I was checking the data which were sent to the server but why are the old letters being sent to the server?
Why working from home can be more disadvantageous than you thinkWorking from home might sound lovely but it can be terribly unproductive as well.When Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer stopped some 200 employees from working from home, it stirred all sorts of controversies. Her reasoning and rationale behind the “ban” was that said group of employees was noted to not be as productive as their counterparts in the office. Some of these employees were reported to have been working on companies of their own, while still on Yahoo’s payroll.
在宅勤務はなぜ想像以上に欠点が多いのか在宅勤務は聞こえは素晴しいが、ひどく非生産的な場合もある。Yahoo のMarissa Mayer氏が200人近い従業員の在宅勤務を中止した際、様々な論議を呼んだ。彼女が在宅勤務を禁止した理由や論理的根拠に、在宅勤務者達がオフィス勤務の従業員ほどは生産的ではなかった事が挙げられている。従業員の何人かは、Yahooの従業員でありながら、自身の会社のために働いていたことが報告されている。
While Yahoo employees lamented about the new policy implementing rigid work hours and taking away what was once flexibility and work-life balance, a new infographic from Internet Provider ORG reveals that not allowing employees to work from home might be a good idea. We can understand why – it takes a lot of discipline to be able to concentrate on doing work … and not surfing Facebook and Twitter.So what are other obstacles? Out of 24,000 people who were interviewed, 25 percent noted “no access to sensitive documents” and 26 percent reported “bad Internet connection.”
From the perspective of the employer, cost could be a reason why increasingly, more businesses are allowing their employees to work from home. However, there might just be more pros than cons when it comes to working with others in the office. For example, fostering ties between office co-workers could be one. We are, after all, creatures that thrive on good social interaction. Could working at home strip that interaction away?
you show 2 pictures, one in box with stickers not applied. One with stickers applied. Are these actual pictures of the item? Obviously, they both cannot be. Can you show actual pictures of item please? Then I can buy. Thanks.
こちらの希望としては「2013 Easton YB13S1 S1」1本145$「2013 Demarini WTDXCFL CF5」1本130$「Easton 2013 YB13S2 」1本135$くらいにしていただけるとありがたいです。今回は「2013 Easton YB13S1 32/20 S1」「Easton 2013 YB13S2 31"/18oz」「2013 Demarini WTDXCFL 31/20 CF5」を1本づつ欲しいです。
I appreciate if I can get it around the following price.2013 Easton YB13S1 S1 : $145/pcs2013 Demarini WTDXCFL CF5 : $130/pcsEaston 2013 YB13S2 : $135/pcsFor this time, I would like to purchase each of the following items.2013 Easton YB13S1 32/20 S1Easton 2013 YB13S2 31"/18oz2013 Demarini WTDXCFL 31/20 CF5
まずはじめにEcco Biom HybridのWhite Brick 、White Green、Gray Lime、Black Purple 、White Blueを各色、USサイズ7~USサイズ9.5までの6サイズ、計30足欲しいです。一足いくらになりますか?こちらとしては一足110$くらいでお願いできればと思います。後日本に直送して欲しいのですが、可能ですか?是非とも検討をお願いします。いいお返事期待しています。Hisayoshi Moriより
First of all, I would like to have each color of Ecco Biom Hybrid in White Brick, White Green, Gray Lime, Black Purple, and White Blue in 6 sizes each between size-7 and size-9.5 (US), which will be total of 30 pairs of shoes.How much will it be for a pair of shoes?.I would like to have it for about $110.Is it possible for you to send it directly to Japan?Your consideration would be sincerely appreciated.I am look forward to your favorable reply.Best regards,Hisayoshi Mori
はじめまして。突然のメールすみません。私、以前ebayであなたから「Ecco Biom Hybrid Golf Shoes」Item number:261196508482を購入した、ebayID:mori_mori_ninety2012ことHisayoshi Moriと申します。その節はありがとございました。今日はビジネスの話をしたくてメールしました。私日本でビジネスをしています。これから定期的に仕入れをしたいのですが、安くしてくれませんか?
