Medifund: Financing education for future doctors through crowdfunding
Medifund aims to save lives by helping aspiring doctors finance their education through crowdfunding.
At e27, we think health and medicine-related startups are not exactly rare. We have several on the table, such as Tanyadok, DoctorPage, DocDoc and the like. But these mostly focus on the doctor and the patient, and there’s not exactly future-proofing in these startups. Don’t get me wrong, I like being able to consult with professionals online. But thinking about the next generation, I can’t help but wonder how the doctors of the future will work. Will they have a handheld gadget that detects all ailments like Dr. Bones McCoy in Star Trek?
e27では、医療関係のスタートアップも珍しくない。例えばTanyadok、DoctorPage、DocDoc等、色々なものがあるが、これらはあくまで医師と患者を繋ぐためのものでしかなく、これらのスタートアップの将来は不透明だ。誤解しないで欲しいのだが、オンライン・コンサルタントの実現は素晴らしいものだ。だが、未来の医者がどの様な仕事をする様になるのか、全く想像がつかないのである。スタートレックに出てくるBones McCoy博士の様に携帯端末でどんな病気でも探知できる様になるのだろうか?
E27では、私達は健康と医療に関連のスタートアップは、必ずしも珍しくないと考える。Dayadok、DoctorPage、DocDocなどいくつかのスタートアップが準備されている。しかし、これらは医者と患者に主に焦点を置いており、これらのスタートアップに将来の保証があるわけではない。勘違いしないでもらいたいが、私はオンラインで専門家に相談することができるのは好ましいと思っている。しかし、次世代のことを考えると、将来の医者がどのような働き方をするのかを疑問に思わざるを得ない。彼らは、Star TrekのBones McCoy博士のように全ての病気を見つけるハンドヘルド・ガジェットを持っているだろうか?
We’re probably far from this kind of technology, but medical students today are likely to be the ones developing new methodologies in the future. But their current concern is funding their education. Medical school is not exactly cheap, whether you’re studying at the top institutions in the first world, or if you’re a struggling student in a developing economy. Case in point, in the Philippines, it costs about US$2,500 per semester for tuition alone. In Singapore, this would be about US$7,600 per semester.
With this in mind, a group of participants at Startup Weekend Cebu thought of addressing the need to improve access to education in the country’s medical schools. Jossy Onwude, CEO at Philippine startup PinoyBorn told e27 that the startup aims to make it easier for medical students around the world to fund their education. “This startup is called Medifund, the very first crowdfunding platform for medical students around the world,” he said. A medical student himself and a Hack2Hatch alumni, Jossy says the goal is to help more people. “Of course, there are some other features attached to it that makes it creative,” he adds.
Addressing attrition
According to Jossy, 35 percent of medical students in the country drop out of school, and 20 percent of the total drop out because of lack of funds. Medifund aims to address this through crowdfunding. “With Medifund, we hope to help medical students/prospective medical students who have finance problems paying for the high cost of med school raise funds. We hope to bridge the gap between medical students having financial issues and potential funders/lenders.”
Apart from Jossy, the team is likewise no stranger to the medical profession, or at least in aspiring to be part of the profession. At least one team member planned to go to medical school, but had to change direction due to lack of funds.
Medifund is currently in closed beta, and has funded a portion of one student’s tuition. The team plans to earn by charging a five percent fee from every successfully-funded campaign. “We also hope to get donations from organizations and doctors to fund campaigns,” Jossy told e27. But as with any entrepreneurial activity, collaboration will be key to success, which is why the team is looking to work with educational and health institutions to help promote their ideals. “We are currently in talks with schools and hospitals. Recently approached us for a prospective partnership … we expect partnerships soon,” Jossy said.
So far, the sole success story has decided to sit out this semester and wait until the crowdfunding platform is in full-force, so she can get better opportunities to raise money.
What’s in it for us?
But what’s in it for contributors? Crowdfunding services like Kickstarter usually provide their platform for creators to sell their products or creative projects. With Medifund, Jossy says it’s up to the campaign starter to decide what they want to give back. The more important benefit, of course, is that funders get credits toward medical services they might need in the future.
“For funders who fund students, they get rewards students choose to give them like writing a song, thank you cards, or other perks and credits. But the more compelling reason to fund campaigns is that we have built a reward system, whereby contributions will get credits into a reward card, which can be used by funders in the near future for free/discounted medical consultations,treatments, etc. at any Medifunded doctors’ hospital. What do you do if you dont have any medifunded doctor near you? You can trade it with someone who does.”
Will this be a good way to augment the existing medical insurance, HMO and government-mandated medical benefits? Considering healthcare structures and institutions differ around the world, “credits” are likely to go a long way, especially if we will be part of creating doctors of the future.
Will Medifund pave the way for success for aspiring medical students? Let us know what you think.