[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] ・グローバル人材育成プログラム ・成果発表 ・生産本部 生産管理部 複合材工務課 ・目次 ・研修参加前、研修参加理由 ・研修内容 ・研修で成長した点、成果...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" のトピックと関連があります。 soulsensei さん sujiko さん tatsuoishimura さん bluejeans71 さん rei_240 さん beauty6529 さん shim80 さんの 7人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 16件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1737文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 49分 です。

kinouchiによる依頼 2016/04/23 19:41:23 閲覧 3304回
残り時間: 終了

・生産本部 生産管理部 複合材工務課

評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:16:27に投稿されました
・Global Personnel Education Program
・Announcing Achievements
・Production Division, Production Management, Composite Engineering Division
・Reason for Taking Part in the Training Before That
・Content of the Training
・Progresses and Achievements through the Training
・Tasks for the Future
・I learned how to get tasks done through experiencing various tasks, seeing how my bosses would get their tasks done and reflecting my own mistakes after I started working. Despite my work experience in the field of overseas business, I had not learned how to get global tasks done, or how to communicate globally.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 20:34:23に投稿されました
・Global personnel program
・results briefing
・Production headquarters, Production management Department, Composite materials engineering Affairs Division
・Before the training, Reasons of participating the training
・Contents of training
・The features developed in the training, Results
・Issues, The goal of the future
・I have learned about various types of work experience, how my seniors and my bosses works, my failure etc since I became a member of society. I also have experients of oversea service but I have not learned about how to advance the work of the global business, especially how to communicate with other workers.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:28:06に投稿されました
.Globe human resource development program
.Result announcement
.The product headquarters The product administration The Composite Engineering Division
.Before to participate in training , the reason of participating in training
.The contents of participating in training
.The point and result that you have grown from the training
.The tasks and the goals from now on
.After becoming a member of society , I have learned how to process with work from the various duties experience , the way of the job of the boss and the senior , and the own failure. In addition , I have the duties experience of overseas , but I haven't learned how to process with work form globe operation , especially the way of how to get communication.
beauty6529- 8年以上前
the reason of participating in training before and then
beauty6529- 8年以上前
The reason of participating in training before and then

・第1回 自分を知る
・第2回 異文化間コミュニケーション
・第3回 自分を知る

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 20:26:39に投稿されました
I thought that, in the future, the company will be more globalized as well as we need an ability to work globally. I wanted to learn what is working globally.
Improve English.
Take 3 or 4 lessons a week.
Program of training global personnel
Training by instructor invited from outside of the company once to 3 times.
1st time: Know ourselves
Problem that is witnessed about Japanese who work abroad
What motivates me
Understanding current situation of trend of action
My action plan
Program of training global personnel
2nd time: Communication among different cultures
Role play
3rd time: Know ourselves
Action plan, check progress
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:25:44に投稿されました
・As I thought it necessary to have skills to work globally as the company keeps going globalizing. I also wanted to learn how to work globally.
・Improving My English Skills
・Taking Lessons Three to Four Times a Week
・Global Personnel Education Program
・Session One to Three: Trainings by Invited Instructors
・Session One: To Know Myself
・Tasks for Japanese workers engaged in overseas businesses
・What Motivates Me?
・Knowing the Status Quo of Business Patterns
・My Action Plans
・Global Personnel Education Program
・Session Two: Cross-cultural Communications
・Role Plays
・Session Three: To Know Myself
Making sure of the action plan sheet and the progress of the content
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:19:02に投稿されました
- In the future, globalization will progress as a company, I thought that the ability to work globally is needed, also, I wanted to learn what it is to work globally.
- English improvement
- Got three to four lessons a week
- period
- Global human resources development program
- Lesson from the first to third by external lecturer
- The 1st lesson: know yourself
- Challenges seen in Japanese in overseas business
- What are the things that motivates me
- Current understanding of behavioral tendency
- My action plan
- Global human resources development program
- The 2nd lesson: intercultural communication
- Role play
- The 3rd lesson: Know yourself
Action plan, confirming progress