Hello, I’m writing you for the first time.I’m Hisayoshi Mori as ebayID:mori_mori_ninety2012, who purchased Ecco Biom Hybrid Golf Shoes Item number:261196508482 on eBay before.Thank you for your support on that occasion.I'm sending you this mail since I would like to discuss about business today.I am doing business in Japan and I’m planning to purchase on a regular basis from you, but could you give me a discount?
1 KAYAMBI CARRINGTON, the information below confirms that you have requested authorisation to return the items below to Shop NAMINORI24.Our Japanese staff will send you with care. We pack with extra care.Ship from Japan. Average delivery time is 7to18 days.. No additional action is required from you at this time.catchopcd-com £15.65+ £1.26UK delivery On website amazon.co.uk,I am requesting a price match as I have paid £ for this order would like it for the same price £75.26 abovecatchopcd-com £15.65+ £1.26UK delivery On website amazon.co.uk,I am requesting a price match as I have paid £75.26 for this order, I would like it for the same price as above.
1 KAYAMBI CARRINGTON様、当社に、ショップNAMINORI24へ商品返却を依頼された事を下記情報にて確認しました。日本人スタッフが、大切に発送いたします。当社は、十分気をつけて梱包し、日本から発送致します。通常の配送日数は、7日から18日です。お客様には、現時点で何もしていただく必要はありません。catchopcd-comでは、15.65ポンドとUKまでの送料1.26ポンドです。この注文で£75.26支払ってますので、Amazon.co.ukのウェブに対し、上記金額と同額にする様、プライスマッチによる値引きを依頼しています。*第2段落目は書き損じと判断し、第3段落目を訳しました。
I'm sorry for my delay in replying to you. I paid $20 for the return fee via PayPal. I will send you more information within a couple of days.Maybe my explanation was not clear enough for you to understand. I would like you to first understand how I do my research while you continue listing on eB, and eventually do the both, listing and the researching by yourself.In order to do that, I believe the key issue at this moment is how effectively you can list the items. Therefore, I would like to know how effectively you listed items you had signed for, in the past. I hope we can both benefit by cooperating with each other.
Do You Suck at DIY? You Need Taiwan’s Leading Home Repairs Marketplace5945 is Taiwan’s up and coming online home repairs marketplace startup. The model is similar to America’s Redbeacon, which was acquired by Home Depot last year.The name “5945” makes no sense to most folks. But it’s named to be hyper-localized for the Taiwan market. The pronunciation of 5945 sounds like the phrase “calling masters” in Taiwanese Hokkien, a dialect most people in Taiwan can speak or at least understand. In Taiwan, professionals like plumbers, electricians, and carpenters are called shifu – meaning “masters” in English.
DIYが苦手なら、台湾を代表する家屋修繕用のマーケットプレイスが便利5945は、台湾で今一番有望な、家屋修繕用のオンラインマーケットプレイスを提供しているスタートアップだ。同社は、昨年Home Depotに吸収されたアメリカのRedbeaconと似たサービスを提供している。“5945”の意味は、台湾マーケット向けに命名されおり、殆どの人にとっては、理解し辛いものになっている。5945は、台湾の多くの人が話したり、少なくても理解できる福建話の言い回しの「マスターを呼ぶ」、に似た発音になっている。台湾では、水道工、電気技師や大工等の専門家をshifuと言い、– 英語の「マスター(職人)」を意味している。
The startup was founded in 2010 by computer science graduates Michael Chang and Brian Fang who are high school classmates. Both of them believe that repairmen wouldn’t know how to provide their services on the internet. Therefore, the duo created 5945 as a home services marketplace for people who don’t want to DIY to find them easily on the web. The Taiwanese startup was incubated by AppWorks in 2010 and was subsequently invested in 2012.
同スタートアップは、コンピューターサイエンスを専攻し高校の同級生だったMichael Chang氏とBrian Fang氏によって2010年に設立された。修理工の人達がネットでどの様にサービスを提供して良いか分からずにいるだろうと考え、二人はDIYをやりたくない人が修理工をウェブで簡単に探せる様に、家屋修繕用のマーケットプレイス、5945を設立した。この台湾のスタートアップは、2010年にAppWorksの起業支援を受け、その後2012年に資金提供を受けている。
5945 has over 300 handymen who cover the majority of Taiwan, including Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, and Kaohsiung. To date, 5945 has received over 3,300 user requests for repairmen and generates over $67,000 worth of service sales for these professionals.For 2013, the Taiwanese startup aims to launch mCall, a mobile application that will help connect these service people and users directly through mobile devices. 5945 claims that 60 percent of all home repair professionals are using smartphones. 5945 is also looking to break even this year.
