atticfoxx (atticfoxx) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
atticfoxx English → Japanese
Original Text

On the same day that witnessed the battle at Philippi another great calamity took place in the Adriatic. Domitius Calvinus was bringing two legions of infantry on transport ships to Octavian,one of which was known as the Martian legion, a name which had been given to it as a distinction for bravery. He led also a praetorian cohort of about 2000 men, four squadrons of horse, and a considerable body of other troops, under the convoy of a few triremes. Murcus and Ahenobarbus met them with 130 war-ships. A few of the transports that were in front got away under sail. But the wind suddenly failing, the rest drifted about in a dead calm on the sea, delivered by some god into the hands of their enemies.For the latter,


フィリッピの戦闘が目撃された日と同じ時、アドリアティックも凄まじい不運に見舞われていた。 ドミティウス カルヴィナスは二つのレギオン部隊を船に乗せてオクタヴィアンに向かっていた。 うち、ひとつは勇敢なことでマーシャン レギオン部隊と名付けられた部隊。 さらに、2000人ほどの執政官で形成された歩兵隊、4つほどの馬騎兵大隊に加えて相当な人数の部隊の指揮もとっていました。 これらを 大きなガレー船に乗せて護送していました。 マーカスとアヘノバーバスは130船の戦船で出くわしました。前方にいた何隻かは、帆をくぐり命を失わずにすみました。 だが 突然の突風により、残りの船は静かで残酷な海へと呑まれていってしまいました。まるで神が敵に力を貸したかのように。

atticfoxx Japanese → English
Original Text



For left-over drinks

atticfoxx Japanese → English
Original Text








He works as an idol also.

He is also training Seikawa and Ren because he has been in the show buissiness longer.

His left eye is greyish and the right eye is purple. That is his characteristic that he has different color eyes.

His first impression is "scary" but he is kind. Just not innocent to express his feelings.

He is a character from the second season of the animation, can't wait to see how he will be doing

Hope you will enjoy the new characters as well!

しんごさんの翻訳をする機会が多いので ここにメッセージ残させていただきますね笑


評価やコメント残して下さったら 私が読めるので

これからも がんばります!