Please take care of yourself.We have not asked about the storage and return of the item and have not received any mail from them neither.Please inquire the post office where you live about the reason as we only can guess they treated the parcel according to their regulations.It is possible we resend the item when it is returned, however we have to charge you the shipping cost.Please be assured if you cancel the item, we refund only the actual item price excluding the shipping fee.We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
The Shooters Fork is lightweight, streamlined and comfortable enough to be worn from the first sound of the whistle to the last buzzer.Its innovative design and flexible material gives you the freedom to dribble, pass and shoot. Everyone loves to play basketball -- whether alone, in a pick-up game, or on an organized team. It's really fun when you score points. But if you can't shoot, you can't score. Your grip on the basketball is critical when it comes to shooting. The shooting fork , control the aim of your shot. The wider the fork, the more control. The Shooters Fork helps to ensure that you have the proper grip before you release the ball. Simply place the bands over your index and middle fingers .
The Shooters Forkは、軽量で、流線型にデザインをされ、開始時の笛の音から、終了時のブザーが鳴るまで快適にご着用頂けます。この画期的なデザインと伸縮自在な素材と使用する事で、ドリブルや、パス、シュートが簡単に出きる様になります。バスケットボールは、一人でも、人を集めてちょっとするのでも、又、チームとして戦うのでも、誰もが好きなスポーツです。又、自分が点を入れるのは、本当に楽しい瞬間ですが、シュートがうまく行かなければ、点が入りません。ボールをうまく掴めるかどうかというのが、うまくシュートが出来るかどうかの条件になっています。シューティングフォークは、自分のボールのコントロールをします。フォークの幅が広ければ広いほど、コントロールができます。ボールを手から離す前に、ちゃんとボールを掴んでいるかどうかをこのフォークで確認します。人差し指と中指の上にバンドを掛けるだけです。
The winter passed, and in the spring of 37 Antonius sailed with a large fleet from Athens to Italy. Once again he found that Brundisium would not admit him. Not that he had either the desire or the pretext for war, but he was in an angry mood. Once again for the benefit of an ambiguous partner he had to defer the complete pacification of the East. Caesar's heir journeyed to the encounter, taking a varied company that included Maecenas and L. Cocceius Nerva (still perhaps a neutral), the negotiator of Brundisium, also the Antonian C. Fonteius Capito and a troupe of rising poets. Pollio was not present. If invited, he refused, from disgust of politics. Resentful and suspicious, the dynasts met at Tarentum.
冬が過ぎ、37の春に、Antoniusは、アテネからイタリアまで何隻もの船で航海をした。そして、Brundisium が自分の事を良く思っていない事を、思い知った。戦争をしたいという意志やその理由を言う訳ではないが、怒っているかの様であった。曖昧な相手に利となる事柄を説き、東の講和条約を結ぶ事を、又も、延期しなければならなかった。シーザーの相続人は、Maecenasや、(現在も中立の立場でいるかもしれない)L. Cocceius Nerva、Brundisiumの交渉人、そしてAntonian CFonteius Capito, 前途有詩人の一群などのお供を連れ、遭遇の場所に向かった。Pollioの姿は、そこには無かった。もし、来るように言われても、政治への嫌悪感から来なかっただろう。怒りと疑惑に満ちた感情で、それらのリーダーは、Tarentumに集まった。
Then I will send 7 of my works by email.Please let me know when you receive it.
Thank you for your email.Though I understood what you wrote in your email, I would like to have the one all in pink.If you can send me the one all in pink in color, please let me know how long it takes to send me.I would like to receive it by September 14. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.I will write you back later after receiving your reply and let you know my other orders in different colors.
