When a brand company without a Japanse sole agent begins to sell items in the Japanse market, it is often the case that he ends up with damaging its brand image. The reason being that many Japanese vendors who import the items parallelly begin selling them at a bargain price. Consequently, retail prices will be destructed and the brand craze will be gone.Moreover, as poor-quality counterfeits from China or Korea instantly come to the market, the situation often will get out of control.Considering all things, we need to cooperate with a comany which can control brand names and items when we start selling brand items in Japan.
Hi, my name is ●●. I purchased your item at eBay, and would like to place an extra order for ▲▲.Now, I have a favor to ask you:Could you please do business with me directly without using eBay from now on? I will make a payment through Paypal.I am currently running an online shop and would like to have continuous business relationship with you. Therefore, it will be very helpful if you kindly discount the amount that I usually pay to eBay as a comission.As a start, I order ● units of ▲▲.Please send your invoice through Paypal to this Email address. I will pay you right away.I am looking forward to your favorable answer.Best regards,
Please make a sample as an attached file and quote for it. On completion of the sample, I will be giving an order immediately. Therefore, I am expecting your speedy work.Regarding the sample this time, I would like you to make it without any coating. In addition to that, if you have mat coating, not shiny one, could you please send me its coating sample?As A4 papers outsize it, please extend its length by about 2cm. Considering the selling price in Japan, I wish it costs within or around $3.6.Best regards,
The material of these sandals' sole is EVA. Regarding the durability, I suppose it really depends on the person who wears the sandals. And it also depend on how much he weighs or where he wears them (indoors or outdoors). I have been wearing them indoors for one year. Though damaged a little bit, they still wear well.It is all up to you whether you buy 2 pairs of sandals which are cheap or buy 1 which is expensive but comfortable. You can decide by your own values.I love to wear them indoors because I feel very comfortable at undersides of my feet. As many pressure points of human body exist at the underside of the foot, the natural rough touch of these sandals gives me good stimulation.
Thank you very much for doing your best for me! Shipping cost is all fine.Now, I would like to confirm:$680 for your delivering the item to my address.$540 for your delivering the item to the airport.Is my interpretation above correct?Please deliver it to my address.Best regards,
Thanks for your Email. Concerning your question, we do not have any stand called “Almighty”. Did you maybe mean “Atlántico” (wooden stand)? There are 2 sizes, Atlántico Single (ATS12-1) and Atlántico Double (ATS16-1). Those are the sizes: ATS12-1: 300cmx145cmx135cm. The packaging is 166cmx46cmx14,5cm. Weight is 20 km. It fits only single hammocks: http://www.ATS16-1: 365cmx158cmx135cm. The packaging is 183cmx48,5cmx14,5cm. Weight is 25 kg. It fits only double hammocks: http://www. We also have an even bigger hammock stand called “Barco” (BAS20-1): 400cmx160cmx145cm, weight: 30 kg. It fits family hammocks: http://www. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
メールありがとうございました。ご質問の賢ですが、「Almighty」というスタンドは弊社ではお取り扱いしておりません。おそらく「Atlantico」(木製スタンド)のことではないでしょうか?こちらは、「Atlanticoシングル(ATS12-1)」と「Atlanticoダブル(ATS16-1)」の2サイズを展開しております。サイズは以下の通りです。ATS12-1:300cmX145cmX135cm 梱包サイズは166cmX46cmX14.5cm 重量は20kg シングルハンモックのみに対応しています。ATS16-1:365cmX158cmX135cm 梱包サイズは183cmX48.5cmX14.5cm 重量は25kg ダブルハンモックのみに対応しています。また、弊社ではさらに大きい「Barco」(BAS20-1)というハンモックスタンドもお取り扱いしております。BAS20-1:400cmX160cmX145cm 重量は30kg ファミリーハンモックに対応しています。さらにご質問がありましたら、ご遠慮なさらずお申し付けください。
These Gas Masks, and all Gas Masks, do fall under our new policy of exporting tactical or police equipment. The certain masks currently in your account are export controlled by the US government. I regret that we are prohibited from exporting this item. Please contact Amazon directly to set up a return. They should be able to provide you with a prepaid return shipping label for these items. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
