Hi, the clip should be very tight against the cap but will wiggle side to side some if you try to wiggle it. It because it's hinged right at the top. Yes, the case is correct. Sometimes Delta does things that I think are stupid like the fact the pens don't clip into the case right. I'm sure it's because this is a standard case for them and they just change the label under the top platic for different pens. The Imperiale ended up not fitting well but they didn't want to design a whole new case. I have told them about the issue so at least they know that customers don't like it. Let me know if that clip is problem.
Hello. I purchased the item from you before.Thank you for such a wonderful piece. I would like to purchase it again.I would like items with tags, just like before. I am pleased to have a business relationship with you.
I received an item. However, the item is not the same model as it was described and seen in your description and photos.I would like a refund.It is indicated as paintbreak, but in fact, it is a low grade model with paint between its face and neck. I ordered 2 pieces, but both are of different models. Also, the head was not packed with careful taping, so the head is covered with something like soot. A new item has been ruined badly.I would like a refund for sure, but please also pay for the fees incurred for return shipment. If you do not accept my request, I will have to leave an extremely bad feedback on you. I am looking forward to receiving your reply.
毒きのこ狩り業務開始業務終了!!また明日!!もっと採集記録今日の作業は完了したょ。おつかれさま~。明日の作業に備えて休息をとってね v(^_^でも!もしもう少しキャリアアップをしたい場合は。。。「作業報告」からTwitterまたはFacebookで皆に報告してもらえると、もう1回作業ができるょ!でも、「作業報告」は一日に3回までだよ。採集地選択 作業進捗状況初級採集地中級採集地上級採集地むらさきしめじ臨時作業員
Poisonous Toadstool CollectingStart workingWork done! See you tomorrow!MoreCollecting RecordOur work for today is done. Well done. Please rest well for more work tomorrow v(^_^But! If you want to increase your career more...You can work once more if you report to everyone via Twitter or Facebook from "Work Report"!But "Work Report" can be accessed only three times a day.Select Collecting LandWork Progress Novice Collecting Land Intermediate Collecting Land Advance Collecting LandWood Blewit Temporary Worker
作業を休んだため、ポイントが減ります。今すぐ作業を再開しましょう。業務連絡本日の作業を休むと、降格されてしまいます!本日の作業が可能になりました!採集数 : 今回は獲得ポイントは累計ポイントに加算されます。 次の階級まで作業報告新人アルバイトアルバイトベテランアルバイトアルバイトリーダー一般社員係長課長部長常務専務社長会長新人ベテラン凄腕超凄腕伝説ゲームを終了してタイトル画面に戻りますか?※スコアは保存されず破棄されます。
Your point decreases as you have skipped your work.Resume work now.NotificationYou will be degraded if you skip today's work!Today's work has been enabled!Collected Toadstools : This timeThe collected points will be added to total points.Until next gradeWork ReportNew Part-Time WorkerPart-Time WorkerAdvanced Part-Time WorkerPart-Time Worker LeaderNormal EmployeeChief ClerkManagerGeneral ManagerManaging DirectorSenior Managing DirectorPresidentChairmanNewcomerVeteranMasterySuper MasteryLegendDo you want to end the game and go back to the title page? * Your score will not be saved.
ゲーム内のお知らせを、デスクトップで通知しますか?設定の変更はメニューボタンを押して「設定」の項目でいつでも変更できます。 まだ見ぬ未確認キノコ。どうしても見つからなければ、がんばって昇進してみよう。まだ名前が分からない正体不明キノコ。100個くらい採集すれば、正体が分かるかもしれない。茶褐色からレンガ色の傘を持つ、美味しいキノコ。しかし近年、有毒であることが指摘されているため、食べ過ぎには要注意。猛毒のニガクリタケと似ている。日本特有の毒キノコ。
Do you want to notify you about notifications related to the game on your Desktop?To change the setting, press menu button and go to "Setting".Mushrooms which you have yet to see.If you cannot find it, try your best to increase your grade.An unknown mushroom whose name you have not found.You may find it out by collecting about 100 of them.A dark brick brown colored tasty mushroom.But lately, this has been known as poisonous, so do not overeat it.It is something like poisonous sulphur tuft.It is a poisonous mushroom typical of Japan.
