A:I was wondering if you would be willing to order something off of 【A shop】 for me and have it shipped to you then you ship it to me? I'm willing to pay for all the shipping costs and a little extra to cover your time, so if you're willing to do this and work out a price with me that would be great! If not I understand :) B:I love to create miniature food and I would like to ask you if there is any possible way to find something like the mentioned item but in a smaller scale, like width 5mm. My crafts are 1:12, so it would be very interested to have something personalized my work like such a beautiful letter as a topper on my pastrys...
A: 【Aショップ】に私の為に何かを注文し、それをあなたのところに送ってもらい、そしてそれを私の所に送っていただくことをする気があるのかお伺いしたいのです。全ての送料と追加であなたに手数料を支払うつもりです。それなので、あなたこれをする気があり、その為の金額を私と話し合っていただければ幸いです。もし出来なければ、気にしないでください。(微笑)B:私はミニチュアの食べ物を作るのが大好きです。先に言ったような物で、もっと小さな幅5mmくらいの物をどうにかして探す方法が無いかどうかをお聞きしたいのです。私の作品は1/12のスケールなので、私のペースとリーの作品の上にイニシャルをつける美しい文字に大変興味があります。
I want to know how many exposures in the camera.Please answer me a's soon a's possible.
カメラのシャッター スピードが何段階あるのか知りたいのです。早く回答してください。
そこの真ん中当たりにある空欄に(japan import)と打ち込んでSearchを押してくれれば、下記のページのように日本の商品が何十万点と出ます。
When you enter "Japan import" in the blank space located around the center there and press "Search", tenth of thousand of Japanese products will be appeared as shown in the below page.
Thank you for your continuing patronage.At this moment, the manufacturer completed the assembling of the item you ordered and it was on the way to the warehouse of our company in Florida.Upon receiving the item by the warehouse, it will be shipped to our company in Japan.Once we receive the item, we will ship to you,In view of this, the expected delivery date will be between Sept, 26 and Oct. 4.We will get back to you once we ship the iterm.Thank you for your understanding.
出品・商品選定について商品販売(出品方法)AmazonではAmazon自身が商品を出品するだけでなくAmazonという市場を一般人や他企業の人間でも販売できるようになっています。出品場所はAmazon seller centralという管理場所で自由に販売出来るようになっています。
Listing and Selecting ItemsSelling Items (Listing Method)On the Amazon’s website, not only Amazon can list items, but public and private business entities can list and sell items using the Amazon’s marketplace.They can list items at managed market place called the Amazon seller central and sell them freely.
· Click "INVENTORY" shown at the top of screen, and paste the copied ASIN and start "Search"
・該当のアイテムが出てくるので、「Action」の「Delete product and listing」で出品を削除する。
· There appear an item subjected, delete the listing using "Delete product and listing" under "Action"
If the selling price makes no difference, delete the own item data (procedure in the middle is same as re-listing).· Copy ASIN of the item concerned from order screen
Amazon.comでの販売価格($)(送料込)×80-1000 > Amazon.co.jpでの販売(円)Amazon.comでの相場が$70ならば、Amazon.co.jpでの販売額が4600円以内ならばOK各々の販売サイトでASINを入力して検索すると良い。他の出品者と値段が大きく違っていて利益がでそうな場合、先の再出品の手順で値段を変更して数量を1にする。
The selling price (Japanese yen) at Amazon.co.jo is computed by;Selling price at Amazon.com ($) x 80 – 1,000.If the market price at Amazon.com is $70.00, it is acceptable the selling price within ¥4,600 at Amazon.co.jp. It is better to search prices by entering ASIN at respective website.If there is very big difference in selling price compared with the other sellers and yet making profit, change the selling price using the re-listing procedure previously described and make the quantity to “1”
Thank you for the email.I have a warehouse in Florida, US, and they collect items ship them Japan together.I would like to ask you to ship items to Florida.In addition, could you obtain the other items such as automotive parts and accessories in cheap prices?For example, parts and accessories for *****There are many of them not on sale in Japan and they are very popular and in high demand.I really would like to purchase from you.I hope I could have positive response.Thank you and regards.