私は2年以上ずっとあなたたちの会社を転送会社として利用しています。以前はAmerican Express Cardを使用していましたが、割引を適用してもらうために一度JCBカードへ変更しました。しかし現在はAmerican Express Cardによる30%オフキャンペーンがある事を知りました。私は2年以上ずっとあなたたちの会社を転送会社として利用しています。私にも30%以上の割引率を適用してください。もしディスカウントしてもらえれば、もっともっと転送量を多くします。
I have been using your transport company more than 2 years.I used to use my American Express Card to pay the shipping fee, though after a while I changed to JCB card in order to have the reduction on the fee.Now I heard there is 30% off campaign currently you have for users of American Express Card.I have been using your company for more than 2 years as our shipping company.Please let me know if you can give me more than 30% of reduction.If you can give me the reduction on my shipping, I will increase the number of shipping.
Hi, the 550 is again on factory backorder like the last time that you ordered them from us. Husqvarna is telling us at this time that we can expect them in early to mid september, but like last time they got pushed back. Rest assured as soon as the factory has them in stock again, we will ship one to you address in florida to fill your order."If you're satisfied with this solution, you can let the seller know by sending a message in the Resolution Center. If you don't want to accept this offer, we encourage you to send the seller a message with solution that you'd be happy with.
FUJe ne connais pas les procédures de retour B je n ai pas le colis car la poste me demande 94 euros de frais de douane. J espère qu en refusant le colis il vous sera renvoyé dans les plus brefs délais. Cordialement Bへログインして頂き、購入履歴からキャンセルリクエストをお願い致します。Bからメールで返品方法がきます。ちなみに返品理由は何でしょうか?
FU関税に94euro掛かるので、小包を受け取りませんでしたが、Bに返却する方法を知りません。この小包の受け取りを拒否してから後、出来るだけ早く、再送される事を願っております。敬具Connectez B et annulez la commande, puis vous recevrez les procédures de retour par courriel de B.Incidemment nous voulons savoir la raison du retour.
Once you have the amount given to you by your credit card company, please reply to this e-mail with the amount of the authorization that was placed upon your card and we will be able to approve and ship your order right away. The random authorization will also be deleted at this time. (If your credit card account is not in USD please indicate the currency of your account.)This random authorization amount is something that only the holder of the card would be able to gain access to. For this reason it is the most secure way to verify your identity and protect the integrity of your credit card. This is also a very simple process and is designed to cause you as little inconvenience as possible.
お使いのクレジットカードの会社から、お客様のお支払いの金額が表示されれば、お支払いの金額の確認をする事ができますので、その後、このメールにご返信下されば、ご注文の商品をすぐにお送り致します。 今回に於いては、こちらからのカードでのお支払い金額の認証を省きます。 (お客様のカードでご使用の通貨が米ドルではない場合は、お使いの通貨の表示もお願い致します。)このカードの金額認証は、そのカードをお使いのご本人しか確認ができません。お客様ご本人である事の確認をする事で、カードの誤用を防ぐ事ができます。これが一番簡単な確認の方法です。
Nous avons vérifié l’article quand nous avons l’envoyé.Malheureusement il y a un dégâts grave sur la boit comme sur la photo.Nous sommes désoles que nous ne pouvions pas avoir autre article même. Nous pouvons annuler votre commande si vous voulez.Laissez nous savoir que vous voudrez faire avec votre commande.Bien cordialement,
Bonjour, je souhaiterais acheter chez vous un Hario Skerton, mais la livraison semble impossible vers la Belgique, que ce soit vers mon adresse postale ou vers un point de retrait Kiala. Existe-t-il un moyen de passer commande chez vous pour cet article ?Merci d'avance.
拝啓Hario Skerton を購入したいと思いますが、商品のベルギーへの配達は、それが私の住所でも、Kialaへの配達でも、出来ない様です。 この商品を注文できる方法を御知らせ下さい。
この壁紙はKuvvaというアプリで取得しました。Tof Zapantaさんの作品です。Popularで探せば上の方にあります。
This wallpaper was from the application called Kuvva and designed by Tof Zapanta.If you search with Popular, you can find it at the upper raw.