It is a dangerous mushroom which will give you a feeling of burning sore and burning pain 5 days after eating it. You should never eat it though they say you will not die from eating it.It is called egg mushroom because of its egg-like look.This appears to be garish, but it is edible.It is a complete myth that "garish mushrooms are poisonous".This has become a synonym of poisonous toadstools - King of Poisonous Toadstool.Its toxicity is not as high, but you must not eat it.The myth of "garish mushrooms are poisonous" must have come from this toadstool.
This somehow looks like a poisonous toadstool, but it is edible.But it is said to have a particularly strong taste, so it is loved by some and hated by others. A poisonous toadstool that gives hallucination.When eaten, you will no longer think properly and start laughing all of a sudden as the name indicates. This is drawn in manga comic often, but you must not eat it.A lethal doze is merely 3 grams. It is believed that you will have an inflammation just by touching it.A very devilish poisonous toadstool with a shape of burning fire.It is a short-lived mushroom which melts away in black just within a night.Beware as you may be poisoned if this is eaten with alcohol.
This appears to be tender in sakura color, but it comes with poison too.There has been a story that this was eaten before, but do not eat it with stories like that by halves. The name came from the fact that it looks like Amanita Caesarea.It is in yellow and has a lethal doze of strong poison. There are many others whose names are similar, such as Amanita Phalloides and Amanita Longistriata, but they are all poisonous. This appears to be poisonous with its garish colors.You must not eat it, but it does not come with an edible taste anyway.This is a poisonous toadstool which looks like a horn.
Poisonous. It will trigger a severe stomach ache and diarrhea. Beware as there is an edible mushroom called Tremella Foliacea which looks the same.It is to all appearances a brain.This mushroom has a lethal dose of poison, but it is sold in Finland as an edible mushroom. This cannot be eaten if you do not have skills to cook it properly, just like a globefish.Some may be poisoned, but others can eat it. There are many mushrooms with poisons like this, so you must not eat them without professional knowledge about them.
Time left : 〇〇 hours 〇〇 minutesStart working!! 〇〇 more(名前)〇〇 has collected (個数)〇〇 pieces of (キノコ名)〇〇.(名前)〇〇 is the (役職)〇〇 of (会社名)〇〇. (名前)〇〇 has been promoted to (役職)〇〇.(名前)〇〇 has done the work on the grade of(レベル)〇〇.When using this application, please sign in from Twitter or Facebook.
PAGE xi-2Fast forward seven years and for Gates life is a lot less uncertain. Announcing his intention in 2006 to step down from his full-time position at Microsoft, over the following two years Gates implemented his transition plan from chief software architect to part-time employee, leaving in June 2008. The transition appeared flawless, with Gates putting in place a team of Microsoft stalwarts to cover the various elements of the multifaceted role that used to reside with one person. Gates even managed to compile a humorous, star-studded spoof video of what his last day at the office might look like. In his last few keynote speeches as a full-time employee and his farewell speech on his last day at work,
ページ xi-27年早送りしてみると、ゲイツの生活は非常に確信できるものへと変化していた。2006年に彼がマイクロソフトでのフルタイムの職から退出するとの意思を表明した後2年に渡り、ゲイツはソフトウェア構築家のチーフからパートタイムの従業員へと退陣するプランを実施し、そして2008年6月に引退した。この移行は実に見事なほど隙なく行われたように思われた。かつて1名に属していた多面的な業務をカバーするよう、ゲイツはマイクロソフトの硬派チームを後釜に控えておいた。ゲイツは、面白おかしくスターが大勢出演するパロディー動画を作成したりもした。この動画には、オフィスでの彼の最終日がどのようなものになるのかが描かれていた。彼のフルタイムの従業員としては最後となったいくつかの基本方針演説と最終日の別れの演説で、彼は
PAGE ix-1Perhaps the biggest issue at the time for Gates was the protracted antitrust battle fought in the US. Much of his time and energy was channeled into fighting the antitrust suit brought against Microsoft, which alleged that the company used a dominant market position to restrict competition. A central allegation related to Microsoft's 'bundling' of its web browser Internet Explorer with its Windows operating system. Manufacturers were therefore obliged to pre-install the Microsoft browser on their machines. There were also accusations relating to Windows' compatibility with competing products like Netscape's Navigator web browser.