Cubie Messenger now 6.5 million strong, supports 4 new languagesTaiwan-based mobile messenger app Cubie has just announced support for German, Italian, Indonesian and Portuguese, increasing the total to 10 languages.Launched back in March 2012, Cubie Messenger is a free multimedia messaging app available on the iOS and Android platforms. Users can express themselves through doodling, sending animated stickers, photos and secret messages, called Whispers. Other functions such as sharing locations, group chat with up to 100 people, watching and sharing YouTube videos are also popular.
現在、Cubie Messengerのユーザー数は650万人を超え、新たに4つの言語に対応台湾のモバイルメッセージアプリ、Cubieは、ドイツ語、イタリア語、インドネシア語そしてポルトガル語にも対応した事で、対応言語が合わせて10ヵ国語になった事をちょうど発表したところだ。2012年3月に設立されたCubie Messengerは、iOSとアンドロイド系プラットフォームで利用できるマルチメディア用の無料アプリだ。ユーザーは、手書きメッセージ、動くスタンプ、写真を送ったり、また内緒にしたいメッセージはWhispers機能を使って送ったりして、自分を表現することができる。他には、ロケーション共有や100人までとグループチャットできる機能があり、またYouTubeの動画を見たり、共有する機能も人気だ。
Cubie currently supports English, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, Thai, German, Italian, Indonesian and Portuguese. In addition to the four new languages supported, Cubie’s Spanish and Thai versions have been completely re-translated with help from the Get Localization community.“We’re extremely pleased to offer an even better messaging service to our users in these markets. Response from our users has been fantastic, they’ve done all the hard work themselves. In the future, we hope to crowdsource more languages to reach even more users around the world.” – Co-founder and CEO Yenwen Feng.
現在Cubieは、英語、スペイン語、中国語(簡体字と繁体字)日本語、タイ語、ドイツ語、イタリア語、インドネシア語そしてポルトガル語に対応している。新たに4つの言語で対応した事に加え、Get Localizationの協力のもと、スペイン語版とタイ語版は完全に翻訳し直されている。「これらのマーケットのユーザーの皆さんに、さらに良いメッセージングサービスを提供でき、本当に満足しています。きつい仕事にも自主的に取組んでくれたおかげで、ユーザーからの反応も素晴らしいものになっています。将来的には対応言語をクラウドソーシングで増やしていき、世界中にいるより多くのユーザーに利用してもらいたいと思っています。」– と共同設立者でCEOのYenwen Feng氏は語った。
Currently, Cubie counts 6.5 million users worldwide, and has until recently seen most user growth in Asia. Outside of Asia, Cubie is also witnessing a high user growth from users in Europe and Latin America. Cubie previously raised US$1.1 million from a group of investors, and is part of the recently graduated batch of 500 Startups.
現在、Cubieのユーザー数は世界中に650万人おり、最近まではアジアでのユーザー数の増加が顕著だった。アジア圏外に目を向けると、ヨーロッパと中南米でのユーザー数の増加も顕著だ。Cubieは、これまでに投資家のグループから110万ドルの資金を調達しており、また、500 Startupsから最近巣立った企業の内の1社でもある。
商品代金のお支払いビル・ヘイリー様株式会社NEXTの統括バイヤー、Masaaki Sandoです。商品代金をお支払いしますので発送をお願いいたします。
Payment for the productsMr. Bill HaleyThis is Masaaki Sando, senior buyer at NEXT Corporation.We will make the payment so please send out the shipment.
I would like to place an order for the item above.There will be no changes in my credit card.I would like to ask you to do me a favor.Please select the one which is in the best condition and with the clear inscription, from your stock. I would appreciate it if you could include some accessories.I am again looking forward to receiving it.
Can I purchase extras of this item after winning the bid?
Hello,I am going to make my payment tomorrow but are you ready for the shipment?I would appreciate if you can send out the shipment as soon as possible since it takes a while to reach here.