Yoel Gonzalez (ymgonzalez2000) 翻訳実績

10年以上前 男性 50代
スペイン語 (ネイティブ) 英語 日本語
ymgonzalez2000 英語 → スペイン語

(the never-realized Pompeii project that Roman Polanski abandoned a few years back was to be from a Robert Harris novel),
Anderson offers up a narrative device older still, a rich-girl/poor-boy variant that finds doe-eyed tycoon’s daughter Aurelia (Emily Browning) falling hard for a Britannia-imported slave gladiator known for a while only as “The Celt,” but later revealed to possess the mighty name of Milo (Kit Harington, so ripped and buff as to make any ordinary man’s resolve to get to the gym more melt into a puddle of futility). Milo’s a bit of a horse whisperer, which helps him get closer to the young lady, who often seems in the vicinity of equine complaints.


(el proyecto nunca realizado sobre Pompeya que Roman Polanski abandonó unos pocos años antes era de una novela de Robert Harris),
Anderson ofrecer totalmente un mecanismo narrativo aún más viejo, una variante de la chicha rica/chico pobre que encuentra a Aurelia con ojos de corderito e la hija de un magnate (Emily Browning) enamorándose perdidamente por un gladiador importado de Britannia conocido temporalmente como "El Celta", pero que posteriormente se revela que posee el nombre poderoso de Milo (Kit Harrington, tan musculoso y definido como para hacer que la resolución de cualquier hombre común de ir al gimnasio se convierta más bien en un desvanecimiento dentro de un charco de inutilidad). Milo en su condición de un encantador de caballos, lo cual le ayuda a acercarse más a la joven chica, quien frecuentemente parece estar en la cercanía de quejas equinas.

ymgonzalez2000 日本語 → 英語











Marilyn Manson made in Japan! The charm of MEJIBRAY
Currently, MEJIBRAY is a visual-kei band that receives most attention.

Their outfits as well as their musical compositions are avant-garde!
Their aggresive attitude is never forgotten!
The personality of their members is amazing!

Once you listen to their shout and desuboisu that is possible from their thin bodies, you won't leave them.

They have an obsession for tattoos to the point that they achieved to be published in the front page of a magazine on tattoos.

They have an aesthetic appereance and a technical guitar.
Their figures are entirely of Prince,

They are skillful at guitars and there also achieved to be published at a special edition of a magazine on guitars.

In relation to their outfits, of course, the personality of the bassist reflects an obsession for plain clothes.

ymgonzalez2000 日本語 → 英語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0



The pen tip of this pen has a peculiar shape that seems as if the pen tip of a normal fountain pen was bent looking upward with pliers, it achieves a fine writing if someone writes slightly rising the pen tip and it achieves a thick writing if someone writes by laying it down. It may be perplexing until understanding the change of the handwriting according to the angle. In order to make the best use of this peculiarity, no only for taking note of characters, it is getting great popularity for example to draw illustrations. When it comes to write letters i think that any product can be considerably divided according to people's preferences but, within the ones of the brand Sailor there are many fans of long-selling products. There is a type in deep blue with bending angle of 40 degrees and a type in emerald green with angle of 55 degrees.

ymgonzalez2000 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.5

Mobile event tech firm Zeguestlist brings NFC to fitness conventions

Singapore- and Norway-based mobile event tech company Zeguestlist’s solutions were used at a fitness convention in Norway last month. How did it go?

At Norwegian School of Sport Science‘s annual fitness convention, held in Oslo, Norway, Zeguestlist, a Singapore- and Norway-based mobile event tech company, was tasked to manage over 1,000 participants and 132 sessions with its cloud-based solutions.

Held from November 15 to November 17, 2013, the event involved online payments, QR ticket deliveries, NFC session check-ins and live attendance and post-event statistics.






ymgonzalez2000 英語 → 日本語 ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0

After registering, participants would receive a confirmation email with details and session choices. In addition, the guest would receive an SMS giving them access to the NIH Web App provided, to change and manage their sessions, buy additional items such as lunch and dinner, and have all information surrounding the event accessible in one place.

On the morning of the first day, attendees scanned their QR code ticket with the ZG app for them to be assigned to a NFC bracelet, which was given to the attendee to use for the rest of the event. Guests could then use their NFC bracelet to enter the sessions they had pre-registered for and reveal their shoe size and lunch choice for quick and easy pick-up of items.


