Thank you for your inquiry.Here is the current situation of the product.The product you shipped arrived at Haneda airport in Japan yesterday.It will arrive at our shop tomorrow or day after tomorrow.After receiving the product, we will check the product, and then ask the manufacturer to repair it.It will take about 10 ~ 14 days after we asked the manufacturer to repair it.We will contact you again once we receive the product.We truly apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
We apologize for this problem.We have just been told by the warehouse dealer that the item you purchased would come in our store in May. This is our fault.For this inconvenience, we will give you the full refund, and also let you know first.Of course, we will give you a discount price. Thank you for your understanding.Again we deeply apologize for this inconvenience.
Hello,I'm interested in this item,(商品名を記入).I'm thinking of purchasing this item, and do you have it in stock?Please let me know if you have it in stock.When I tried to purchase this item from a different store before, the store didn't have it in stock, and it made me sad.I look forward to hearing from you.Best regards,
Could you please solve the issues soon ?What should I do with the wrong items ?Can I just sent back to the headquarter of the manufacturer?The situation will be worse as the additional storage cost has been charged by the forwarding company I use.Also, regarding the ○○○ I ordered previously, I still haven't received even you mentioned it would arrive soon.It is really difficult for me to check the inventory as I can't expect when the items will arrive.Could you please make a list of each item so that I can check when it arrives ?I can't manage with the payments.
Hello.I'm **** who ordered on (日付).I would like to cancel my order,(オーダーナンバー000).The reason is that it takes a long time for the item to be shipped out due to back-order.Best regards,
I'm sorry for my late reply. I totally overlooked your email.Regarding the changes of the prices, I understand. I will order again sometime soon.Your products are also popular for men who come to my shop.Some customers give up and leave because they can't find the ideal size. Do you have any plans to make products for men ?
Thank you for your continued support.I received the item yesterday.Thank you very much.I'm now considering in selling T-nuts and Bolts to individual customers in addition to the hold sets.Do you sell T-nuts, Bolts and Wrenches at your company ?If so, please let us know the price for the each product.We might purchase from you if the price is reasonable.We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for contacting us.I have confirmed the tracking number.The package had been kept by the carrier until 6/20 as no one was home when the package was delivered on 6/6.The package is currently being shipped back to the sender because the storage period was over on 6/21.I'm so sorry to hear that the package wasn't delivered to you.I can do either (1) reship the package again at no cost. or (2) give you a full refund.Please let me know how you would like me to handle this issue.Have a wonderful day !
I would like to purchase this item, however I can't put it into My Cart.What should I do ?
item no 380664179225 を落札し、すぐに支払いを試みましたが、セラーの設定により送付先を日本に設定して支払えませんでした。すぐに、リクエスト機能を使ってセラーにインボイスを要求しましたが、連絡がありませんでした。本日、[contact seller]から、インボイスを要求しましたが、《Unpaid item case opened for ・・・》というタイトルのメールが来ましたセラーは日本発送を設定しており、問題ないはずなので、通告して頂けないでしょうか
I purchased the item,380664179225, and tried to make a payment. However I was not able to make the payment due to the seller's setting.I immediately requested an invoice using the request function. However, I haven't received a reply from the seller.Today, I requested the invoice again from "contact seller" and then I received the email titled " Unpaid item case opened for...".The seller's setting allows to ship items to Japan, so would you mind contacting the seller regarding this issue ?
Thank you for your reply .$1375 including the shipping fee is fine.Also, do you know other people who would like ○○ like you ? If you know someone, I would like you to introduce me.I can have not only ○○, but also ○○ products ready as well. So please introduce me if you know someone.I will send you a paypal invoice later.■ Hello, I'm ○○ and you purchased ○○ from eBay before.Would you like some ○○ products again ?Please let me know if you would like to purchase the items again .
Since it says "cordovan leather" in the title, I made a hasty conclusion.Isn't the leather "cordovan" ?If not, I'm afraid but I would like to cancel this order.I apologize for this inconvenience.
お世話になっております。5/27に発送頂いた商品がまだ到着しておりません。いつもですと早いと10日、遅くても14日ほどで当店へ届いていましたが今回はまだ届きません。DHL PAKETを確認したところ送り主しか現在の荷物の状況を調べられないそうです。大変お手数ではありますが、調べて頂いてもよろしいでしょうか?また6/4に注文した商品の追跡番号が知りたいので、お手数ですが教えて頂いてもよろしいですか?敬具
I always appreciate all of your help.The items which were shipped out on May 27th haven't arrived yet.Usually, it takes about 10 days, maximum 14 days to our store. However, we haven't received them yet this time.According to DHL PAKET, only the sender can check where the package is.Would you be able to check where the package is right now ?Also, please kindly let us know the tracking number of the package which I ordered on June 4th.Best regards,
非常に残念ですが返品お受けいたします。 お手数ですがこちらまで返品よろしくお願いします。 返品商品を確認できたら即返金致します。
It's very unfortunate, but I accept the returning item. Please return it to us. I will give you a refund after we receive the returning item.
Thank you for submitting the documents.We will review them soon.Also, would you like to be our business partner ?We can give you 10 points back depending on the quantity.If you are interested, please register from the below before we have business.
Thank you for your inquiry.Just for you, we can give you the special price,$299.What do you mean by "brown origami and white paper"?
I'm sorry for my late reply.I really appreciate your kind proposal.Please ship it via EMS.
I sold the item on behalf of a Japanese collector, he contacted me that a $50 refund is too high since the shipping fee was free.So, I can give you a $20 refund, however, please return the item if you would like more refund.Please use USPS when you return the item. The shipping fee will be $18.We will give you maximum $20 as the returning fee. However, we are not able to cover the returning fee if the returning shipping fee is more than $20.
I didn't hear anything about the documents when I ordered.I was just told that the item would be shipped out after I make a payment.I contacted you because the item didn't arrive. Then you said you can't ship it because of the document.If you had told me about the document when I ordered, I would have been able to receive it by now. Since it has passed more than 20 days after the payment, the item won't be here even after the credit card payment due.I would like to cancel this order this time and would like the refund to my Paypal account.
I have been using your company for more than 2 years.Currently, we have business channels on Yahoo and Amazon and we will expand our business to Rakuten.Pakcages will be increased as well.So, would you be able to offer us a 35% discount for shipping fees ?In the importing industry in Japan, we have a serious problem due to the weak yen.If you could give us the discount, we can do steady business.Please understand this situation and thank you for your kind cooperation.