who did or are doing an excellent job, came up with a great idea, or made the big sale. Their success will only reflect 60 what a great job you must be doing as a manager.Your success depends entirely on the job done by your employees. It is to your advantage to give credit to those who have done the work.Tell employees Another aspect of this principle is that you must let employees know when they have done excellent jobs. Telling your superiors where credit is due is just half of your Job.
CHAPTER 22-1Nothing is more demoralizing to an employee than to work hard and accomplish something and not get the credit or to have the credit go to another person. This is especially important to remember as you manage groups of people. What happens when you report employees' ideas and subsequent successes, but you take the credit, or you dilute the praise by giving credit always to the-whole group? You rob employees of a chance to make their mark you rob them of recognition that they have earned, and you rob them of any incentive for doing remarkable things.
CHAPTER 21-3That doesn't mean employees will have jobs that allow them to do only what they like to do. Each employee will still need to be challenged to grow, to stretch, and to improve. But if they know that they are being set up to win, they will be much more willing to work at things that they don't do well. As with any idea to motivate employees, you need to be clear with them why you are doing the things you do, to encourage them to achieve, and to let them know that you believe in them. It is your job to create an environment where people can be successful. So the challenge of creating jobs around the strengths of your employees is not just a nice thing to do
CHAPTER 21-2It takes work to get things organized in a way that employees can spend the majority of time focusing on tasks that they can do well. If they believe that they are encouraged to grow but have the chance to work in areas of strength, they will work harder at shoring up areas where they fall short, and they will continue to produce excellent working general for you.A chance to succeed Another thing happens when you give employees jobs that allow them to exercise their gifts regularly: they get excited about doing their jobs. They know that they will be able to accomplish lots of things, and so they are excited about coming to work and succeeding.
CHAPTER 21-1You want to work with employees to get them to ~ strengthen their weaknesses. But don't make the fatal mistake of focusing on their weaknesses. Find ways to reorganize the jobs so that each employee is doing work in an area of strength. But don't take away any challenges for the employee to grow. A chance to blossom Let's face facts. No one wants to be in a position of doing something hated and constantly facing failure or the chance for reprimand for a substandard job. If you give employees the chance to do what they like and to use their gifts, they will begin to blossom. They will he motivated to pay you back by making you look good.
Thank you for such a wonderful video letter.I was amazed. You are very handsome.If I transfer money from my bank account to a bank account in abroad, the charge itself is $75 and it will be over my budget. I am sorry I am not able to purchase this time around as the monthly cost has already been set aside. However, I will purchase about 10 pieces in a bulk next month. Once again, thank you for the wonderful video letter.
Dear Ms. Russ, Thank you for your reply.If I purchase the item at 85 dollars, there will be no profit on my end, so I shall wait for the next opportunity.Sorry to have troubled you with my requests.I will seek your cooperation in the future again, and I am looking forward to it.
検討しております。画像を見るとRobo Pong 2040となっておりますが、出品しているのはRobo Pong 2050でよろしいのでしょうか?よろしくお願い致します。
I am currently considering. In the image, it is shown as Robo Pong 2040, but is the one you have listed for sale Robo Pong 2050? Please reply to me about this matter. Thank you.
Thank you for your reply. I have added these items to the quote and taken the 6% discount and it exceeds the $1000 minimum so we can proceed forward. 52-795 will be the only item on backorder and I will notify you when it arrives. For the credit card I will need the 16 digit card number, expiration date, 3 digit security code from the back of the card, and who’s name appears on the card.For the shipping address I would like to confirm that with you. I am having a hard time with the fax copy and I want to make sure it is right. Please type the address in your reply.Thank you for coming aboard and I am looking forward to working with you and developing a long lasting business relationship.
Do you want the account set up with bill to and ship to for the US.I received your dealer application and everything looks good. I printed a few photographs of your facility from your website. Your application has been pre-approved pending your initial order.Please advise me on proceeding with the order. If you need any assistance for the other items to order please let me know.
先日注文したアイテムがまだ届いてないのですが、配送業者とトラッキングNoを教えてもらえますか?あとクリアカバー類について質問なんですが、これらのNew Blackのアイテムは新品の純正のカバーを加工したものですか?それとも新しく製作しているものですが?新たに〜を一つ注文お願いします
The items I ordered the other day are not here yet. Could you tell me the shipping company and the tracking number? Also, I have a question about the clear covers. Are these New Black items made by processing the new original covers?Or are they newly made?I would like to place a new order of a piece of ~.
こんにちは商品は受け取りました、ありがとうまた追加オーダーしたいんですが少し問題があります〝LOWETTE w27〟のジッパーが壊れていましたまた、前回の商品でも〝ZATINY 008XR w30〟 のベルトループが付いて無かったZATINY は私も気づかなくて、出荷してクレームになりましたそちらでの出荷の際に何らかのトラブルがあったと思いますがこの件に対処して頂けますか?(次回の発送時に他の商品でもよいので追加してもらえますか)
Hello there.I received the item. Thank you.I would like to place an additional order.I have a small problem here.A zipper of "LOWETTE w27" was broken.Also, a belt hoop of "ZATINY 008XR w30" was missing.As for ZATINY, I did not even realize until I delivered to a customer, and the customer sent me a complaint. I guess there had been some kind of trouble when shipping out the items at your place. Kindly attend to these issues. (Will you be able to include some items when you deliver my next order to me?)
I would like to continue having a long-term business and a pleasant relationship with you.As such, I do not fake stuff or lie to you.I tell you honestly when it comes to our deals.I hope to have a favorable reply from you.I will place the next order soon.Thank you for your kind attention.
CHAPTER 20-3By the end of the season, a player can nearly cover his helmet with these awards. So the player is recognized in front of teammates and gains recognition for his contributions to the success of the team by displaying his awards throughout the year to the fans. Knowing that recognition is important, a boss must use this principle to motivate employees. Positive reinforcement and recognition should become regular and exciting for employees. The question is how to do it. There are many ways to offer recognition; it just takes a little imagination. It also takes discipline. Recognition is not something that can be done sporadically and achieve the desired result.