Do you want to avoid changing the settings?ShuffleSelect from iPodTo ring selected music1.Start app before you sleep.(You can close app after that)2.Check the volume.3.Check the battery.By tapping on the seconds display the theme will changeYes! Try more!Tap the seconds displayDouble tap screen to show menuThank you for touching this appYou can change background image and so onThat's all!Do you need this instructions on starting up?
Si vous voulez eviter de modifier les paramètres, remaniez.Selectionnez dans l'Ipod*Pour sonner la musique sélectionnée1.Commencez l'application avant de vous endormir.(vous pouvez fermer application ensuite.)2. Verifiez le volume.3.Verifiez la batterie.En appuyant sur le deuxieme affichage, le thème va changer.Oui, essayez encore!Appuyez sur le deuxieme affichage et puis appuyez sur l'écran une autre fois pour montrer le menuMerci d'avoir touché cette application.Puis vous pouvez changer votre l'image d'arrière plan et ainsi de suiteC'est tout !Vous avez besoin ces instructions au démarrage?
Bonjour, Je souhaiterai savoir la durée de la garantie du cuiseur du riz Zojirushi (montant 440 euro).Je souhaiterai savoir aussi la capacité de la tasse pour ce modèle (5.5 ou 10 cup)Pouvez me confirmer que nous pouvons utiliser ce modèle avec la prise francaise.Merci d'avance de votre réponse.Bien cordialement
Thank you for your email.After confirming it, we found that we have 3 of identical items.We are happy if you could like to purchase the item (s) from us.(Thank you for your email.)We are sorry to inform you that this product will be sent out from Japan and it is more likely to be imposed the import duty if we ilclude the tracking numbers.We are afaid of the delay of the parcel when it will be verified by the customs and decided to send it without the tracking numbers.We apologize for the defect of the item.Please send us the photo of the product,
I cannot take your reason for the defect of the item you sent me as it is obvious for 100% that the adhisive went inside of the lense by being melted and it cannot happen within a short time as shipping.This happened within a long time that the adhisive melted away gradually caused by high temparature and oozed out to inside of the lense. Thereore I believe that the adhesive was on the lense at the time of your possession and you reasoned us differently.
Thank you for your email.Please fill in the safety standard for each 20 helmets I purchased from you previously on the excel sheet which I will send you with the information of each helmet by an email for which I was asked by Ministry of Economy of Japan.I apologize for the inconvenience.
I won your auctions and would like to know the shipping.Please send me the PayPal invoice.Also please let me know if you combine the shipping and send the item to my friend to the different address from mine as follows:〇〇I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.P.S.Please write down as antiques on the customs declaration form and pay attention for packing for the fragile item.
FUThank you for your buisiness.We apologize that we listed items on A which are not approved in EEA.We are sorry for the inconveniene it occured to you.We eliminated all the item of A.We will verify the items before listing them from the next time and will not list A.
FAQ:1.How quickly will I see the results of treatment?Most clients experience few cm of reduction in circumference after a single session, with increasing results after each visit. The results may vary with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain the results.Between 8 and 12 sessions, you will be able to appreciate the results from the third session on.WarningDear user ,Thanks for using our company's products,in order to fully make use of the products , we sincerely suggestion follows:
FAQ:1, このトリートメントの効果は、いつ現れますか?殆どの場合、1回の通院で直径2,3cmの大きさの除去が出来ますが、通院を続ける事でより大きな部分の除去が出来ます。 結果は、皮膚の構造、治療をする場所、年齢、メタボリズム、お飲みになっている薬、ホルモンの働きなどにより、個人差があります。 食事や運動なども、治療の結果に多大な影響があります。8回から12回の通院で、結果がはっきり解る様になるのが、3回目の通院以降からです。ご注意:お客様へ。我社の製品をお使い頂き、有難うございます。この製品の効果を充分にお楽しみ頂く為、下記の事をお試し下さい。: