Aki (akihiro_12) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
akihiro_12 English → Japanese
Original Text

.donor areas. In some donor areas, you can exceed 5000-6000 without any problems
In others, 2000 grafts may cause some white spotting when the donor areas is shaved. We have never seen a problem with 1500 grafts or less.

Anyway you look at it, there is now way to perform a hair transplant and have a totally pristine donor area. You can conceal the evidence with FUE in almost all patients. However, unfortunately, no Strip patient can conceal their results. Once you have a strip procedure you are marked for like. CIT offers you the highest probability of an acceptable esthetic result. CIT scarring is virtually undetectable, particularly if you

maintain a few centimeters of length in the surrounding




akihiro_12 English → Japanese
Original Text

hair, and certainly not as

noticeable as a linear strip scar.

3. Is CIT better method than FUE?

CIT method is most common method that Dr. Cole uses in all our patients.

4. What is the healing process?

As far as the healing process is concerned, once you have had your procedure within 3-4 Months Post-op, you will begin to see the first stages of Growth. 8 Months Post-op is a Good time to schedule a follow up consultation to assess the growth. (80% of your hair should be growing) 9 Months to 1 year Post-op: Full benefits of your surgery in term of cosmetic and growth. The scabs from the procedure will normally fall off the donor area within 3-5 days and the recipient are in 7-10 days. We have


particularly if you maintain a few centimeters of length in the surrounding hair, and certainly not as
noticeable as a linear strip scar.





術後、3、4ヶ月で育毛の第一段階に入ります。術後8ヵ月後は、通院を予定し、診察により成長を評定をするのに丁度良い次期です。 (あなたの80パーセントの髪は生え変わるはずです)術後9ヶ月から一年では、手術による最大限の効果がみられます。(美容と成長の点で)手術によるかさぶたはドナー部分で一般的に3日から5日、レシピエント部分は7日から10日で剥がれ落ちます。

akihiro_12 English → Japanese
Original Text

This study was conducted to examine the effect of relative humidity and air space in knitted
fabrics on heat transfer, by means of the Thermo Labo II type, measuring thermal conductivity (λ) thermal insulation value(TIV) and initial maximum heat flux(qmax) for ten kinds of knitted fabrics.The experimental results were analysed statistically to relate thermal properties to relative humidity, air space, moisture/air transport properties, and so on.
1. The TIV of knitted fabrics for underwear showed that the smaller the bulk density and the
thicker the air space, the better the thermal insulation, regardless of materials, an increase of about 150% was observed in TIV of about 8mm of air space.


この研究は、相関的な湿度とニット布地の中の空間が熱の移転にもたらす影響を調査するためにサーモラボ II タイプを使い行われました。十種類のニット布地を使い、それぞれの熱の伝導性(λ)、熱の絶縁値(TIV)、そして初期の最高熱流(qmax)を計測しました。熱の性質と相関的な湿度、空間、湿気/空気移動性質などを関係付けるため、実験の結果は統計的に分析されます。
1. 下着のニット布地のTIVは、容積の密度が小さく空間が厚いほど、材質に関係なく熱の絶縁が高くなった。8ミリほどの空間でのTIVは、150パーセントの増量がみられた。

akihiro_12 English → Japanese
Original Text

Cobalt plates and all 4 are in excellent condition with no chips,crazing,cracks or repairs. The wide cobalt edge and gold trim show no wear and the center has hand painted flowers that show no wear. The size is 9 1/2 inches in diameter and the back has the early Sevres red mark with the crown mark above the capital N mark and the number 58 which we feel represents the date (1858). The buyer will pay $12.00 for shipping cost and these 4 great looking plates would make a great gift for that special person. These 4 great plates come from a smoke free home and we do have 1 other plate that we will give free to the winner and it only has a very small worn spot on the edge, not bad for something so old.