You may receive a separate email stating we have received your order, but unfortunately, we will not be able to fulfill your order. We note that either your billing address is outside the US or you checked the 'items intended for export box', and at this time our systems and processes are unable to meet the US Customs requirements for these orders.While we are unable to meet your need, we would recommend contacting W.W. Grainger, Inc. They offer a selection of similar products and have the ability to sell products for export, and directly export products, outside of the United States. Please contact one of our Grainger export service centers depending on the final destination. Contact information follows:
大変申し訳ございません、弊社からの受注メールを受信されているかもしれませんが、今回は貴方のオーダーをお受けすることができません。請求先住所がアメリカ以外であること、或いは貴方がオーダーの際に「この商品は輸出用です」というボックスにチェックを入れていたことにより、弊社のシステムと処理では通関の為のアメリカ税関の必要条件を満たすことができませんでした。貴方のオーダーにお応えすることはできませんが、W.W. Grainger, Inc.という会社をご紹介させていただきます。こちらは弊社の商品と同様の商品を多く取り扱っており、アメリカ以外の諸外国への輸出用の商品を販売するノウハウも持っていますし、直接輸出することも可能です。どうぞGrainger社の輸出サービスセンターに輸出先別にコンタクトをお取りください。連絡先は以下の通りです。
First of all, I must apologize to you for my order. While I live in Japan, I also have another adderss in the United States by contracting with a local forwarding company which transfers goods to Japan. Actually, I purchased the product this time assuming that it, as usual, can be forwarded to me in Japan through them.However, the company is refusing to forward it, because it falls under guns or arms. So, I am afraid that the product should be returned to you. Sorry for your inconvenience.On receiving it, could you please make me a refund?Waiting for your response. Best regards,
フジサンケイビジネスアイは「第3回鉄道技術展」を11月6日から8日までの3日間、幕張メッセで開催することを発表し、出展者募集を本格化した。鉄道技術展はあらゆる鉄道技術が一堂に会する総合展示会として、2010年、2011年と過去2回開催、今回で3回目となる。前回2011年開催には268社・団体が出展し、1万6455人が来場した。 出展対象は、車両・構造、運行システム、インテリア・内装や駅の快適性・安全性を高める旅客設備、軌道技術、トンネルや橋梁など土木関連、その他。
Fuji Sankei Business i. announced that "the 3rd Mass-Trans Innovation Japan" will be held at Makuhari Messe for three days, from November 6th through 8th. They are now inviting prospective exhibitors extensively. Mass-Trans Innovation Japan, being a comprehensive exhibition where all sorts of railway technologies gather all at once, has been held twice in 2010 and 2011, then reached the third this year.In 2011, 268 companies and organizations took part in and 16,455 visitors came to the exhibition. Objects being displayed are railway vehicles, its structures, operation system, interiors, transfer facilities which enhance comfort and safety of stations, track technologies, civil engineerings such as tunnels or bridges, and so on.
Thank you for clearing things up. I really like to work with you.It is hard to secure the inventory with ■ since it's been changing so fast. Some of the popular items you are after are always in and out of stock, so when you ask me about stock, I order it right away. That's why I got "stuck" with the watches. It's OK, I will not force you to buy them. I will just keep them, wait, until they become popular and hard to get once again.Our business relationship is important to me very much.Here are the new models from ▲:Thank you for not making any changed with your current ▲ order, I appreciate it. I did give you really good models for resell. next time, I will only stick to your order, I promise.
If your new card replaces a previously active card, funds and services will be transferred from the previous card to the new one. Please allow 2 hours for the transfer to complete.Do not use it unless funds are loaded. Some ATM's will "eat" your card, if you use it without any funds available.
Hi,Thank you always for your lovely dolls. Today, I would like to order the baby doll shown in the photo. Without using ebay, I will pay you $420, which includes the shipping cost to Japan. And when you are done with making it, could you please send me via Email some pretty photos just like the ones which you always upload to your ebay page?If it is OK for you, please send an invoice to me. I will pay for it immediately.I am waiting for your reply.
There is a variety of documents to translate at Conyac but in my observation the top three types of documents are business related e-mails, articles and reviews. I’ve seen some scenarios and stories being requested for translation as well.Most texts are usually very short and quite simple. For those who love the languages and communication as much as I do, translating for Conyac comes as a fun side job that requires just a few minutes of our daily time and rewards our efforts with just enough money to treat ourselves with a nice gift to celebrate the well done job.If you would also like to become a translator, sign up at Conyac.
