14pon 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
14pon 日本語 → 英語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0









I visited London to participate in the event "B" hosted by "A".

On the day before the show, I shoot pictures around the decorations and settings at the site in the hotel for our final confirmation.

The Japan team discussed to finally determine what we were going to show, in view of the total balance instead of focusing on just single style.

On the day of the show:

The last thing you would expect to happen when you carry everything on you did happen. The road in the neighbor of the venue was under construction, and I was dropped from the taxi just a few meters away from the entrance.

I had luggages far more than my both hand could handle just when a few pretty girls who were concerned with the event walked by and helped me out.

You girls were so sweet.

14pon 英語 → 日本語

Thank you very much ! I really appreciate this decision,. You are an honest man and I appreciate that very much. I want to do business with you in the future and I want to help you understand what it needs to be done in order to avoid problems with custom charges. For future orders from me you do not have to write the value I pay but a smaller amount like 30$ on the package. And insure it for 30$. You do not have to worry about the package being lost because it has a tracking number and tracking number packages never get lost. This way in the future I will buy more reels from you. I will try to explain this every time I make a purchase from you so we do not have anymore problems.



14pon 英語 → 日本語

It has been over a week and I haven't received my packages yet (I purchased 2 items from you). The tracking number showing the latest date of 9 April which didn't indicate the latest date (now is 15 April)
Could you check to the delivery company where are the packages now? I'm afraid those were delivered when I wasn't at home. In that case, the packages will be put in the nearest post office and being returned within 5 days. So, please help me to check the location.
If haven't reached Singapore, then how long those will come?
If the packages were put in the post office, then which post office I should collect and what document to bring?
Kindly reply soon. Thank you.



14pon 日本語 → 英語



In Japan before the war, most of the farmers, not only in the rurals but also in the urban districts, provided firewoods for themselves. Until the mid 1950's self-sufficiency rates of firewoods were almost 85% of the total consumption. Regular homes in cities were buying firewoods from merchants. Wood charcoal is classified as white charcoal and black charcoal by the method it is produced. White charcoal ignites slow but lasts long with its high heat and used for heating, while the latter ignites fast but lasts less with its low heat and used for coocking. Studying the data of houshold spendings regionally collected throughout the country since the Meiji era leads to estimated household energy consumptions in a timeline.

14pon 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0



In the pre-war Japan, electrical appliances were mostly irons and radios. Penetrations of vacuum cleaners and refrigerators, which help ease household labors, were very low, especially in comparison to overseas countries. Also automobile ownership was extreamly rare, and even in 1940's it only reached 0.07% of the population. The thermal demand in the urban regions were from 40% to 70% of the heaters, 15% to 35% of cooking, 15% to 30% of heating up the water in the bath tabs. According to a study by Yamaguchi Prefectural Agriculture Laboratory, the same in the rurals were 33%, 12%, and 55%, respectively. Trees used for the firewood and charcole were broad-leaf ones among quercus, oak and castanopsis as those were superior in producing heats and with higher burning rates.