[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] ・私は、NECの動きが遅いので、トムとビルを呼んで、今後の方針について話し合った。 ・話し合いの結果としての基本方針は、以下の通りである。 ・私達は、今後...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" "Eメール" のトピックと関連があります。 sujiko さん elephantrans さん shino0530 さん hiromik さん wmi_wkh2003 さんの 5人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 6件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 701文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 16分 です。

yamakawa1による依頼 2016/10/04 15:33:14 閲覧 2429回
残り時間: 終了



評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/10/04 16:15:29に投稿されました
As NEC works on it slowly, I called Tom and Bill, and talked about the policy from now.
The basic policy as a result of our discussion is as follows.
We will start negotiation with each affiliate of NEC, but the policy might be changed subject to the negotiation.

1. Policy of introduction
In principle, we introduce ERM for main affiliate of NEC.
Holding company of NEC and Aria will work on affiliates of NEC for its introduction in cooperation.
We will make a model of introduction, and consult with REVAL in detail after completing the model.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/10/04 15:58:38に投稿されました
・Because action of NEC was slow, I invited Bill and Tom to discuss a future policy.
・The basic policies as a result of discussion are as follows.
・We will start negotiations with the NEC group companies, but our policy might be changed depending on the negotiations.

1.Policy of the introduction
・The ERM will be basically introduced into the main companies of the NEC group.
・NEC holding company and Alia Corporation will cooperate to induce NEC group for the introduction.
・We will make a model of the introduction and want to consult with REVAL as soon as it is completed.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/10/04 16:32:32に投稿されました
・Since NEC is taking time, I called Tom and Bill to talk about our future policy.
・The basic policy after the discussion is mentioned below
・We're going to start the negotiation with each of the NEC group companies and depending on the negotiation, the policy may change.

1. The policy of implementation
・In principal, we'll implement ERM for the main group companies of NEC.
・Their holding companies and Aria company will work together to encourage NEC group companies for the implementation.
・We'll make a model for the implementation and as soon as it's ready, we shall consult with REVEL about more concrete plans.




評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/10/04 15:44:21に投稿されました
As DD has already introduced SAP, we switch it to IBM when the contract expires.
As EMEA needs to introduce it immediately, we want them to proceed it by themselves
based on the understanding of main office of NEC.
As Mr. Kent, CFO of the company, is attending the conference, he knows the decision this time.

2. Period of introduction
We try to make a contract with the company that has a main office in Tokyo by the end of this year.
We try to make a contract with the company abroad.

3. Details of introduction
We unify the style we introduce. The main field is foreign exchange and GF.
We want to make an introduction pack. We select by focusing on the style we used in trial.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/10/04 16:06:54に投稿されました
・Since the DD company has already introduced SAP, it will be switched to IBM when the contract is expired.
・Since the EMEA company is in hurry for the introduction, we will have them to proceed with it by themselves under the consent of the NEC head office.
In addition, the CFO of this company, Kent, knew this decision because he attended at this meeting.

2.Period of the introduction
・We aim at agreement of the contract with the head office in Tokyo within this year.
・With the overseas company, we aim at agreement of the contract within the next fiscal year.

3.Contents of the introduction
・We will unify the style of the introduction. The keys are exchange and GF.
・We would like to make an introduction package. We will make a selection based on the form that was used for trial.




評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/10/04 15:57:08に投稿されました
- It is supposed that the group companies request to customize to what they want, but basically we do not accept to do so.

4. Short-term task
(1) preparing the manual, execution of training
- Since our human resources are not enough, we consider to entrust to EY company.
- It requires to execute in Japanese.
(2) charge
- If the NEC group use this, the amount charge will become large as a whole.
To keep it appropriate charge, we need IBM's support.

5. others
- To develop a large scale SAAS, we would like to know IBM's experiences.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/10/04 15:49:51に投稿されました
The affiliates will ask us to customize to be suitable for them.
However, in principle, we cannot accept it.

4. Current problem
1. Creation of manual and carrying out training
As we do not have many people, we will discuss outsourcing to EY.
We have to do it in Japanese.

2. Fee
If NEC group uses it, it will be high in whole.
We want support from IBM to have an appropriate fee.

5. Other
In developing SAAS on large scale, if IBM has its experience, we want you to let us know.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/10/04 15:48:08に投稿されました
・Although it seems that the group companies will request the customization according to their convenience, they cannot be accepted.

4.Current problems
(1)Creation of the manual and implementation of the training
・Since we don't have sufficient human resources, we will consider to entrust it to the EY company.
・It is necessary to implement it in Japanese.
・If the NEC group uses it, the cost will be expanded. The support from IBM is expected to make it an appropriate cost.
・Please let us know if you have experience with IBM, in order to develop the SAAS on a large scale.
評価 46
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/10/04 15:49:13に投稿されました
Group companies are likely to look for customize to match with their condition but not considering the principle.

4. Immediate task
(1) Manual preparation, training implementation
- As we are short in human resources, we consider to entrust to EY company.
· For this purpose, we need to implement in Japanese.
(2) Rates
• If we use the NEC Group, the overall charges will be considerably large.
So to get the appropriate fee, we need the support from IBM.

5. Other
· To carry out the large-scale deployment of SAAS, we need the guidance from IBM's if they have any experience.





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