ページ ix-1ゲイツ在籍期における最大の問題はおそらく、米国にて長期戦となった独占禁止法に係る闘争であったと見られる。彼の多くの時間とエネルギーは、マイクロソフトに対し起こされた訴訟における戦いに向けられることになった。これは、当企業が独占的な市場での立場を乱用し競争制限を行ったとした申し立てであった。申し立ての中核となったのは、マイクロソフトのウィンドウズ・オプレーティングシステム上のウェブブラウザであるインターネットエクスプローラーの「バンドリング」に関するものであった。製造者は、彼らの機器上には必ずマイクロソフトのブラウザーをプレインストールすることを義務付けられていた。またその他にも、ウィンドウズのライバル商品、例えばネットスケープのナビゲーターウェブブラウザーなど、との互換性に関しても非難が向けられていた。
PAGE vii-1ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI'd like to think this is a fair analysis of why Bill Gates has been so successful over so many years. In the end, though, whether you see him as the Antichrist of the IT revolution or its Messiah or, to a new generation, Bill Gates the philanthropist, battling against global hunger and disease, it is impossible to escape the conclusion that he is a remarkable individual.For three decades he dominated the computer industry. More than just a computer whiz-kid, Gates also provided a model for business leadership in the 21st century. For this, he deserves acknowledgement. Now he is setting out to create a new chapter in his life,
ページ vii-1謝意私はこれが、なぜこのように長い年数に渡りビル・ゲイツがこんなにも成功してきた人物なのかを分析する上で公正なものであると思いたい。しかし最終的に皆が彼のことを、IT革命における反キリスト派もしくは救世主メシアと見做すにしても、もしくは新たな世代にとってのビル・ゲイツが世界中の飢えや病気と戦う慈善家であったとしても、彼が素晴らしいいち人物だという結論を避けることは不可能なのである。過去30年間に渡り、彼はコンピューター界を牛耳ってきた。単なるコンピューター界の青年実業家ではなく、ゲイツはまた21世紀におけるビジネスリーダーシップの模範を示したのだ。このことから、彼は謝意を受けるにふさわしいと言えるだろう。今彼は、彼の人生における最新章を作り上げるべくその一歩を踏み出した。
PAGE 164-4For all the hype and all the accusations, one thing about Gates shines through: he became the greatest of all the computer entrepreneurs because he had both the technical smarts to understand what's just around the corner, and the commercial smarts to sell it to the rest of us. This combination of talents makes Bill Gates one of a very rare breed of entrepreneurs.
ページ 164-4全ての噂や非難にもかかわらず、ゲイツについて1つはっきりしていることがある。間もなく起こり得る事柄を理解することができる技術的能力と、他の者皆に販売するという商業的能力の両方を持ち備えていることで、彼がコンピューター実業家の中で最も偉大な人物になったと言うことだ。この才能の組み合わせでビル・ゲイツは、稀に見る種類の実業家と成り上がったのだ。
PAGE 161-210 Never, ever, take your eye off the ball Gates was at the top of his profession for more than three decades. In that time he has become the richest man in the world. Yet, despite his enormous wealth and achievements, Gates continued to work very long hours at Microsoft. And finally ... know when it's time to move on. Great CEOs know when it is time to move on to new challenges. The way Gates managed his exit from Microsoft should be a lesson to all leaders. Gates transitioned out of his full time role at Microsoft gradually and graciously: shifting seamlessly to the fresh philanthropic challenge of helping to run the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
ページ 161-210.ボールから絶対に一度たりとも目を離してはならないゲイツは30年以上に渡り、彼の職業の極みにいた。その間に、彼は世界で一番金持ちな人物となった。膨大な富と偉業を得てなお、ゲイツはマイクロソフトで長時間に渡り働き続けたのだ。そして最後に・・・前進すべき時を知れ。偉大な最高経営責任者は、新たなチャレンジに向けて前進すべき時を知っている。ゲイツがどのようにしてマイクロソフトを去ったのかということは、多くのリーダーたちにとって学ぶべきことであろう。ゲイツは、マイクロソフトでのフルタイムの業務からの退出へ向けて徐々にそして優雅に切り替えていった。彼にとっては全く新鮮な慈善事業となったBill & Melinda Gates Foundation(ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団)の運営を手助けするという仕事へと隙を見せることなく移行していったのだ。
PAGE 161-19 Build a byte-sized business Relative to its stock market valuation, Microsoft remains a comparatively small company. Internally, too, the company has constantly split into smaller units to maintain an entrepreneurial environment. At times, change was so rapid that Microsoft seemed to be creating new divisions on an almost weekly basis. Gates also relied on maintaining a simple structure to enable him to keep his grip on the company.
