PAGE 23-1The launch of the IBM PC was initially a commercial success. But the company ended up giving away most of the profits from its PC business to its two partners. Under the initial contract between IBM and Microsoft, Big Blue agreed to fund most of the development costs of MS-DOS, but only Microsoft was allowed to license the system to third parties. This was the killer clause.
PAGE 23-1IMM PCのローンチは最初は商業的に成功だった。しかしIBM PCは最終的にそのPC事業の大半の利益をその二つパートナー持っていかれてしまった。最初のIBMとマイクロソフトとの契約のもとに、米国IBM(Big Blue)はMS-DOS開発費用の大半を出すことに同意していた。しかしマイクロソフトだけがこのシステムを第三団体にライセンス供与することを認められていた。これが殺人条項だった。(これが致命傷だった)
PAGE 18-2It's easy to put Microsoft's success down to one extraordinary piece of good luck - securing the contract to supply IBM with the operating system for its first PC. But there was more than just luck involved. Bill Gates understood the significance of the deal. He knew that an operating system providing a common platform could change the history of personal computing. He worked tirelessly for more than six months to ensure that the opportunity, when it came, would fall to Microsoft. In this way he gave luck a helping hand.
PAGE18-2マイクロソフトの成功を一つの法外な幸運に過ぎないとけなすことは簡単だ つまりIBMにその最初のPC用のオペレーティングを供給するという取り決めを確実にしたことだ。 しかし幸運以上のものがあった。ビル・ゲイツはその取引の意味を理解していた。彼は共通のプラットフォームを供給するオペレーティングシステムはパーソナルコンピューターの歴史を変える可能性があることを知っていた。彼はそのチャンスが来たときに、それがマイクロソフトの上にに落ちてくるのを確実なものとするために、疲れをものともせずに6ヶ月以上働き続けた。このように彼は幸運に対して助けの手を差し伸べたのだ。
私は、この商品を転送業者に依頼をして日本に転送した。この商品はUS BASEとなっているが、日本で使用可能ですか?もし使用ができないのであれば、日本で使用ができる商品と交換してもらうことはできますか? ●●には振動子はついてますか?
I had a forwarder transfer this item to Japan.This item is for US BASE use. Can it be used in Japan? If it cannot, could you exchange it with the one usable in Japan?Is a vibrator attached to ●●?
TranslationsYou may translate our articles into languages other than English, free of charge, without prior notice, and without soliciting our written permission, under the following conditions:Your publication must be freely available. You may not sell ALA content that you have translated.You must faithfully translate the article as written. Except for minor issues of vernacular, you may not alter the author’s meaning.You must link to the original web page at A List Apart in which the article appeared, and must credit the magazine and the original author[s]. You may not claim to have written the material yourself. (But you know that.)
あなたは下記の条件で、我々の作品を英語以外の言語に翻訳することができます。無料で、事前の通知あるいは我々の書面による許可を得る必要はありません。あなたの出版物に自由にアクセスできるようにすること。あなたが訳したALA内容を売ってはならない。作品を書かれたとおりに誠実に訳さなければならない。言語表現上の微細な点を除いて著者の意図を変えてはならない。作品が載っているウエブオリジナルページのA Kist Apartにリンクして雑誌と著者の著作権を保証しなければならない。作品を自分が書いたもとの主張してはならない。(承知のことではあろうが)
If your credit card payment could not be completed, the issuing bank may have declined the charge if the name, expiration date, or ZIP Code you entered at does not exactly match the bank's information.Once you have confirmed your account information with your issuing bank, please follow the link below to resubmit your payment.We recommend you select an option to create a new payment method when prompted and enter the complete information for the payment method you wish to use.
ASAHI BEER OYAMAZAKI VILLA MUSEUM OF ARTモネ(Claude Monet)の「睡蓮(Sea-Roses)」や民芸運動に関わった陶芸家の作品など、アサヒビールの創業者のコレクションが中心だが、現代美術の企画展も開催する。1932年に建てられた山荘である本館と、安藤忠雄が設計したコンクリート打ちっぱなしの新館との対比が面白い。
Collections of the founder of Asahi Beer Co. such as Sea-Roses of Claude Monet, artifacts of ceramic artists who participated the past revolutionary folk art campaigns and so on are the main articles of exhibition, but planning exhibitions of modern arts are also frequently held. The lodge-type mail building constructed in 1932 and the new only-concrete-covered building designed by Tadao Ando make a really interesting contract.
Please have these packages shipped by Friday to avoid storage fees. Storage fees are charged on Sunday for all packages not shipped by this Friday. Please allow time for your ship requests to be processed.
I was out on business for a while. As I checked the condition of the item after I came back, I could respond to you only just that day; of course I understand the condition of confirmation within three days. I have been checking the status for these three days, but still only one speaker is alive. I called a repair shop for audio instruments, and will have it fixed. You said that you could not pay back $300, but could you please refund $200, the basic fee for the checkup, at the very least? The amount $200 they said would be the minimum basic checkup fee.
if I understand it right we actually need only one person for the interview. From the contacts on you company site I understand your company is actually located within the Tokyo area. So I was thinking would you potentially be interested in doing the interview?In such case I would send you the reporters contact details. Otherwise sorry for bothering and thank you very much for the arrangements.
