Miko (kawagoe_9) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
kawagoe_9 日本語 → 英語

ケチで下品でやかましい。けれど人情深くて義理堅い。何より最高におもろい。そんな大阪のオバチャン達がアイドルとなって暗い世の中に殴り込み。持ち前のおせっかい精神とやかましさを武器に世界を元気にする活動をスタート。メンバー数はTPOに応じて1人から 47 人まで変幻自在。「絡んでくるアイドル」をコンセプトとして人と人との生のコミュニケーションを活発化させます。ヒップホップに合わせて歌って踊ったり、時には人生相談や値切り代行までおもろいことならなんでもやる集団。ある意味彼らより凄い


Miserly, indelicate and noisy. However, very human and loyal to everyone. Above all, greatest entertainer. Such middle-aged women who became an idol will break into a bleak world. They will start their missions to make the world recover as using their advantage of an inherent meddlesome spirit and noisiness. It is flexible that the number of members depends on TPO from one to 47. As a concept of "the idols who get involved in everyone's matter," they will stimulate people's live communication. It is the group that they sing and dance in tune with melodies of hip-hop, as well as, do everything they are interested in in a range from a life consulting to negotiation for discount on behalf of everyone. In a way, they are greater than experts.

kawagoe_9 日本語 → 英語




The Tattoo Searching Site Mainly to Search Tattoo Studios in Japan
It is what you can search studios as making use of the conditional search and the gallery search that is available to instinctively find studios and tattooists.

The work in the motif of traditional Japanese designs is called "和彫り" (wabori).
Regardless of hand-carving or carving with a tattoo machine, it is also a recent trend to collectively call these styles of works wabori.
As you can see from the fact that "irezumi" generally means wabori in other countries, it is one of common worldwide categories. It would be also proper to say that the traditional Japanese prospective of the world - that is described by the order of the sky, ground and water as well as the unification of seasons - is the beauty of wabori.

kawagoe_9 英語 → 日本語

All the same, we can be a bit more definite than that. We can design special places for the Core, though it is of course impossible in our present time of rapid change to be certain that these are the places that will continue to develop in the future. In Holland we have been planning an area that will eventually house 10,000 people. We are starting with the small Cores, and will after· wards make the central one. Are you sure of the place where this will be? Will it really develop in the centre? In the smaller English towns the main Cores have always grown around the first centre of development. It seems very difficult to change this. The first Core to grow seems to remain the real centre.