・HIZE研修生へのB787 SPAR生産工程案内
・資材 大川さんの協力の元、HIZE研修生へB787 SPAR生産工程を案内しました。
・B787 SPAR AC工程の案内中写真

評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:47:33に投稿されました
・Future Visions and Basic Strategies for Them (in terms of English and actions), and Confirming the Progress
・Myself I Want to Be in the Future
・Myself I Want to Be in a year
・Myself I Want to Be in Five Months after the Training Ends (by March 2016)
・Concrete Strategies for These Visions
・Action Plans for a Month
・Achievements, Results, and Tasks
・Editing both the Japanese Issue and the English Issue
・Communications with the HIZE Trainees
・Introducing the Production Process of the B787 SPAR to the HIZE Trainees
・Composite Materials, I showed the HIZE trainees with the cooperation of Mr.(Ms.) Ookawa.
・Photos Taken During the Introduction of the B787 SPAR AC Process
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:12:10に投稿されました
- Aimed future status, concrete measures toward it ( on English skill and behavior ), progress confirmation of each month
- My future status I aim
- My status I aim after one year
- My status I aim after five months of training period ( until 2016 the end of March )
- Concrete measures aimed to my future status
- One month practice plan
- Achievement, results , challenges
- Making Japanese and English version
- Intermingling with HIZE trainees
- B787 SPAR production process guidance to HIZE trainees
- With cooperation of Mr. Okawa from Materials Division, I guided the B787 SPAR production process to HIZE trainees
- The photograph of B787 SPAR AC process guidance
- Self-perception

・氷山モデルでの価値観の理解、HOGAN ASSESSMENTで自分自身のパーソナリティ、動機、価値観がデータとして見る  ことができ、自分の強み、弱みを今後のマネジメントスタイルを 確立していく上でどのように活かしていくべきかを学んだ。
・自己認知で自分を知り、自らを理解した上で相手と価値観を 共有する事を学んだ。

評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 20:21:08に投稿されました
・Understanding the values embedded within the Iceberg model and using the Hogan Assessment to perceive one's personality, motivations and values in the form of data was made possible. Another learning point was that one ought to decide upon his management style by leveraging his strengths and weaknesses.
・The ways to carry out work in a globalized society (Work that require discussions)
・A learning point was that one had to know and understand himself through the realm of self-awareness so that he could have shared values with the other party.
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:06:15に投稿されました
・I was able to see my own personality, motives and values as data on Hogman Assessment like a tip on an iceberg; I learned how to utilize my strengths and weaknesses for establishing my management style.
・How to Get Work Done in a Global Society (How to Discuss)
・I learned it important to introspect who I am and to share my values with others based on understanding myself.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:03:31に投稿されました
・I could see understanding of values in the iceberg model, my own personality from HOGAN ASSESSMENT, motives, and values as their datas and learned how incorporate to establish on my future management style from my strength and weakness.
・How to advance the work in a global society (how to debate)
・I knew myself in self-recognition and learned that I should share the values with my opponents after understanding of myself.


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:21:48に投稿されました
・I learned that when I shared the sense of values it was important to confirm the difference of the claims of the partner and myself, without just the compromise or the imposition, make it clear how I should solve them, and finally finish the arguments with the win-win relations.
・Clarification of the shape to aim at.
・I was able to make By writing down the future shape aimed at, I could make them clear what I wanted to become, how I should act for that, and which ability I should improve.
・Through the training I strongly felt the necessity of my command of English and English generally.
tatsuoishimura- 8年以上前
「I was able to make By writing down the future shape」は、「By writing down the future shape」と訂正いたします。
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 20:59:35に投稿されました
・I learned that sharing the same value did not result from compromise or imposition; I learned it important to conclude the discussion in a relation of win-win eventually after being aware of the difference between our points of views and showing how to solve them.
・Clarifying the goals
・I was able to clarify how I would like to be, what action I should take, and what skills I should improve by jotting down my future vision on the action plan sheet.
・I deeply felt it important to improve my English skills and the role of the language through this training.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 21:04:30に投稿されました
- I learned that it is important to finish discussion in win-win rather than compromising and pressing by confirming difference of assertions between my own and the others and clarifying how it should be solved when you share the values.
- Clarification of aimed status
- By writing out my aimed future status to the action plan, I could clarify how I want to be, how to act towards it and what kind of abilities I should improve.
- Through the training, I was again keenly aware of my own skill and need for English.

