twooclockhigh Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native) Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

Japanese iPhone App Kamiwaza Multiplies Your Money

We’ve looked at number of different augmented reality apps over the past year, ranging from fun to practical to downright scary. And it seems fitting to end the year with this one from Asahi Broadcasting (iTunes link) which promises good fortune as you break in the new year. Or at least, a virtual fortune anyway…

The application is named Kamiwaza, and it uses your iPhone camera to detect 1000, 5000, and 10000 yen notes. Once they are found the app displays a much bigger pile of money on your screen. It looks pretty realistic too, with the exception of a ‘sample ’ stamp marked on the bills. You can get a closer look at how it works in the video below.





twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 84-3
•Test your products on real customers. Gates was always willing to test software with customers. Beta versions of the company's software are offered to customers who are prepared to provide some feedback for advance knowledge of the new software. In this way, the company's developers get real feedback from the people who will use the final version of the software.

•Know thyself. Today, knowledge management is all the rage with business school professors and management gurus. Initiated by Gates relentless quest for knowledge, Microsoft has been doing it for years.


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twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 77-3

At Microsoft, Gates also instituted a system where those elsewhere in the organization provide constant feedback to their colleagues. He was passionate about what he called 'feedback loops', and these were built into everything that Microsoft does.

PAGE 78-3
In theory, Microsoft was supposed to keep the playing field level by segregating the operating systems division and the applications division. This artificial division was called the 'Chinese Wall.' However, competitors have continually argued that the wall is full of holes and that Microsoft's applications developers have inside information about the operating system that is not available to rival developers - and vice versa.


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PAGE 78-3

twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 66-1
'The art of management is to promote people without making them managers', he said once. He subsequently modified that statement by saying it was more relevant to technical environments. But views on management remained consistent.

'I really don't know the difference between a professional manager and anyone else', he said. 'We're all professional, we work during the day and we get paid. Where are these non-professionals? I don't seem to see any around. We're not here to say "I'm a professional manager, give me something to manage," we're here to get the job done. So we don't actively distinguish between professional and non-professional managers.’


PAGE 66-1



twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 44-3
•Lead technology to shape the future.
Although Microsoft is not a prodigious inventor, it has always been extremely adept at taking good ideas, developing them and making them into commercially successful products. In fact, Gates does not necessarily rate people who are obsessed with original solutions to problems. Most people only have one brilliant idea in their entire lifetimes, he says. He believes that most solutions already exist somewhere and simply have to be identified. This, he has claimed, is his own great talent. Gates has also proved willing to use Microsoft's muscle to champion new technologies such as multimedia which then shape the future.


PAGE 44-3


twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

There's a battle on the way to take control of the smartphone and tablet market.The way that all of us, if not already, will access the Internet in the future.It's a struggle for dominance.Google, Apple, Microsoft and Blackberry are all fighting for our attention.Google, the company, that for many of us defines the Internet, has agreed to buy the company that once defined mobiles: Motorola.It's a deal worth a colossal 12.5 billion dollars.Google already owns the Android mobile phone and tablet operating system.That's the rival to Apple's iPhones and iPads.What's at stake is massive.And at the moment, Google's Android is slightly in the lead, with 150 million devices around the world.

