Are vitamin supplements for pregnant women a waste of money?
It is essential that an expectant mother receives adequate nutrition to promote the healthy development of her unborn child. To this end, the market is awash with maternal vitamin supplements. A new review asks whether these pills are as necessary as they claim to be.
Maternal deficiency of certain nutrients has been linked to a number of negative health consequences for mother and child.
Risks include restricted fetal growth, low birth weight, skeletal deformities, and pre-eclampsia.
These well-known dangers support a huge vitamin, mineral, and micronutrient industry aimed at pregnant women.
そのため、世間には母体用のビタミン剤があふれています。 これらのサプルメントが、宣伝されているほど必要であるのかどうか、新たな調査が疑問を投げかけます。
Typically, these tablets will contain 20 or more vitamins and minerals, often including a range of B vitamins, C, D, E, K, iodine, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and copper.
The supplements normally cost around £15 (roughly $19) per month.
A new report, published in the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, assessed the existing literature to investigate whether these products translate into better outcomes for women and their children.
■Which supplements really matter?
Although studies have been done on the effectiveness of certain supplements, much of this research has been conducted in low-income countries where mothers are more likely to have nutritional deficiencies than Europe or the United States.
Drug and Therapeutics Bulletinに掲載された新しいレポートでは、既存の文献を評価し、これらの商品の使用が母親とその子供にとってよい結果をもたらすことになるのかを調査しました。
サプリメントは通常、月額£ 15 (約$ 19)くらいかかります。
Other investigations into the effectiveness of maternal vitamin and mineral tablets have been observational studies, which are subject to bias and cannot demonstrate cause, only associations.
The current report set out to assess how beneficial maternal supplements are and whether research backs up the sale of these vitamins and minerals. In particular, they concentrated on vitamins A, C, D, and E, iron, and folic acid.
The results of the literature review found that the benefits of folic acid supplementation had the strongest evidence.
A number of studies have shown that folate significantly reduces the chances of neural tube defects, including anencephaly (the baby is born with parts of the brain and skull missing) and spina bifida (the spine is incompletely formed).
The United Kingdom and U.S. guidelines suggest a woman takes 400 micrograms of folic acid from before pregnancy until the 12-week mark. For women at risk of having a child with neural defects, the recommended dose is 5 milligrams.
Vitamin D is produced in the skin when it comes in contact with ultraviolet (UV) light. It plays an essential role in the maintenance of bones by promoting calcium absorption from the gut. Becoming deficient in vitamin D can cause skeletal problems, such as rickets.
The case for vitamin D supplementation was less clear-cut than that for folate; there was little evidence that the vitamin reduced complications associated with pregnancy or birth. A daily dose of 10 micrograms is still recommended during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
For women who live in colder, cloudier locations (where less UV light is encountered), women with darker skin, or those who are nutrient deficient for other reasons, vitamin D is likely to be more useful.
■Most vitamins are 'an unnecessary expense'
As for the other supplements - A, C, E, and iron - the evidence of health benefits for well-nourished mothers and children was not forthcoming. In fact, excess vitamin A is known to harm the developing baby.
The report's authors concluded:
他のサプリメント - ビタミンA 、 C 、 E 、および鉄 - について、栄養が十分な母親と子供に、健康上の利点があるという証拠はありませんでした。実際には、過剰なビタミンAは、成長中の赤ちゃんに害を与えることが知られています。
他のサプリメント -ビタミンA,C,Eおよび鉄分 - については、十分に栄養摂取のできている母体と子供に対する健康上の優位性は公表すべきものが無かった。実際、ビタミンAの過剰摂取は新生児の成育に悪影響があることが知られている。
"We found no evidence to recommend that all pregnant women should take prenatal multi-nutrient supplements beyond the nationally advised folic acid and vitamin D supplements, generic versions of which can be purchased relatively inexpensively."
The authors' advice to expectant mothers is that specific multivitamin and mineral preparations marketed at pregnant women are "unlikely to be needed and are an unnecessary expense." They also warn that "Pregnant women may be vulnerable to messages about giving their baby the best start in life, regardless of cost."
妊婦への著者のアドバイスは、妊娠中の女性に販売される特定のマルチビタミンとミネラルプリパレーションは、「必要とは思えず、不要な出費です。 」ということです。彼らはまた、 「妊娠中の女性はコストに関係なく、自分の赤ちゃんの人生に最高のスタートを与えることについてのメッセージに弱いかもしれない。 」と警告しています。
According to these findings, folic acid and vitamin D supplements should continue to be recommended; as for the more expensive and inclusive supplements, the science does not back up their claims.