Thank you for the quotation.I’ll purchase 4 pcs and I want them shipped to Florida.Please send the invoice to the following address.I will make my payment via PayPal.Please let me know the tracking number as soon as the shipment is completed.Looking forward to hearing from you.
ThanksI will let the Video crew know you apprieciated it! They have done stuff for us before so they know what they're doing.They were with us at the Mint 400 race too and will be getting that video out soon.Those cars look blooming marvellous, what'o.Cant stand jay.z. C-rap though.HIPHOP no gangster C-rap.Good ruddy vid though,gosh golly ones out on a jolly.
有難う。ビデオクルーにビデオが好評だったと伝えておくよ。彼らは以前にも我々と一緒に仕事したことがあるので、何をすればいいのか分かってるんだ。彼らはMint 400のレースにも同行したので、間もなくそのビデオも公開できると思うよ。車は、本当に素晴らしく見えるが、jay.zのくだらないラップは、我慢できないよ。ヒップホップ、ギャングスターラップはダメ、くだらないよ。でも、ビデオはすごく良いよ、とっても楽しい気分にさせてくれるんだ。
The head was purchased from you.I purchased it only because it was a brand-new unused item and was posted based on the presupposition of an actual use. If you use a basic level of common sense, you can’t ask the customer to be responsible for the breakage after using it for only 10 shots on the next day of receipt.I would like it to be replaced with almost the same spec. (Loft, Lie, Face angle)If this can't be accepted, please refund the purchase price.
One of my R1 heads broke or a head you bought from someone else?Still holiday will know tomorrow.
破損したのは、私から買ったR1 ヘッドの内の一つですか、それとも他の方から買ったヘッドですか?まだ休日なので、明日になれば分かると思います。
連絡ありがとうございます。DW-5600E-1Vを1ヶ月に100個程度を定期的に購入したいと思います。そうすることで、あなたも安く仕入れることができませんか?そうすることで1個あたり38ドルで私に売って頂くことはできないでしょうか?38ドルにしてもらえるならば、私は1ヶ月に100個売る自信があります。LW-S200H-1A, 4A, and 8Aは前回と同じで11ドルで売って頂けないでしょうか?この商品は日本で売れ始めています。今は安い値段で売ってランキングを上げています。
Thank you for your response.I am planning to purchase 100 pcs of DW-5600E-1V on a regular basis every month.In that case, don’t you think that you can also get those cheaper?Will it be possible for you to sell those at $38/pcs in that case?I am confident to sell 100 pcs a month if I could purchase those at $38/pcs.Could you sell LW-S200H-1A, 4A and 8A at $11/pcs like before?These are getting popular and selling well in Japan.I am currently selling at a low price to improve my ranking position.
None of ¥1, ¥5, ¥50 circulation coins was issued in 2011.It was issued only for this proof coin set.That is why the coins issued in 2011 are expensive.By the way, ¥50 and ¥500 coins issued in 1987 are expensive since they were issued only in small numbers. ¥5 and ¥50 coins were issued in small numbers from 2000 through 2008.In 2001 and 2002, ¥1 and ¥100 coins were issued in small numbers.If the price is not the issue for you, the delivery time will be shorter.
Kim Kardashian: 'I Have Only Gained 20 Pounds, Not 65!!'It's been speculated that pregnant Kim Kardashian has gained a whopping 65 pounds, and while she's only in her second trimester, that much weight gain is obviously a lot… so instead of crying about her body, the reality star is fighting back and wants everyone to know that she has only gained 20 pounds!!Miz Kardashian appeared on Live With Kelly & Michael earlier today, where she told Michael Strahan and guest host Kristin Chenoweth that she has most definitely NOT gained 65 pounds, she said:
キム・カーダシアン: 「増えたのはたった20で、65ポンドではないわ。」妊娠したキム・カーダシアンが65ポンドも激太りしたとの憶測が飛び交っていますが、もしそうなら、まだ妊娠中期の彼女にとっては明らかに増え過ぎです。そこで彼女は、体形に関する話しをする代わりに、20ポンドしか体重が増えてない事を必死にアピールする戦略をとりました。キムは、今朝のLive With Kelly & Michaelに生で出演し、Michael StrahanやゲストホストのKristin Chenowethに、65ポンドも太ってないときっぱり否定し、次の様に語りました。:
“I’ve gained 20 pounds — at this stage Kourtney had already gained, like, 30. I probably will gain all that weight, they say you gain that at the end. I probably will gain that 65, just give me a couple more months.”Since Kanye West's baby mama is sticking to a healthy diet, we think it's highly unlikely that she's pushing 200 pounds.Plus, because her sis Kourtney Kardashian is helping Kim stay on an organic diet and is giving her "tips," we think that she's right where she should be.Don't U?