I think I still have enough deposit for my card, but I could not use it at hotel and other places. Please check it rapidly.
初めまして 私は株式会社やまと屋本舗トライク事業部 ”アミューズモータービークル” 責任者の姫田達矢です販売されているトライクキットを直接購入可能でしょうか?もし購入可能なら以下の質問があります・ホームページには定価が表示されていますが卸し売りは出来ますか?・私の方で引き取り業者を依頼する必要がありますか?・運送業者が指定されているのなら、ロサンゼルス港までの運賃を教えて下さい?・まず ”HT1800トライクキット” を購入したいのですが納期を教えて下さい?
Hello.I am Tatsuya Himeda, in charge of the trike business department “Amuse-motor vehicle” of Yamato-Ya Honpo Co. Can we buy the trike kits you are now selling directly from your Co.?If possible, I have following questions. Fixed prices are shown in your home page. Can you sell them at trade prices?Do I have to arrange a forwarder to have them sent to me?If you have your forwarder, please let me know shipping charges to Los Angeles harbor. First I would like to buy “HT1800 trike kit”. Please let me know its delivery date.
Presented below is the terminology Yokohama Theatre uses to describe aspects of our work in Theatre. A shared terminology helps us be precise when we discuss Theatre-related matters with each other. -Play: Sometimes represented by a script, a play is a story which can be turned into a Project.Project: An iteration of a Play, including the Show, all documentation (playbills, posters, web posts, video, etc.) generated in its creation. A project may include items produced for public consumption long after the Show is complete. For example: a comic-book adaptation, or a recording of a performance.Show: The on-stage portion of a Project; all of the performances.Performance: A single performance of a Show.
下記は横浜劇場(Yokohama Theather)が劇場での我々の仕事で使っている専門用語です。用語を共有すると、劇場に関連することを話しあう時に双方に正確に伝わります。プレイ(劇):往々にして台本で描写される。ある劇とは、プロジェクトとして調整されることができるストーリーである。プロジェクト:あるショウについて、そのショウ自体と、そのために作られるすべての資料(芝居のビラ、ポスター、ウエブ広告、ビデオなど)を含む一連の作業。プロジェクトはショウ終了後長期間にわたって公共の目的のために作られる事項を含む場合もある。たとえば:マンガ本への転載、演技のレコーディングなど。ショウ:プロジェクトのオンステージ(上演)部分、すべての演技演技:ショウの個々の動作
Prisons located in urban areas: Inmate Li Kokulin and Hiroshima prisonIn Japan, with this meaning, the Pennsylvania method, which aims at reclamation only through meditation, is not applied. Accordingly other measures are taken; e.g., the number of inmates for doing one task is increased, the number of times for checking the quality of items is increased, or something like that. These methods are completely anti-capitalistic ways, and, therefore, inmates have difficulty to live an ordinary social life after they finish their jail terms and leave prisons. In order to avoid this situation Ministry of Justice take the line to increase the works outside prisons such as volunteer activities. Consequently it becomes more and more necessary to place prisons in urban areas.
受刑者はいずれ社会に復帰することが前提になっている。社会から隔離すると、そこでのみ適応する人間を育ててしまい、出所後にまた犯罪を繰り返すようになりかねない。再販防止の観点から刑務所は都市部に立地せざるを得ない。 今回の脱走は、この受刑者に逃走歴があったことはさておき、起こるべくして起きたと言える。アメリカは性悪説で受刑者に臨むのに、日本は性善説をとっているから逃げられたんだというわけではない。刑務所の過剰収容が以前から指摘されている。
It is a definite condition that inmates eventually get back to societies. If they are separated from societies, they can live only where they are now. They might run over crimes again and again after they leave prisons. From the standpoint of preventing subsequent offenses, prisons must be located in urban areas.This time, his breach of prison has naturally occurred although he has a previous experience of breakout. You cannot say that Hiroshima prison let him run away because Japan treat inmates with the view of human nature as fundamentally good while the U.S. treat them with a view of human nature inherently depraved. It is also pointed out that Japanese prisons keep too many inmates.
限られた数の刑務官で増える受刑者を監視することは難しくなる。それでいて予算の削減圧力も強い。法務省も手を打っている。収容率は2000年代半ばには110%を超えていたが、近年では各刑務所における収容棟の増築や新設PFI 刑務所(民営刑務所)の運営、受刑者総数の減少に伴い収容率は改善、100%を切るに至っている。しかしこれはあくまで平均である。刑期が長い服役囚や女子受刑者の施設は過剰収容の状態が継続している。さらに広島刑務所は収容分類級が幅広く、刑務官にも多様な人材が必要とされる
It becomes more and more difficult to observe increasing number of inmates. And yet, the pressure to cut the budget is strong. Of course Ministry of Justice is trying to take measures. The institutionalization rate of inmates exceeded 110% back in the middle of the 2000s, and it has become less than 100% due to expansion and new construction of buildings that keeps inmates, running RFI prisons (private sector prison), decrease in the total number of inmates, etc. But this should be seen as an absolutely average status. For inmates with longer jail terms and female inmates, the status of too much institutionalization continues. In addition at Hiroshima prison, the degree of the division for inmates depending on their conditions is wide, so various prison guards with different experiences are required.
