Suite à cette commande, je viens de recevoir un message de FUNDAYS qui m'avise qu'ils ne pourront l'honorer étant donné que cet article n'est plus en stock.Je vous prie de bien vouloir annuler cette commande et vous en remercie.Je suis désolée de ce contretemps indépendant de ma volonté.Merci également de m'aviser de cette annulation.A bientôt.
A compact ukulele made of Eastern mahogany in a special finish.The Kohala Exclusive Soprano Ukulele is a sweet jam-grinding machine and is offered here in a special, dealer-exclusive finish. It's crafted with Eastern mahogany for great tone and has geared tuning machines to keep that tone happily in tune. This spritely little uke would put a smile on anyone's face. Why not yours?
Une réclamationUn acheteurBonjour,Vous m'avez dit que je ne vous avais pas répondu. Mais c'était la première fois que je recevais votre mail.J'ai confirmé tous les mails reçus. J'ai envoyé des marchandises le 21 janvier et le colis est arrivé chez vous le 27 janvier. le numéro de suivi est ●●.Si vous voulez renvoyer les marchandises, connectez à "B" et puis veuillez demander le rendu de "vos commande."Selon notre règlement, je vais vous rembourser dès que les marchandises sont retournées chez nous.Bonne journée!
B,J'ai vérifie tous mes mails reçus jusqu'aujourd'hui.Selon cet acheteur, il n'a pas reçu mon mail.En fait, j'ai confirmé que il ne me contactait pas. J'ai constaté que les marchandises ont été expédié le 21 janvier et sont arrivé le 27 janvier d'après le numéro suivi. J'affirme que cette réclamation n'est pas raisonnable.
Nous vous proposons le service pour vos expéditions internationales (hors certaines zones).L'équipe japonaise procède soigneusement à l'emballage de nos produits dans l'esprit de l'hospitalité.Il faut 6-14 jours pour arriver.(Il se peut que le colis n'arrive pas au cours de cette période, s'il y a un contrôle douanier.) Il se peut que le taxe soit imposé à part. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter en cas de problème.Le taxe est à notre charge. Ne vous inquiétez pas.※Nous vous envoyons le numéro de suivi.
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But you shouldn't think about things too seriously.I will tell you from now on.You have to understand how to use eBay advanced search.Let's review!Please insert the keyword here. Please click so that the state is new. Please click sold Please click here Please click area Please select JapanSome products concerning of this keyword will be displayed.You found here a product concerning this keyword. Then please keep the ID that the seller makes a lot of benefit not the price.
al62504ハニーバンチは恋人という意味をもったブランド。恋人を虜にしてしまう恋愛のマジック。恋人に会う時の高鳴る気持ちをいっそう輝かせることのできる洋服をすべての女性に贈ります。個性派ギャルを目指すならOnespo!one spo ( 109を中心に出店するアパレルブランド )one spoの公式ホームページ。渋谷109店ほか、全国に出店。スポーツとモードが絶妙にミックスされた新感覚ブランド。オンリーワンにこだわったウェアはもちろん、小物・靴までトータルに提案します。
al62504 Honey Bunch is a brand which signifies sweetheart. It is a magic of love that your honey will be slaved by your beauty. We offer the clothes to all women so that you can feel your heart beating fast when you meet your honey.If you are trying for eccentric gal (Gal is in japanese-english.), you can go to One spo!One spo (This is an apparel brand which opens mainly branch stores at Shibuya 109.) One spo official website They open the store at Shibuya 109 and other branches all over Japan. It is a new sense brand which is mixed exquisitely modes and sports. They offer not only one clothing but also accessories, shoes and so on.
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Je souhaitais faire un cadeau mais la personne ne veut pas ce produit donc j'annule la commande. Merçi par avance de faire le necessaire.salutations
Excuse me. There was something I forgot to say.We offer a special price as a first step to start business with your company about this tour including private transfers.Generally, we don't transfer the clients from Shinfuji Station to Yoshidaguchi Trail for the time being.We offer it just this once.However, we have always pickup services around Lake Kawaguchi.In addition, please understand that Mount Fuji climbing tours including private transfers get a littlr more expensive. Here is our company address and phone number.
ph3770511月10日に米国の映画芸術科学アカデミーは、2008年のアカデミー賞長編アニメーション部門のノミネートの選考対象となる14作品を発表した。このなかには日本アニメから押井守監督の『スカイ・クロラ The Sky Crawlers』と安藤真裕監督の『ストレンヂア -無皇刃譚-』の第二位 サムライチャンプルー
ph37705 AMPAS (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) in the United States announced the best 14 films to be nominated for Academy Award for Best Animated Feature 2008 on November 10. "The Sky Crawlers" realized by Japanese anime director Mamoru Oshii and "Sword of the Stranger" realized by Japanese anime director Masahiro Andō are also nominated. 2nd Samurai Champloo
ph37608(中略)名前のコンセプトについては「巡」は「巡り伝わる音」、「ル」には流れ、「カ」には歌や香りなどが空気中を伝わるという意味が込められているという。巡音ルカ - RIP=RELEASE▼公式だけで43種類のVOCALOIDがいるボーカロイド海外組を含む公式ボカロキャラクター43種類一覧 日刊VOCALOIDガイド~初音ミクなどのボーカロイドの最新情報が満載~このページでは海外組を含むボーカロイド全43種類についての情報を記載しています。
ph37608(...) Concerning the concept of the name, "Megurine" means "moving sound in air", "Lu" of Luka means "a flow" and "ka" of Luka means "the transmission of a fragrance or songs" the concept of the name. Megurine Luka - RIP = RELEASE ▼ there are officially 43 types of VOCALOID. The list of 43 types of official VOCALOID characters including characters in DTM Software made abroad. Nikkan VOCALOID guide is full of latest information about VOCALOID including HATSUNE Miku version.There is mention of information about all 43 types of official VOCALOID characters including characters in DTM Software made abroad in this page.
