nobeldrsd 翻訳実績

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nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

Are the labels shareholders?

Yes, both major and independent labels own a small piece of Spotify. We did this so that the music industry (rights holders) could enjoy a direct upside to the success of our company – and in turn pass this on to artists and composers.

Sriram had earlier mentioned during Spotify’s launch in Singapore that the company has given back US$500 million to the music industry over the past four years and will give back another US$500 million this year. Sean Parker is an investor and a big advocate of Spotify via his involvement with Founders Fund. Find out more about the digital music industry in the IFPI Digital Music Report 2012.




以前Sriram氏は、Spotifyがシンガポールでローンチした際、この4年で5億米ドルを音楽業界に還元しており、今年さらに、5億米ドルを還元する予定だと語っていた。投資家のSean Parker氏は、自身のFounders Fund.を通してSpotifyを支援しており、Spotifyにとっては大事な支持者だ。デジタル音楽業界に関する詳細は、IFPI Digital Music Report 2012.を参照してほしい。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語


I am happy to announce that your account has now been set up. I look forward to working with you and I am here to answer any questions you might have. Remember that your first order will have a 5% discount applied to it above and beyond your normal margins. The 5% discount includes all products ( in stock, backorder, and pre-order ) so make sure you cover all categories to maximize your discount. Your first order with us should always be the largest because of the 5% first order discount. We only charge you for what can actually ship so if your first order happens to be all pre-orders for example you will see no charges until the product comes in and gets allocated to your order.




nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

This is the perfect way to plan 2, 3, even 4 or more months ahead.

Again, your overall margins are going to range from 20 to 50% off suggested retail. It’s all going to depend on what Vendor you’re looking at, the amount you are ordering and the actual product itself. You will need the following information to log into the wholesale website! We work primarily off of a back order and pre-order format so getting your order in as soon as you can is key because it puts you in line to get product. You will find that some Vendors on the site have very low margins and others will have much stronger margins.




nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

Use the Wish list option at the top of the page after you have logged to save the items that you will want to order. Let’s go through your first order together so that I can make sure you get the 5% discount applied. This also allows me to see what you want to bring in and it gives me the opportunity to make suggestions for items that are selling very well and making money for all of my clients.

Your account # is: xxx

Your password is: xxx

Meet your Rep: Just follow my link below ( This list my favorites plus it allows you to put a face to the voice/ email )

I look forward to working with you





