Miko (kawagoe_9) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
kawagoe_9 英語 → 日本語

・How many of the clean warm cotton linen clothing fragrance do you have left in stock? How long will it take to get to the USA?

・If i am to purchase LEGO Crawler 9398, would you SHIP to EGYPT?

・i just wanthed to ask if
you still have copies of
AfterSchool "Virgin" album
for sale




・LEGO Crawler 9398を購入する場合、エジプトに発送はしてもらえるのでしょうか。

・AfterSchool 「Virgin」のアルバムが

・I wonder why I received the complaint. Without returning the product, the buyer required a full refund. I turned it down.
I let him/her know that I will pay all the money back on receiving the product. Furthermore, I informed him/her that in the case I found any defects in the product, I would also pay back the shipping cost.
I informed him/her of our willingness mentioned above but no answer has been given. I truly find it regrettable that I unexpectedly received this complaint.

kawagoe_9 日本語 → 英語



Keep you warm from your feet by the infrared ray effect of a bamboo charcoal.
These socks consist of 89% of silk.
The fiber is coated with 800 thousands pieces of bamboo charcoal.
As a feature, it is more comfortable for you to wear than cotton products because of the goodness for your feet, feeling smooth and its own absorbability of perspiration.
However there are some cases that it tends to be rather vulnerable and easier to get a hole.
If we change how to knit or use other materials to make it more sustainable, foot comfort may be undermined.
I would like to suggest you who have some trouble as follows.

The person who has trouble with greasy feet.
The person who has athlete's foot.
The person who is nervous about the smell of your feet.
The person who feels fatigued with standing up at work.
The person who suffers from poor circulation.

kawagoe_9 英語 → 日本語

he had recourse to hard rowing to avoid being driven ashore,but most of them,thinking that the wind would soon subside,as it usually does in the springtime,moored themselves with anchors at either end, landward and seaward, pushing each other off with poles.As the wind grew more violent everything was thrown into confusion.The ships collided, broke their anchors, and were thrown quivering on the shore or against one another.Cries of alarm and groans of pain were mingled together,and exhortations that fell upon deaf ears.Orders could not be heard,and there was no distinction between pilot and common sailor, knowledge and authority being alike unavailing.The same destruction awaited those in the ships and those



kawagoe_9 英語 → 日本語

who fell overboard, the latter being crushed by wind.The sea was full of sails, and men, living and dead.Those who sought to escape by swimming to land were dashed against the rocks by the surf.When the convulsion seized the water,as is usual in that strait, they were terrified, being unaccustomed to it,and then their vessels were whirled around and dashed against each other worse than ever.As night came on the wind increased in fury, so that they perished no longer in the light but in the darkness.Groans were heard throughout the entire night,and the cries of men running along the shore and calling their friends and relatives upon the sea by name,and mourning for them as lost when they could hear no responses;

