The dealer that I`m getting the 614 from, called Taylor. They 614 hadn`t shipped yet as I was told before. He had another dealer that had ordered a 616 and that was the guitar that had shipped, not the 614. He apologized for getting the wires crossed on my order. Taylor said the 614 would be shipping next week, about 3 - 4 days from now.
Thank you for yor reply.I have one more item that I want to purchase.You had a muffler from YOSHIMURA.Do you still have that?If it is still available, please let me know.Thank you.
I'd like to sell your products at my website as well as market places such as When this happens, you will receive more orders (from me), I can get more profits, and customers who get your products are happy. Everything will go well. But, at first, I need your permission. Please consider it. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
ドイツWas able to pick up the Korg today from customs. It took 2 month but is okay now.Thank you!PLease charge again.Always put a bill on the outside.Greetings to Japan!!
I'm so happy to hear from you.Of course I'm very interested in the collection for the next season. When are you going to take the order for next collection? If the date is already set, please let me know.I am looking forward to doing business with you.
Mr./Ms. •••••I have paid the total amount of $••••• via PayPal.Please ship the products to the address below.I am very happy with this business with you. Thank you very much.I am looking forward to doing business with you again.••••••
We currently support a number of resellers in Japan and will be happy to provide you with access to our products as well. Our pricing system is based on the quantity ordered, with most discounted prices and the quantity that must be ordered to achieve each price, presented in our store. If you should get to a high enough quantity in your orders to justify using airfreight and pallet quantities, we do offer a little more of a discount than shown in the store. I went ahead and upgraded you to reseller status, don't worry about sending in that request. Next time you log into our site you will see the reseller pricing on the product pages. Thank you and have a nice day.
First of all, I'd like to apologize that I couldn't deliver your item within your request. I am very sorry. It is already Monday night; therefor, it may be difficult to deliver it by 9:30 tomorrow, which is on Tuesday. However, if you contact your local USPS, you may be able to pick it up. Please let me know if it doesn't make it to your trip, I will do everything if there is something I can do for you.
i expect to pay a little more with shipping because most of them are from the online shops and it is ok. i want to get a couple different snacks, as i have enough hard candy for awhile.. considering i dont eat it constantly... (i used to 2 years ago, but i guess i kinda changed, lol.)thank you for teaching me a new japanese word!! im so happy!! ;Dhave wonderful evening... i have to get ready for work ;ptalk to you soon no kidding!!--easy, extra money-- here~*The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have accepted God's idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am.*
Taylor is usually pretty good at estimating delivery, sometimes shipping sooner than expected. The person I spoke today about the T5C1 didn`t have an explanation for the additional delay. He did say he was going to look into it and get back tomorrow. I remember calling a number of dealers to try to find one last May, but no one had any at that time. That may have changed in the last month so will certainly make some calls again. I`ll also check on the LTD tomorrow as well. Thanks for your patience; I`m hoping to have good news for you tomorrow.
Taylorは通常配達予定日には正確で、時には予定よりも配達が早まることもございます。本日”T5C1 ”について問い合わせた際には、更なる遅れに対する説明はもらえませんでした。彼(本日、対応してくれた方)は、それについて調べ、明日また連絡すると申しておりました。5月に、何軒かのディーラーにあたってみましたが、その時点では誰一人として在庫を持っている人はいませんでした。しかし、先月の時点で状況が変わっているかもしれませんので、再び問い合わせてみます。”LTD”についても明日調べてみます。ご辛抱いただきありがとうございます。明日、良いニュースをお知らせできることを望んでおります。
I am preparing starting a small online business in Sydney, targeting people who wants to buy product from Japan.I've got a group of regular customers and it's getting bigger, so I would like to ask you if you are interested in being a supplier of mine?You could boost your sale as well, I can be a distributor of yours in Australia. Basically, I will advertise products on social networks and in some forums, people will contact me and ask me to buy for them.I would love to have a long term cooperation with you. If you are interested we can discuss in more detail.
TourIssue Matrix HD Radix Whiteが到着しました。トルク、調子、振動数などのスペックを知りたいのですが、TourIssueと市販品は同じスペックでしょうか?また、TourIssueと市販品で違う点があれば教えてください。
The Tourlssue Matrix HD Radix White has arrived.I'd like to know the specs such as torque, behavior, and vibration frequency.The marketed products and the Tourlssue have same specs?Please let me know if there are any difference between those two.Thank you.
Dear Chris,こんにちは。株式会社NEXTのMasaaki Sandoです。先日はご返信をいただきましてありがとうございます。先ほど、登記簿謄本とともに記入した書類をFAXさせていただきました。私は日本人で分からない部分もありましたので確認をしていただけたらと思います。どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
Dear Chris,Hello,This is Masaaki Sando from the NEXT Ltd.Thank you for your reply the other day.I just faxed you the completed form along with the copy of a registration certificate.Since I am a Japanese, so I am not sure if I understood everything correctly.Therefore, I appreciate if you can check them for me.Thank you in advance.
Small pallet is 64cms x 45cms and slightly larger is 92 x 64 so the smaller size if favourite at the moment - the 303's are just over 8kgs each as bare machine and again repeating myself, then the magic weight per package is less than 30kgs, so I could probably manage using two or three individual boxes but the costs would be about the same, or more, than a pallet - and so much more extra cardboard that you could add an extra machine for the same weight of extra cardboard I think!Do you want any tuners also?
I see the picture you showed me, thanks for the information, it is highly appreciate! I see maybe fedex make a mistake and think it is USD50/pc, in fact it is 5pcs total USD50. I see you paid the tax, to solve this problem, please show me the shipping bill pasted on the box, it will help me solve the problem better, thanks very much in advance!Thanks very much for your trust, for the new order, if the size is really wrong, It is ok send you replacement one, and will think the wrong one as sample, because 63mm is just come out this year, it is new. But you said it is100mm, so I am confused, would you please show me picture of the size of the wrong one?If yes wrong, I will send you new one.
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Thank you.There are 4 items that I want to purchase, and I have picked the following URL.Could you tell me how much the shipping will be?Look forward to hearing from you.
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