ページ 161-19.適切なサイズの事業を築き上げろ株式市場の評価額に順応し、マイクロソフトは比較的小規模な企業としてその形態を保っている。内部的にも、当企業は継続してより小規模なユニットへと分散し、実業家レベルの環境を維持している。時に、変動があまりに著しいがため、マイクロソフトでは毎週のように新たな部署を作り上げているかのようにも見えていた。ゲイツはまた、企業の全貌を把握しておけるよう、シンプルな企業構造を維持するようにしていた。
PAGE 160-27 Assume the visionary position Bill Gates was one of the first of a new type of business leader. Over the years, he repeatedly demonstrated that he was the closest thing the computer industry had to a seer. His in-depth understanding of technology and unique way of synthesizing data gave him a special ability to spot future trends and steer Microsoft's strategy. This also inspired awe among Microsoft fans and intimidated competitors. 8 Cover all the bases A key element of Microsoft's success is its ability to manage a large number of projects simultaneously. Gates himself is the original multitasking man, and is said to be able to hold several different technical conversations simultaneously.
ページ 160-27.実現を目論む立ち位置を推測せよビル・ゲイツは新たな種類のビジネスリーダーの最初の一人であった。何年もの間に渡り、彼がコンピューター産業における先見者に最も近い者であったと言うことを、彼は繰り返し証明してきた。彼のテクノロジーに対する深い理解度と彼独自のデータ統合方法は、彼に将来的なトレンドとマイクロソフトの戦略の舵取りを見据える能力を与えた。これは、マイクロソフトのファンと威圧された競争者たちの間に畏怖の念を呼び起こさせた。8.全ての基盤を制せよマイクロソフトの繁栄における主要素は、当企業が多数のプロジェクトを一斉に管理する能力によるところであろう。ゲイツ自身も元来マルチタスクに長けている人間で、彼はいくつもの異なる技術的な会話を同時に行うことができると言う。
PAGE 160-15 Learn to survive In Microsoft, Bill Gates created a voracious learning machine. It was, he believed, the sign of a 'smart organization', and the only way to avoid making the same mistake twice. His competitors were not so careful. By capitalizing on the mistakes of others, Microsoft prospered. 6 Don't expect any thanks If there is one lesson that Bill Gates learnt the hard way it is that fame and infamy are never far apart. You can't expect to become the richest man in the world without making some enemies - and in the computer industry, Gates had more than his share.
ページ 160-15.生き延びるために学べビル・ゲイツは、マイクロソフトで貧欲な学習機器を作り上げた。それについて彼は、「賢明な企業」の兆しだとし、そして同様の過ちを二度と犯さないためのただ1つの方法であった、と考えていた。彼の競争者たちは、それほどまでに慎重ではなかった。他人の過ちを利用することで、マイクロソフトは繁栄したのだ。6.感謝の言葉を期待するなビル・ゲイツが身をもって学んだことを1つ挙げるとすれば、名声と悪名は必ずしもかけ離れているという訳ではないということだ。敵を作らずして世界一裕福な者に成り上がることは出来ないと考えて良い。そしてコンピューター産業界で、ゲイツはより一層の敵を得た。
PAGE 159-33 Take no prisoners Gates was a fierce competitor. In everything he does, he has been driven to win. This made him an extremely tough adversary. He made no bones about this and talked openly about crushing the competition. 4 Hire very smart people Gates has consistently sought out and hired the smartest individuals both at Microsoft, and at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This deliberate strategy has ensured that Microsoft attracts the highest calibre staff in its industry. Some people accused Gates of being elitist, but he was one of the first entrepreneurs to truly understand what intellectual capital is all about.
ページ 159-33.脇目もふらず徹底的にゲイツは激甚な競争者であった。彼は彼が成すこと全てにおいて勝つために駆り立てられていた。これは彼を非常に強靭な敵へと作り上げた。彼はそんなことはものともせず、競争者たちを圧倒することを公言していた。4.賢明な人々を雇えゲイツは首尾一貫して、マイクロソフトとBill & Melinda Gates Foundation(ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団)の両所で、賢明な人材を探し出し、そして雇用してきた。この計画的戦略は、市場内で最も優秀な人材をマイクロソフトが誘引することを確実にした。幾人かはゲイツをエリート主義者と非難したが、彼は知的財産というものが何かを真に初めて理解した実業家の一人であった。