・BAC5578 Rev.Gの修正部の内、MFG Plan、PPV、FPQについての改訂部を中心に翻訳
・BAC5578 Gより一部抜粋

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 19:56:26に投稿されました
We learned that it is important that it is not a global work that we can only simply speak English and converse about special topic. We also learned that it is important to handle flexibly in accordance with environment and situation as well as build a reliable relationship through communication.

We learned that it is not bad to speak English slowly and we can get across our message if we speak rather slowly.
Result produced by action plan
Translation of BAC specification
Among the corrected part of BAC5578 Rev.G, translate by focusing on the revised part about MFG plan, PPV and FPQ.
Extract part from BAC5578 G.
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 20:51:43に投稿されました
・I learned that global businesses did not merely cover communicative skills of English; I learned it important to handle everything in accordance with the environment and situation flexibly, and to establish good relations through communications.
・I learned that speaking English slowly was not a bad thing; on the contrary I learned that speaking the language slowly was more communicative for the others.
・Achievements based on the action plans
・Translating the BAC specifications
・Mainly translating the revision parts about the MFG Plan and PPV、FPQ in the edited parts of BAC5578 Rev. G
・Citing some parts from the BAC5578 G

・自部門のみならず、 スペック等のB787 複合材関連部門の知識の習得

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 20:06:54に投稿されました
Improve layout of B787 production area and draw up a document
Improve layout of B787 production area (paint the production area and change layout of the place where it is shipped) and draw up the document for explaining the layout
Promote improving B787 production area
Translate the document for explaining the layout of B787 production area
Learn not only your department but also B787 such as specification and knowledge of the department in regard with composite material.
Do not wait for an opportunity to use English but create the opportunity by yourself.
Promote improving B787 production area and translate the document for explain the layout into English.
Learn knowledge of work in respect with the work of B787 in whole.
Use English as a custom.
Consider back what you have done.
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 20:43:07に投稿されました
・Improving the layout of the B787 Production Area and making references
・Improving the layout of the B787 Production Area (renovating the painting of the Production Area and changing the layout of the Shipping Area) and making the layout explanatory references
・Promoting the reform of the B787 Production Area
・Translating the explanatory references regarding the layout of the B787 Production Area
・Acquiring the knowledge related to the B787 composite materials like specifications besides what is related to my department
・Making opportunities to use English spontaneously instead of passively
・Translating the explanatory references about promoting the reform of the B787 Production Area
and the layout
・Acquiring business skills related to the B787 business as a whole
・Making use of English as a habit

・自らの力不足で、当初設定した目標を達成することができなかった。( B787生産エリアのレイアウト説明資料英訳化、BACスペックの課内展開)

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 20:16:22に投稿されました
Due to lack of my ability, I could not achieve the goal that I had set in the beginning (translate the document for explaining the layout of B787 production area into English as well as develop BAC specification in department).
We are going to proceed the global work in the future smoothly by cooperating beyond obstacle of the department by means of using the network we obtained in this training.
By developing the knowledge we learned this time in our department, we will provoke awareness around us.
Thank you for letting me participate in the global personnel training program.
評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/04/23 20:30:29に投稿されました
・I was unable to achieve the goal that I had set due to my own incompetence. (Translating the explanatory references regarding the layout of the B787 Production Area into English; the prospect of the BAC Specification in the section)
・I would like to smoothly conduct global businesses by making full use of the personnel connections I got through this training and cooperating with each other regardless of the barrier of the department we belong to.
・I would like to develop the knowledge I have learned this time and invoke some awareness in my team.
・Thank you very much for letting me participate in the Global Personnel Education Program.





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