shouryou 翻訳実績

10年弱前 男性 30代
英語 (ネイティブ) 日本語 中国語(簡体字) 中国語(繁体字)
shouryou 日本語 → 英語



To exercise the principle that everyone knows "everyone is equal ", in real life it is something that is hard to accomplish. The thing that shocked me the most since I came to America was, there are many chances at getting scholarships. In regards to the people who want to learn, the system whereby if you reached out you will get has been deeply established. However, how does one differentiate one who is truly studying and one that is not? Sadly, it is differentiated by one's results. If one weren't fall out of the ranks, no matter how hard you were to study, one might face the school gave up your scholarship. The difference between people who can get results and those who cannot had grown, and so it is also connected to one's job.