M.Nagai (brother346) 翻訳実績

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brother346 英語 → 日本語

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brother346 英語 → 日本語

When he arrived there he met people who had been in Rome when Caesar was buried; and they told him, among other things, that he had been named in the will as Caesar's son, inheriting three fourths of his property, the remaining share having been set aside to pay the sum of seventy-five drachmae to each man in the city. He had enjoined Atia, the youth's mother, to take charge of his burial, but a great crowd had forced its way into the Forum and had there cremated the body and interred the remains. They told Octavius that Brutus and Cassius and the other murderers had taken possession of the Capitol, and were obtaining, through the promise of freedom, the slaves as allies.



brother346 英語 → 日本語

On the first two days while Caesar's friends were still panic stricken many men came and joined the murderers; but when colonists from the neighboring cities (whom Caesar had furnished with grants and had established in those cities) began to come in large numbers and attach themselves to the followers of Lepidus, the Master of the Horse, and to those of Antonius, Caesar's colleague in the consulship, who were promising to avenge Caesar's death, most of the conspirators' group dispersed. The conspirators being thus deserted gathered some gladiators and others who were implacably hostile to Caesar, or who had had a share in the plot.


シーザーの友人がまだパニック状態であった最初の2日に、打ちひしがれていた多くの人々がやって来て、謀殺者に加わったのです。しかし、近隣の都市(シーザーは補助金を与えて、それらの都市を確立しました)からの入植者が大挙してやって来て、マギステル・エクィトゥム のレピドゥスの支持者とアントニウスの支持者に加わり始めると、シーザーの死に復讐すると約束していた執政職のシーザーの同僚たち、大部分の共謀者たちのグループは散っていきました。このようにして見捨てられた共謀者たちは、シーザーに執念深く敵対的であり、または策略を共有していた一部の剣闘士たちその他を集めました。

brother346 英語 → 日本語

Octavius lived soberly and in moderation; his friends know of something else about him that was remarkable. For an entire year at the very age at which youths, particularly those with wealth, are most wanton, he abstained from sexual gratification out of regard for both his voice and his strength.Octavius spent three months in Rome and then came and sojourned here [Apollonia]. He was admired by his friends and companions, revered by everyone in the city, and praised by his instructors. In the fourth month of his stay, a freedman came from home, in excitement and dismay, sent by his mother and carrying a letter which said that Caesar had been killed in the Senate by Cassius and Brutus and their accomplices.



brother346 英語 → 日本語

She asked her son to return to her as she did not know what the outcome of affairs would be. She said he must show himself a man now and consider what he ought to do and put his plans in action, according to fortune and opportunity. His mother's letter made all this clear, and the man who brought it gave a similar report. He said he had been sent immediately after Caesar's murder, and he had wasted no time on the way, so that hearing the news as quickly as possible, Octavius would be able to make his plans accordingly. He added that the relatives of the murdered man were in great danger, and it was necessary to consider first of all how this was to be avoided.

