Viber launches on desktop with video calling and seamless transfers
Viber 3.0 has been released, and the highlight of this major update is a new desktop client that supports seamless call transfers and video calls.
Viber has announced the launch of its desktop client, enabling users to chat and call through their Windows and Mac notebooks and desktop computers. The service has also launched video calling on its desktop clients, giving Viber an edge over other competitors in this space.
Viber 3.0がリリースされた。今回の主要なアップデートのハイライトはシームレスな通話転送機能とビデオ通話をサポートした新たなデスクトップクライアント。
Viber 3.0がリリースされた。このメジャーアップデートの目玉はシームレスな通話転送機能とビデオ通話をサポートする新たなデスクトップクライアントだ。
Viberはデスクトップクライアントのリリースを発表した。ユーザーはWindowsあるいはMcaノートブック、デスクトップコンピューターを使いチャットや通話をすることができる。また、デスクトップクライアントではビデオ通話も可能で、Viber はこの分野の他の競合サービスに対する優位性を手に入れた。
e27 spoke with Viber CEO Talmon Marco, who said that this is a major update that includes new functionalities and further improves on the quality of voice conversations, even in low-bandwidth situations. Even with the introduction of desktop chatting and calling, Talmon says the user experience is designed to be seamless across devices, which means you can move from one device to another without having to drop a call or a chat session.
Viber now on desktops
According to Talmon, here are the notable changes in the Viber 3.0 release:
The Android application has been re-worked from ground up. While the previous versions were mostly based on an iOS-like user interface, new Android UX design guidelines were used in this release, making the app more in line with Android’s native interface.
Viber is also launching voice calling on its BlackBerry application, with support for BlackBerry OS 5, 6 and 7 (BlackBerry 10 support is coming soon). Talmon says that Viber is the only mainstream third-party app that offers voice calling and messaging on BlackBerry.
Talmon氏によるとViber 3.0では注目すべき変更が加えれていていという。
またViberは同社のBlackBerry用アプリケーションに音声通話機能を追加しBlackBerry OS 5、6、7に対応する (BlackBerry 10 対応もまもなく行われる)。Talmon氏によると、Viber はサードパーティが提供する唯一の本格的なBlackBerry用音声通話・メッセージアプリだという。
Androidアプリケーションはすっかり作り直されている。前バージョンはほとんどiOSのようなユーザインタフェースに基づいていたが、新しいAndroid UXの設計ガイドラインがこのリリースに適用され、アプリケーションがよりAndroid独自のインタフェースに適合するようになった。
ViberはBlackBerryアプリケーションにBlakBerry OS 5,6と7をサポートし(BlackBerry 10は近日サポート予定)ビデオ電話を開始している。Talmon氏はViberだけがBlackBerryでビデオ電話とメッセージ機能を提供する主流のサードパーティーアプリケーションだと述べている。
Calls can be seamlessly transferred across desktop and mobile. Talmon says you can just tap “call transfer” and move your conversation to the desktop client, and back to the mobile client, as necessary, without dropping the call.
Chat conversations are also seamless. Viber notifies all devices at first, but once you pick up the conversation on one device, notifications on the other devices are muted.
Messages and conversations deleted on one device will also be deleted on other devices. Viber 3.0 also solves the usual problem with other cross-device messengers (such as Skype), which keep on alerting you of old messages on your other devices when you’ve already read them on another device.
Viber 3.0 also comes with multimedia enhancements, such as improved photo resolution, automatic downloading of media, and bigger thumbnails, among others.
Online statuses are also available, even on group conversations. This helps users determine whether the other user is currently online, or if they have been away for some time.
また、Viber 3.0では写真の解像度が上がり、メディアの自動ダウンロード機能追加され、サムネイルが大型化されるなどマルチメディア機能の強化が行われている。
Talmon says Viber supports up to 50 additional desktop devices apart from your smartphone. However, users can only register a Viber account from a smartphone. He said is intentional, as the company wanted to keep Viber a primarily-mobile user experience. This will also ensure that a user’s contact list is already populated with fellow Viber users, which are determined from existing telephone numbers on their phone contact list. This is in contrast to other IM apps, which require a manual population of contacts.
Most convenient point of access
Talmon added that the point with the update is to ensure the most convenient point of access for users, noting that at home or the workplace, the most convenient device would be desktop or notebook computers. “With Viber Desktop you always get to use the most convenient device. You can seamlessly switch devices while messaging and even transfer calls between your mobile and desktop.”
Talmon also proudly shared with e27 that Viber’s user base has grown to 200 million around the globe, with about a third of users coming from Asia. Meanwhile, Viber continues to run from its headquarters in Cyprus, with development studios in Israel and Belarus. The company is bootstrapped, although it is looking into bringing in institutional investors to help expand the business.
[Viber is a free download for the iPhone (iTunes App Store), Android smartphones (Google Play), as well as desktop computers (]
[Viberは無料でダウンロードできる。iPhone用 (iTunes App Store)、 Android スマートフォン用(Google Play)、デスクトップコンピューター用(]
Viberはデスクトップコンピュータ(同様、iPhone(iTunesアプリストア)、Androidスマートフォン(Google Play)向けの無料ダウンロードです。
High quality voice calls
He added a key feature of Viber is its ability to maintain high-quality voice calls even at low bandwidths. Viber 3.0 can sustain voice conversations even at 8 to 9 Kbps (yes, that’s Kilobits per second). In contrast, the previous 2.3.0 release requires 20 Kbps or so. This can be a boon to users in emerging markets, who may not necessarily be enjoying fast LTE connections or even 3G.
In addition, eight new languages are now supported, bringing the total to 27.
Viberの主要な機能の1つは帯域幅が狭くても高品質で音声通話を行うことができることだとTalmon氏は付け加えた。Viber 3.0では帯域幅がなんと8-9 Kbpsでも音声通話をおこなうことができる。これに対し、以前のバージョン2.3.0では20 Kbps程度の帯域幅が必要だった。これはLTEや3Gなどの高速な接続を必ずしも利用することができない新興市場のユーザーに取っては恩恵となるだろう。
Viber for Android now supports: Dutch, Korean, Swedish, and Turkish in addition to previous languages: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, and Spanish.
Viber for iPhone now supports: Dutch, Indonesian, Korean, Malay, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese in addition to previous languages: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, and Spanish.
iPhone版Viberの現在の対応言語は、これまでのアラビア語、カタロニア語、中国語 (簡体字)、中国語(繁体字)、チェコ語、デンマーク語、フィンランド語、フランス語、ドイツ語、ギリシャ語、ヘブライ語、ハンガリー語、イタリア語、日本語、ポーランド語、ポルトガル語、ポルトガル語 (ブラジル)、ロシア語、スペイン語に新たにオランダ語、インドネシア語、韓国語、マレー語、スエーデン語、タイ語、トルコ語、ベトナム語が加わった。