コバルトのプレートと、4つすべては良品質です。欠け、割れ目、ヒビ、修復はありません。広いコバルトの角と、金のトリムは磨り減っていません。中心にはハンドペイントされた花がありますが、こちらも磨り減りはありません。サイズは直径9 1/2インチで、後は初期のSevresの赤いマークがあります。大文字のNマークの上に王冠のマークと、ナンバー58があります。おそらく1858年のものだということだと思います。購入者は12ドルの送料を支払います。この4つの素晴らしい外観のプレートは、特別な誰かへの素晴らしい贈り物となります。これらは喫煙者のいない家で保管されています。ウィナーには1つおまけでプレートを無料でつけます。角に少し擦り切れた箇所がありますが、とても古い割りには良い状態です。

akihiro_12 English → Japanese
Original Text

Original Kluson keys with new buttons, pretty smooth - work better than most
Solid straight neck with good truss rod
Original frets in good shape
Authentic 50's Gibson sunburst
Refinished with authentic vintage process: Nitrocellulose lacquer, sanding sealer.
Sealer toned with authentic aniline dyes for sunburst and other shading.
Tortise pattern pick-guard over finish
Serial number: 4027XX
Has original adjustable bridge plus rosewood/bone insert for better sound.
Original nut
Neck is 1 1/2 inch wide at the nut
Professionally setup with Martin light gauge strings

I have made every attempt to represent this item accurately. If you purchase it and this guitar is not as described I will provide a complete refund on return.


とてもスムーズな新しいボタン付きオリジナルクルーソンキー - 他のよりも高い機能です
真正の50年代ギブソン サンバースト
真正のビンテージプロセスによる再仕上げ: ニトロセルロース ラッカー、サンディング塗料
シリアルナンバー: 4027XX
オリジナルの調節可能ブリッジに、よりよい音のためのローズウッド/ボーン 挿入
ネックはナット側が1 1/2インチの幅


akihiro_12 English → Japanese
Original Text

Exquisite 1965 Gibson J45, has been skillfully and lovingly brought back into top condition by a luthier of 30 years experience. Punchy and percussive sound with rich overtones and good volume. Clean and easy playing, original frets have plenty of life in them. It has had a quality professional finish applied using traditional methods: nitro-cellulose sealer, aniline dyes mixed with sealer and nitro gloss lacquer. All finish mixed and shot with professional equipment (not spray cans) in a clean-filtered spray booth.
No cracks in the body though some loose back braces have been glued. The neck has a very old and small repaired rack at the headstock.


優美な 1965年 ギブソンJ45 は30年間の経験を持つ弦楽器製作者により技巧的に愛を込められ、トップコンディションとなり返ってきました。パンチのきいたパーカッシブなサウンドと、リッチな倍音に良いボリュームです。クリーンでイージーな感触で、オリジナルのフレットはまだ生きています。プロによる伝統的な手法で、良質な塗装がされています。手法はニトロセルロースシーラー、シーラーと混ぜ合わせたアニリン染料、そしてニトログロスラッカーによるものです。全ての塗装はクリーンフィルター付きのスプレーブースでミックスされ、プロの技術により縞がついています。缶スプレーは使われていません。ボディにひび割れはありませんがバックブレースが何個か緩んでいたので糊でとめてあります。ネックはとても古く、ヘッドストックに修理されたラックがあります。

akihiro_12 English → Japanese
Original Text

I will go in and adjust the shipping price to shipping with another item from $2.50ea to $2.00ea and if the shipping has a difference of more then $5 less for the whole price I will refund the difference.

Everything seem ok? Let me know if you have any questions/

There are some 17"x11" that do run more since they took much longer to create and those I won't go down any more to the $45.00 17"x11" but will go half price. For instance this piece www.etsy.com/listing17x11 & this one www.etsy.com/-static-charged took at least four times as long to create other then the other styles.

Make sense?




17"x11"であれば、何個かあります。作成に長い時間がかかってしまったので、この商品で45ドル以下は無理ですが、半額になります。たとえばこの作品(www.etsy.com/listing/100236778/contemporary-art-abstract-original-17x11 )と、この作品(www.etsy.com/listing/97448792/contemporary-modern-art-static-charged)は他の作品に比べて、四倍の時間をかけて作成されました。