ph37604発売直後より初音ミクにより作成された楽曲やキャラクターイメージを用いた動画がニコニコ動画をはじめとする動画投稿サイトに次々と投稿されたことで人気に火がつき、DTMソフトウェアとしては異例のヒット商品となった。 ▼こんな風に歌ってくれますワールドイズマイン - supercell▼初音ミクに続いて登場 鏡音リン・レン大ヒット商品となった初音ミクに続く「キャラクター・ボーカル・シリーズ(CVシリーズ)」の第2弾として2007年12月27日に発売された。
The videos with the new music composed by HATSUNE Miku and ocaloid characters were uploaded one after another on the video sharing websites including niconicovideo and it becomes more and more popular. Consequently, this is an exceptionel hit product as DTM Software.▼ It sings like this. World is Mine - supercell ▼ Enter KAGAMINE Rin/Len followed by HATSUNE Miku It was released on December 27, 2007 as the 2nd DTM Software "Character Vocal Series (CV series)" followed by the Hatsune Miku version.
ph37504 Question Give 3 reasons why the character on the right is not so good (it doesn't Moe). There is no answer. In conclusion... ... The character which I introduce to you is only part of the "Moeokoshi" characters. In every region of Japan pretty characters are hidden. If you come in Japan and find your favorite character "Moekyara" in Japanese, you can buy a souvenir. It is sure that you can brag to your friends.
ph37503なんと大分にある18の市町村が萌えキャラに……。▼市単位でももちろん萌えおこし【岐阜県大垣市】 大垣きゅん物語 地方のキャラクターといえどもしっかり設定がなされていますよ。抜かりはありません!▼日本が誇る名米も!【秋田県】 あきたこまち パッケージはこんな感じ お土産にいかがですか?▼神戸新聞の求人から生まれた〝萌えない〟キャラクター!?【兵庫県神戸市】 いまいち萌えない娘こんな求人を出したら応募が殺到して、生まれたキャラクター
ph37503 18 cities in Oita prefecture created special local characters "Moekyara" in Japanese. ▼Of course Moeokoshi as also cities unit. This town development was named "Moe okoshi" for "Machi okoshi" in Japanese.[Ogaki city, Gifu Prefecture] Ogaki Kyun story It is being organized even the local mascot. There is nothing to worry about! ▼The Japanese rice which should be proud of![Akita Prefecture] Akitakomachi The Package is like this. How about a souvenir? ▼ "Moenai" character who is born in help-wanted ad in Kobe newspaper!?[Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture] The girl doesn't "Moe" so much "Imaichi moenaiko" in Japanese. There were a lot of responses to the advertisement and then the character was born in.
ph37502 萌えおこしとは!萌えおこし(もえおこし)は、美少女キャラクターを前面に押し出した地域おこしの手法。転じて地方自治体や政府の出先機関、ローカル企業のマスコットやイメージキャラクターに萌えを意識したデザインを取り入れるマーケティング手法。萌え起こし、或いは萌え興しと表記される場合もある。▼県別にプロジェクトがある【京都府】 ことまきプロジェクト古都京都を中心に美少女たちが地方を盛り上げます!【大分県】 萌えおこしプロジェクト
What is "Moeokoshi"?Moeokoshi is one of tools for the city development raising beautiful girls' characters. In addition, it is also a marketing strategy taking the design concept "moe" in local company mascots, local administrative mascots or local mascots. Moeokoshi is written by 2 ways. One is written like 萌え起こし(Moeokoshi) with the meaning "raise moe" and another written like 萌え興し(Moeokoshi) with the meaning "commercial development by moe."▼ There is a project every Prefecture [Kyoto] Kotomaki projectBeatiful girls put enthusiasm around the ancient capital of Kyoto! [Oita Prefecture] Moeokoshi project
ph37007おわりに正統派アイドルからアニメならではのアンドロイドアイドルまで、どれをとってもみんな個性的でとてもカワイイんです。これをきっかけに日本ならではの〝アニメ × アイドル〟を知ってもらえると嬉しいです。もし〝推しメン〟ができたら応援してあげてくださいね! ※日本では気に入ったアイドルを〝イチ推しメンバー〟の略から、〝推しメン〟といいます。
ph37007In conclusionBoth classic idols and Android idols only Anime are very cute. I'm happy to start letting you know Japanese "Anime × Idol". If you have your favorite member "Oshimen", encourage them! ※In Japan we called a favorite member "Oshimen" because it is a shortened form of the Japanese word "Ichioshimember."
ph37004 It features creative SF sense harmonized these 3 things and the director regards the integration of music and video as important. The hand-painted, challenge the limits of 3DCG animation, many kinds of music like popular song, rock, techno, orchestra, etc., has been gaining support among the fan.▼Macross series celebrated its 30th anniversary Our "Idols" win the popularity! ▼The Super Dimension Fortress MacrossLynn Minmay Zentradi soldiers were also fascinated and original Macross Idol. ▼Macross Plus Sharon Apple