はじめまして。突然のメールすみません。私、ebayであなたから「2013 Demarini WTDXCFL 31/20 CF5」Item number:370792639822「2013 Easton YB13S1 S1」Item number:360630694845、380615587778、200906004185を購入したebayID:mori_mori_ninety2012ことHisayoshi Moriと申します。
Hello. Sorry to surprise you with an email out of the blue.My name is Hisayoshi Mori (eBay ID: mori_mori_ninety2012); I purchased the following from you on eBay:"2013 Demarini WTDXCFL 31/20 CF5" Item number:370792639822"2013 Easton YB13S1 S1" Item numbers:360630694845, 380615587778 and 200906004185
Why is it that there is no deposit at all on 5th May as arranged?I am seriously inconvenienced.Could you please transfer the money as soon as possible?Thank you very much.
I would like to have a think about ○○.Do you think you could also let me know the shipping cost for ○○ and ○○ when I have them shipped to an address in the US and when they are shipped directly to Japan?My Japanese and US addresses are as follows:○○ is a little out of my budget at the moment, so I'd like to consider it for my next purchase.Also, could I continue to purchase from you in the future?I would get in touch with you again once I had a look at the other items on the list on your website.
I'm sorry for not contacting you sooner. We are in the middle of a holiday in Japan and I was away from work. I am writing to you today because I am interested in ***, and thinking about ordering 5 of them.So, could you let me know the details including the wholesale price and shipping cost?As I told you before I only have an online shop at the moment, but I will have my real shop ready this summer. I might be placing more orders then. Are you going to continue producing ***?
In a forest with a butterfly by her side, the little fairy says, "Come to a party with me."The fairy casts a spell, "Make her up and dress her up!!" Now let's go out looking our best.
I would like to order 40 A.I will pay by PayPal.Please send me an invoice with the PayPal fee included.I'd be grateful if you could get back to me as soon as possible.
Today's report is on the Nail Expo in Japan.Nail Expo is the largest event in the world. Many J-pop attended the event, adding brilliance to the scene.Many nailists took part and exhibited their artistic skills dedicated to nails. The personal nailist to Koda Kumi, the J-pop artist, is also famous in Japan. Her wide variety of creations for Koda have been center of much attention.
Given such circumstances, many women aspire to become nailsts in Japan and there are many nailist schools too.Of course, even those women who do not attend schools are highly skilled at nail decoration, and therefore they find it embarrassing to go out with their nails poorly done.You will find fake nails with quintessential Japanese "kawaii"-ness and sophisticated skills here:
今日はセレブのネイルを紹介します。あなたの好きなネイルはありますか?Celebrityは、ネイルもオシャレですね。以前のスタッフブログでも、Celebrityネイルを紹介しています。ネイルチップは、洋服よりも安いし、サロンで施術をするよりも経済的です。↓↓ 品数が増えたミチモールのネイルチップはこちら ↓↓
Today we bring you nails preferred by Celebrities.Do any of them take your fancy too?It seems Celebrities wouldn't forget their nails when dressing up.Our past Staff Blog entry also featured Celebrity nails.Fake nails are not as expensive as clothes, and they are also much more economical than having your nails decorated at nail salons. We have many additional MiCHi MALL fake nails here:
薔薇の「かわいい」ネイル最近、ミチモールは、ネイルアートについて、質問を受けます。「このネイルはどうやって作るのか?」という質問が多いので、参考になる動画を紹介します。これは、薔薇と水玉模様のネイルアートですが是非やってみてください。そして、ミチモールスタッフがお勧めする「花ネイル」はこちらです「花ネイル」は、以前に紹介した「Flower Stained Glass Nails」が、face bookで「1880人」が「like」でした。
"Kawaii" Nails with RosesWe at MiCHi MALL have been receiving many questions recently.Most of them concern how to do particular nails, so we have video instructions for you. This video shows you a nail art with roses and polka-dots. Do have a go."Flower Nails" recommended by MiCHi MALL staff can be found here.Among "Flower Nails", 1880 people on liked "Flower Stained Glass Nails" (introduced here before) on Facebook.
But we MiCHi MALL are just as good.We have many Japanese "kawaii" fake nails.How "kawaii", do you ask?Please have a look yourself:
東京の女の子が夜遊びに行く時のネイルは?東京の女の子が夜遊びに行く時のネイルを紹介します。爪の下地はブラックで、ラインストーンを飾ります。このネイルアートはとても簡単です。作り方を動画で紹介します。難しくないので、時間がある人はやってみてください。しかし、東京の場合、このネイルでオフィスワークをする人はいません。あくまでも夜遊びに行く時用のネイルです。 ミチモールでは昼と夜、両方使えるオシャレなネイルもあります。グラマラスなブラックネイルは大人気です。詳細はこちら→
How do girls decorate their nails for Tokyo nightlife?Here are just the sort of nails for the occasion. The nails are painted back before rhinestones are set in place. This nail art is very easy to do.The movie clip explains how.It's really not difficult at all, so if you have a little time on your hand, do have a try.A note of warning, though: nobody goes to the office with these nails in Tokyo.These are strictly for night scenes only.At MiCHi MALL we also have fashionable nails which can be worn both during the day and at night.Glamorous black nails are hugely popular.Details here:
私は釣り具の輸入商品を専門に扱っている日本のバイヤーです。WEBサイトを3つ、実店舗6件に卸しを行っています。この度、御社の商品の『yo zuri sashimi deep crank』をロット購入したいと考えています。最初のオーダーは20個を予定していますが、ディーラーを見つける事ができませんので、ご紹介して頂きたいと思っています。もし、御社から直接購入できるのであれば、それが一番嬉しいです。
I'm a Japanese buyer specializing in imported fishing tackle.I'm a supplier for three online shopping sites and six retail stores.At the moment I am considering your product, "yo zuri sashimi deep crank", for a purchase as a batch.I would like to order 20 to begin with, but I have not been able to find a trader. Is there anyone you could introduce me to?It would be best if I could make the purchase directly from you.
I am really looking forward to your shopping site opening.Next time I'll make the purchase from your item list on eBay. I'd be delighted if you could give me a 15 % discount then. I would definitely be making a purchase from you if you can give me a price lower than the regular one when new games come out. As for toys and DVDs, I'll come up with a list of items I would like to buy and send it over to you.As I am expanding my business at the moment, I expect my orders will increase.I hope we can maintain a good business relationship.If you have any further information for me, please do get in touch.
There is one member of staff who is in charge of repair parts and places orders for those parts we buy from trading firms.In recent years our production has been high and there was an increase in our subcontractors' machining workload, which resulted in a large number of late deliveries. Also, in the last year there were several subcontractors who could not stay in business due to staff aging and either folded their business up or went bankrupt. We therefore experienced difficult times finding other subcontractors to replace them.In order to encourage early delivery it is important to be in close contact with the subcontractors and to tell them clearly in which order the many machine parts we order are to be produced, and to keep making inquiries.