「確かに体重は20ポンド増えたが、コートニーは、妊娠中期には既に30ポンド位増えていたわ。多分私もそれだけ太ると思うけど、一般的に後期に入ってから増えるそうよ。私もきっと65ポンドは増えるでしょうが、もう少し先の話よ。」Kanye Westの産まれてくる赤ちゃんのママは、健康ダイエットに拘っているの人なのに、その彼女の体重が200ポンド近くになるなんて、考えられません。また、彼女の姉のコートニー・カーダシアンが、オーガニックのダイエットを続けられる様、色々アドバイスしているので、良い環境にいると思うのですが・・・。そう思いませんか?
ティラノ同様、長い歳月をかけ誕生した今回のトリケラトプス モデル。 小田氏による原画と角竜類恐竜の研究では日本で第一人者藤原慎一氏の協力の下、1つ1つのパーツが丁寧に仕上げられました。 前モデルに比べ、骨の流れ、関節の形状、腕の位置など最新の学説に基づいて全てにおいて改善されています少しのずれも許されない、スケルトンモデルのディテールの精密さからは今にも動き出しそうなトリケラトプスを再現することができました。 商品には専用プレートが付属し博物館の雰囲気を再現してくれるでしょう
This Triceratops model was created just like the Tyrannosaurus, spending a great deal of time. Each part was carefully finished with the cooperation of the original art of Mr. Oda and Dr. Shinichi Fujiwara, a leading researcher in the field of ceratopsian dinosaurs. Compared to the previous model, the shape of the bone, joint formation and the arm position have been reformed based on the latest theory.Since the details of this skeleton model were precisely made without any misalignment, we were able to make this Triceratops look like it could come alive at any moment. It comes with a special plate so that you can enjoy the atmosphere of the museum.
Thank you for your reply.I see. You haven’t received the payment yet.Alright, I‘ll wait for a while.Best regards,
my colleague Ms Link is out of office at the moment.The stand: All nuts should have a thread. I’ll send you a replacement for the defective one. The long screws go vertical (top to bottom), the shorter screws go horizontal (left to right).The stand was sent with parcel service (air), because it’s to heavy to send as postal parcel. That’s why you received it faster.Have a nice day!Kind regards,
同僚のMs Linkは、現在外出中です。スタンド:全てのナットにはネジ山が切られているはずです。不良品の代替えを送ります。長いネジは縦用です。(上から下)、短いネジは横用(左から右)になっています。スタンドは、郵便で送るには重すぎたので、小包便(航空便)で発送しました。そのため、早く届いたのです。良い、一日を。宜しくお願いします。
you already had the unit prices.so please let me know per style qty idea.what do you mean by o,k do you want me send them without lacquer & if i do so there will no complains accepted regarding the rust problems.please confirm clearly what you want.?this means only this article w/o lacquer please confirm clear / i am confused.looking forward to hear from you.Thanks for samples confirmation. We have already taken up your order in our production plan & hope to ship them in time
The head weights on the backside of the heads have been removed by the previous owner, except for on the 3 iron head. Also the backside edge of the sole has been shaved down to take a little weight out of the heads. Overall the faces are still clean with deep grooves and many rounds to be played. The shown ding on the sole of the 5 iron is located in a spot where it will not affect performance.