私はNo.132Hanging Clubmossのエッセンスを摂取するにあたり、毎朝祈りと瞑想の時間をもちました。そして、最大の効果があるようにポケットに入れて過ごしました。そして、Hanging Clubmossは私に大きなヒーリングをもたらしてくれました。同じ悩みを持つ方に、少しでもお役に立てるのならと思い投稿したいと思います。私には誰にも言えない悩みがありました。それは、小さい頃から今日に至るまで、熱湯を見るととても恐ろしい事を想像してしまうという事です。
When taking the essence No. 132 Hanging Clubmoss, I spare enough time for pray and meditation every morning. And I spend time with it together in my pocket so that the essence would bring me the maximum effect.Indeed, Hanging Clubmoss has given me wonderful healing! I post this message hoping my experience might be of any help for those who have the same problem with me.I had a trouble, which I have been able to share with nobody: From my childhood throughout present, I imagine very terrifying things whenever I see boiling water.
この事について、今世でのトラウマなど思い当たるふしは全くなく、私の心の奥深い所から来ているように感じていました。しかし、Hanging Clubmossのエッセンスによってそれが解消されました。そこに至った経緯を説明したいと思います。ある日、主人とランチをとりながら過去世の話になりました。主人が「ぼくの過去世は何だったのだろう?」と聞いてきたので私は「宣教師じゃない?」と答えました。彼は治療家ですが、日々の治療の中で迷える人々を神聖な道に導くところからそう思ったのです。
Regarding this trouble of mine, I felt this might come from my heart deep down, as I cannot think of any trauma in present life. However, Hanging Club moss essence has cleared everything. I would like to explain the whole story up to now.One day, having lunch, my husband and I were talking about our previous life. When he said, "I wonder what I was doing in my previous life," I answered, "I suppose you were a missionary." I guessed as such because he, at present, is a therapeutist who leads and helps strayed people to a divine way in his daily treatment.
読み進めていくうちに、私の心は深く深く納得した気持ちになりました。私はキリシタンでしたが、温泉への投獄は免れたと思います。でも投獄された様子を見たか、聞いたのかどちらかだったと思います。その恐怖が私のオーラに記憶されたのだと確信しました。それを深く理解した時に、熱湯に対する悩みは消えていました。キッチンに立っても何も感じません。過去世での出来事は真実かどうか誰にも証明することは出来ませんが、私はこの出来事に愛と光を送りました。Hanging Clubmossに感謝しています。
Reading through the article further, I felt my heart has been convinced to the very core. I was a hidden Christian, but bearly escaped from being thrown into a boiling hot spring. Probably, I had seen some other Chiristians being imprisoned or had heard of the terrible story. I am confident that the terror remained in and over my aura. When I understood it deeply, my problem with boiling water has disappered completely. Even in the kitchen, I feel nothing.Nobody can prove whether this incident in my previous life was true or not, though, I send my love and light to it.I appreciate Hanging Clubmoss essence for this experience.
We really understand the report concerning Mami's outstanding performance.However, we think she is ignoring Hiromi, as Mami has so far not replyed to the inquiry mails from Hiromi at all, who is our Sales Supervisor. This attitude can be a serious obstacle against our continuous business, and you might lose our trust thoroughly.Pat, we admit you are doing your best. But our good relationship would not last long if this situation ever persists. As we have been experiencing lots of stress, we would like you to make efforts to improve this situation. If not, we can no longer sell you our product. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.Best regards,
Hi, guy,Eastern trading here, exporting preserved flowers, such as preserved rose, preserved carnation and hydrangea for many years with good quality and low price . Hope to find a way to cooperate with you. SAMPLES can be sent on request. For more product information, please contact me at your available time.Hope to hear good news from you.
Hi,I am sorry that you have not received your order yet.We dispatched this on 03/02/13 via Royal Mail Airmail, which is not a tracked service - you should have received it by now. Could you forward me the shipping address so I can make sure it has been shipped to the correct address?If there is anything else we can do to help please do not hesitate to contact me.I hope this helpsRegardsHeidi
オーダー頂いた商品が未着とうかがいました。大変申し訳ございません。この商品は、2013年3月2日にRoyal Mailのエアメールで発送致しました。ただし、このエアメールには追跡サービスがございません。本来なら、もう貴方のお手元に到着しているはずです。お手数ですが、今一度、正しい住所に発送されているか確認致しますので、発送先住所を教えてくださいますでしょうか?そのほか、なにか当方でお手伝いできることがございましたら遠慮なさらずにお申し付けください。このメールが何かのお役に立てればと存じます。Heidi