It is not a problem of the number of staffs. Citizen Judge System began, and the world of criminal justice, which had not been familiar to ordinary citizens, became clear over time. To ascribe the runaway case this time to the breach of the guard system of the prison is not valid; this way of thinking is based merely on the knowledge before introduction of the Judge System. The issue of over institutionalization of intimates who are going to leave prisons must be discussed and worked through involving citizens in a constructive manner. Traditional criminal punishment system without institutionalization and acceleration of early release system can be discussed more actively. Of course budget is required. Criminal cases must no longer be gobbled up as mere news.
DirectionsGo to ZZZ station. Exit the station and turn left. Walk past the Yoshinoya and cross the big street. As seen in the image above, the building has a blue awning that reads 観音ビル and is right beside a convenience store.神奈川新町 station is on the 京急線 between 川崎 and 横浜, under 30分 from 品川 and about 5分 from 横浜. The 観音ビル is also within a 10分 walk of 東神奈川 station on the 横浜線. If the front door is closed, there is another entrance on the north side of the building which should be open.-Q. Where is the money coming from currently?A. Our reserves.-Q. How much does it cost?A. To sponsor a single weekday rehearsal costs 3000円. A single weekend rehearsal costs 6000円. A month’s sponsorship is 54,000円
案内ZZZ駅出口を出て左折し、吉野家を通り過ぎて大通りを横断。上の写真にあるようにビルには青の天幕があり観音ビルと書かれています。真横はコンビニエンスストアです。神奈川新町は、京急線の川崎と横浜の中間にあり、品川から30分弱、横浜から約5分です。 観音ビルはまた横浜線東神奈川駅から徒歩でも行けます。10分以内です。正面玄関ドアが閉じられているときはビルの北側にある入口から入ってください。Q 現在の資金はどこから来ているのですか?A 我々自身の資金です。Q どれくらいかかりますか?A 週一回週日リハーサルでは3000円、週末一回で6000円、月謝では54,000円です。
Here are volunteer and internship opportunities that are coming up soon...-Learn the key components of acting with text!-Learn how to harness the power of your own unique voice!-Learn about fully using your entire being as a performer!-Interested in keeping up with events? Signing up for a workshop? Or volunteering for us? Sign up for our mailing lists by clicking ::HERE::.Otherwise, just fill out the form below to get in touch with us!-What Happens Here?Workshop classes and rehearsals.-DescriptionThe KK building near ZZ station is an old factory partially repurposed as rehearsal/workshop space. Our classroom is on 2F, room 201. The building is a 3 minute walk from the exit of the station.
まもなくボランティアと実習体験が始まります。テキストで演技の基本要素を学んでください。あなた独自の声の力をどのように生かすかを学んでください。演技者としてあなたのすべてをどのように使うかを学んでください。イベントを行うのは好きですか?ワークショップに応募するのは?それともボランティアでわれわれに協力してくれますか? ・・・HERE・・・ここをクリックして我々のメーリングリストにサインアップしてください。もしくは我々とのコンタクトのために下の書類に記入していただくだけでも結構です!ここで何が起こるのでしょう?ワークショップクラスとリハーサルです。説明ZZ駅近くのKKビルは古い工場を一部リハーサル/ワークショップの場として再使用しているものです。我々の教室は2階、201号室です。このビルは駅出口から歩いて3分のところにあります。
Students of this course will learn the basics of acting through working on a short, scripted piece. Students will be introduced to a number of basic acting concepts and techniques.-This page contains a list of the classes we will offer in the first semester of 2012.The dates for the spring semester have been set, and dates for the summer semester will be set in March. Please check back or ::CLICK HERE:: to sign up for our newsletter and stay informed.-Instructor Graig Russell will take students on a journey through the landscape of their own voices, allowing them to discover it in a natural way.-There are many ways you can contribute financially or in-kind to Yokohama Theatre. Here are a few...
このコースの生徒は短い台本を使って演技の基本を学びます。多くの基本的な演技の概念とテクニックを紹介いたします。このページには2012年第一学期で当方が提供する科目のリストが載っております。春季学期の日程が決まりました。夏季学期の日程は三月に決定されます。ニュースレター配布による情報提供ご希望の応募には、当方にご連絡いただくか、ここ・・・・・CLICK HERE・・・・をクリックしてください。インストラクターのGraig Russellさんが、生徒を各々自身の音声の風景への旅に案内して自然な方法で自分自身を発見させてくれます。Yokohamaシアターへの資金あるいはその他の形の援助する方法は沢山あります。以下に二、三の・・・・
I paid the money back via paypal, as the article by the manufacturer is currently not available. I can not name a delivery date, unfortunately.regards