(Item which turned to make deficit or the profit is less than ¥300 after the shipment)· Compare the our selling price with the others. If there is considerable difference between ours and theirs and the price adjustment may have possibility to make more profit (meant to say our price making was in failure), adjust the price just below the price of others. For example, it the other is listing the same item at $122.55 (shipping fee inclusive), adjust our price at $122.45 (shipping fee inclusive). By the way, the criteria of the break-even point is
<<ポイントサイト ハピタスの利用>>・ヤフオク・ヤフーショッピング・楽天で仕入れ商品が見つかった際はハピタスというポイントサイトを経由する。http://hapitas.jp/ログイン時メールアドレス: accountusan@gmail.comパスワード:一番左上の「ショッピングでためる」→「総合ネット通販・オークション」→該当のサイトのリンクを踏めばOK
<< Use of point site Hapitas >>• Yaofuku (Yahoo! Auction)• Yahoo Shopping• RakutenWhen you find items you want to obtain in the ABOVE websites, just purchase them through point site hapitas described below.http://hapitas.jp/When log in;Email address: accountusan@gmail.comPasswordJust follow the link “Save by shopping”>”General Network Internet order/Auction”>”link to the site concerned”
2. Use Mitsui Sumitomo VISA as the credit card (already registered). Designate the time between 12 noon and 2:00 pm. Select Osaka as the shipping destination. Remove the check mark of favorite shop. And for mail magazine distribution setting, click "Remove all selection". And then, click "Confirm order"
My friends often say that I am very active. I did well in baseball throughout my elementary, junior high, and senior high schools as well as not slacking off in learnings. After entering a university, I joined NGO in India and Myanmar and created free papers and documentaries to support their activities. In addition, I organized charity events to disseminate activities of NGO in India and Cambodia. To become the exchange student, I had been keeping a good grade at the university, and now, I have been working energetically for a company doing Halal business. I always have a challenging sprit.
Many thanks for your email.In regards to your recent enquiry, I can confirm that the stunning Givenchy Antigona small leather tote does have gold hardware and does also come with the dust bag, serial number and brand card.I do hope this is helpful, however should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me and I would be delighted to help. I look forward to hearing from you.Kind Regards,
メールをしていただき大変有難うございます。お客様の質問にお答えしますと、Givenchy Antigonaの小さな革のトート バッグは、金の金具類そして、保存袋、製造番号、そしてブランド証明カードが付いていることは確実です。この情報がお客様のお役に立てば幸いです。しかし、更にお手伝いできることがあれば、遠慮なく連絡してください。喜んでお手伝いいたします。返信を心待ちにしています。よろしくお願いします。
I have not sold you any recalled units. The recall took place when I was not selling. Please send me the Serial number and I will verify. Also the buttons will snap back in place. You do not have warranty coverage outside the U.S. If you registered them in the U.S. then they are covered by the 7 year warranty and will need to be shipped back to Vitamix and I can help you with that so that they do not receive from out of the country.
お客様にリコールしたユニットを販売していません。リコールは私が販売していないときに発生したことです。製造番号(シリアル ナンバー)を送っていただければ確認します。また、ボタンは元の場所に跳ね返ります。米国外での保証はついていません。お客様が米国内で労録したのであれば、7年間の保証が付いていますので、Vitamixまで返品する必要があります。そうすれば、彼らが米国外から返品を受けたことにならないので手助けをすることができます。
#illiam到着まで1~2週間かかるのですね。了解致しました。もし、可能であれば、なるべく早く発送をしていただけると大変嬉しいです。発送時は追跡番号のご連絡をお願い致します。売れ行きがよければ、今後も定期的に購入します。Question Mystery AR.3については、今回は見送らせていただきます。もしよければOdyssey以外で取引をしているメーカー(Tour VAN)があれば、教えていただいても宜しいでしょうか?何か他に欲しいものが見つかるかもしれません。
#illiamWill it take one to tow week to be arrived.I understood it,If I am very happy, if it is possible, that you can ship them as soon as possible.After shipping them, please let me know the tracking number.If the sale goes well, I will purchase them regularly.I just would like to give up to purchase Question Mystery AR.3 this time.Would you tell me if you deal with other manufacturer except Odyssey if possible?I may find our something else which may attract my interest.
I called up your company yesterday and I requested your operation to confirm the documents. He said there was no problem, but I feel doubt why the items have not shipped yet.Your operator said that he would process immediately, but I have not heard anything from your company.It has passed one week after I sent the shipping order,I did not know what was happened, but when will you ship the packages?I cannot not wait anymore, please ship them today immediately as your operator told me over the telephone.I was requested by my forwarding company.They cannot ship them without this.I also need EIN code.If I will not be able to get it, I must return the items in worst case.