twooclockhigh Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native) Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

You are allowed to list 10 items (active + sold) or 500 US dollars
(active + sold) per month, whichever comes first. The limit of 10 here
refers to the total quantity of your listings. That means if your
listings are Fixed-Price-style listings, every single item will be
calculated into the total quantity.

1. What are you selling now?
2. Where do you get your items? What is your supplier?
3. What’s the average price of your items?
4. What shipping service do you use?
5. Would you plan to sell other items on eBay in the near future?

For further questions, please reply this email with the original text
and subject so that we could help you the soonest possible.



1. 現在販売中のものはなんですか?
2. どこでその商品を調達しましたか? サプライヤーは?
3. あなたの商品の平均価格は?
4. どのような配送サービスを利用しますか?
5. 近い将来に、他の商品をeBayで販売する予定はありますか?


twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

We are so sorry for the late reply because of the chinese spring festival.We appreciate your great understanding.
Cause you need to send it back to us if there is sth wrong with the machine,then we refund your full payment as per your request.
And we always try our best to help our counstomers,so can we make a suggestion that we refund your partial payment $20.00 as compensation for the trouble,this is the best i can do for you (according to our policy),otherwise,i have to pay for company's lost

In order to offer better service,sometimes we need to your kind and close cooperation,Your kind and good understanding will be highly appreciated and valued.


我々は常に万全の顧客対応を心がております。今回のトラブルに関するお詫びとしまして、我々は、お客様の支払額の部分的な返還($20.00)をさせていただければと考えております。我々のポリシー上、これが我々にできる最大限の対応となります。 これ以上の対応ですと私が会社の損失の穴埋めをしなければなりません。


twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 156-2
Great CEOs know when it is time to move on to new challenges. The way Gates has managed his exit from Microsoft should be lesson to all leaders:

•Great timing. Be your own critic. If you feel that others can offer more value than you are able to, or you are no longer motivated by the challenge, it is time to move on.

•Exit gradually. First Gates worked alongside the new CEO, and then appointed people to cover the numerous roles he has acquired over the years.

•Exit graciously. Gates was both quick to praise the people who had contributed to his success, and good humored in making his transition. It generates a lot of goodwill.


PAGE 156-2

- 適切なタイミング

- ゆるやかに退く

- 優雅に退く

twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 153-1
Beginning 'I am quite disappointed at how Windows Usability has been going backwards', Gates proceeds to rant: about the website - 'this site is so slow it is unusable'; about the website search and down loading -'it is more like a puzzle that you get to solve'; Windows Update
- 'where I get to see weird dialog boxes'; about the install - 'Amazing how slow this thing is'; and it gets worse.

Asked about the email Gates replied, 'There's not a day that I don't send a piece of email '" like that piece of email. That's my job.' He even referred to it in his farewell address.


PAGE 153-1
「Windowsのユーザビリティが以前よりも悪くなっていることにとてもがっかりしている」と切り出し、ゲイツは、Microsoft.comのウェブサイトへの不満をぶちまけた、検索とダウンロードに関しては「サイトは遅すぎて全く使い物にならない」「まるでパズルのようだ」と述べ、Windows Updateに関しては「この変なダイアログボックスはなんだ」、インストールに関しては「驚くべき遅さだ」と、とどまるところを知らなかった。


twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 152-1
It is a side of Bill G that not many people will have seen outside of his personal friends and Microsoft, but it was a great exercise as part of building a legacy beyond the concept of Bill the Ruthless. It was also consistent with the increased post-Warren Buffett friendship emphasis on Gates having fun doing whatever it is that he does.

The world has changed dramatically over the last two decades, in particular with the rapid transformation in information and communications technology. The rise in importance of the Internet and the convergence of technology onto small portable devices like mobile phones and MP3 players created significant challenges for Microsoft


PAGE 152-1
これは、彼の個人的あるいはマイクロソフトの友人を除いた多くの人には知られていないビルゲイツの一面である。しかし、これは、非情なビルといういう伝説の構築に一役買っている。さらに、Warren Buffettとの友好関係が結ばれた後に、ゲイツが自分がすること全てを楽しむことに重点を置くようになったという話とも整合する。