Hi there is this gold to you cause no ones going to biff $199.99 for it. The sellers are trying to sell it for that much only that are on ebay I bought this game for 4000 yen last week it's so old I own 2 of them I am not selling to ebay if I am going to sell it cause I can't sell something that's so cheap and so old for so much money that's trying to steal money I don't steal it will be sold for $40.00 brand new when I sell it ebay playasia yesasia ncsx and amazon sellers are trying to steal more money for something that cost so cheap
こんにちは、199.99ドル出してまでも欲しいですか?誰も、そこまで出しませんよ。セラーは、ebayだから、あんなに高い値段で売ろうとしているのです。私は、このゲームを先週4000円で購入しました。とても古く2つ持ってますが、ebayでは売りません。あんなに安く、あんなに古い物をあんなに高い値段で売りつけらえば、お金を盗む様なものです。私はその様な事をせずに、新品を40ドルで販売します。Ebay、playasia、yesasia、ncsxやamazon のセラーは、あんなに安い物を売って、より多くのお金を盗もうとしています。
if you want money and want to make money on ebay ask for a job on ebay selling isn't making money keep listing keep paying for listing you will be listing over 100 times so how much is listing $1.00 well there you go $100.00 just got wasted but if its not a dollar your going to lose lots of money really I don't see you making money I see you losing money you want money you sell it how much it cost for it when capcom says its $200.00 I will pay $200.00.
Bad news for Indonesia’s Blackberry users, who are the majority of the smartphone market in the country, is that KakaoTalk won’t be updating its app with significant new features anytime soon – like free calls – due to the ageing hardware’s limitations. But the team is in talks with Blackberry regarding building for the new Blackberry 10 platform.
インドネシアのスマートフォンユーザーの大部分を占めるBlackberryユーザーにとっては、残念な知らせだが、古くなったハードウェア的な制約からもKakaoTalkは、無料通話等の新しい機能を加えたアプリのアップデートは当分予定してないとの事だ。しかし同社は、Blackberry 10のプラットフォームに対応するための協議をBlackberry側と進めている。
At the moment, KakaoTalk is cooperating with Indonesian telco XL Axiata to hold the first Anipang game competition outside Korea. The competition runs until March 3rd and it promises prizes in the form of gadgets. Starting this month, KakaoTalk has also partnered with XL Axiata for carrier billing.You can check for further information regarding the Anipang competition here.The interview with Yujin Sohn was conducted together with DailySocial.1. Nope, I got beaten by two girls at a game of Anipang and making small stories with Kakao stickers.
現在KakaoTalkは、インドネシアの通信会社XL Axiataと共同で、韓国国外では初となるAnipangのゲーム大会を企画している。大会は、3月3日まで開催され、商品はガジェット形式になっている。またKakaoTalkは、XL Axiataとも提携して今月から電子決済サービスを提供する。Anipangの大会に関する詳細は、こちらから確認可能だ。Yujin Sohnとのインタビューは、DailySocialと共同で行った。1. 残念ながらAnipangのゲームでは2人の女の子に敗れ、Kakaoステッカーを入手しただけだった。
Thank you for the email ... The issue is that *our cost* hasnt changed ...... Sony provides NO advertising help (money), no co-op (advertising) ... nothing ... they dont even provide free shipping :| Theres nothing I can do on price ... I wish there was - our cost(s) have been the same since day 1 - we pay $65 so theres no room for me to do anything. I can ask though ....
hellosorry for this missing sample , o.k i can send it now if you want ,please confirm ?secondly if you have not received the sample of this for where did you see the paint. please explain ?looking forward to hear from you.kindest regardsbaba
I purchased a program called AAA at the site below.I have a question.I followed the forum to set my radio and I was able to listen to it. (Please refer to the attached file.)As I found an address which is *BBB in the forum, where can I find the IP and the PORT If I want to listen to the following URL with my radio?I am sorry if my question is not clear enough.Since I am Japanese, I am not able to understand how to use the CCC site.