First, the great advantage of mystery shopping is that “real service quality” can be evaluated because an examiner not known to a company investigate it. [If a person inside a company do examination, the company’s service may be improved temporarily but would not last long. In addition the examination eye lines are apt to be deformed, leading to unreliable results.] A mystery shopper receives the service from a company under the same condition as customers’, so he/she can feel the same satisfaction/dissatisfaction as customers receive and report reliable results.
These will be good data useful for improving service qualities and awareness raising of staffs.This method can have a defect as follows. Basically one examination is carried out by one shopper, so the result may be affected by his/her fondness or perceived notion without objectivity. So some institutes have made investigation design manuals so that the constant and uniform results will be obtained even if any shoppers do investigation. In addition, mystery shoppers must follow prescribed detail examination item sheets to do exact evaluation; the items are time of investigation, number of customers coming to a shop, gender, age, etc.
Thus general consumers (third body) can evaluate services, and in this way companies (shops) can understand satisfaction/dissatisfaction of their customers, for which they have had no idea until now. Consequently accumulation of the examination will increase the reliability of mystery shopping system. Especially to the companies that are very keen about their service reputation this system will prevail. We think that not only in these fields but also in other fields such as medical institutions and public agencies this system will be widely used
Recently we began to hear the word “Mystery shopping” often also in Japan. The system takes the way by which mystery shoppers selected through the Internet do the actual work: they go to shops and examine the service qualities of the shops, and answer to the investigation sheets they are given from the relevant investigation institutions. If their answers are satisfactorily made, they are paid. Now this system is spreading in the various fields in Japan. Let’s see how the world-wide situation of this field is.Most important is the quality of mystery shoppers.
まず、ミステリーショッピングが生まれたアメリカでは、大手企業が顧客満足度を測るためにこの調査法を利用するのは、いまや当たり前のことになっています。調査を行うミステリーショッパーを提供する調査機関も次々と登場し、一つの業界として完成されていると言えます。MSPA(Mystery Shopping Providers Association)という米国最大のミステリーショッピング協会が運営されていることからもお分かり頂けると思います。shopper-insightでは、
In the U.S. where the mystery shopping was first born, utilizing this system is a commonplace now for major companies to know the degree of satisfaction of their customers. The number of organizations to provide mystery shoppers increases so much, and this field became a kind of an established business world. You can see the present situation seeing the biggest mystery shopping association (Mystery Shopping Providers Association) blooming.At the dshopper-insight
In the U.K. believers, who are mystery shoppers, investigate the churches, or the system of mystery shopping was introduced to examine the quality (degree of satisfaction) of “The professional consulting counters dealing with distresses of the young” launched by the government. The result seems to have bee miserable contrary to expectation. But it was good to be able to realize the real state of the system, which result will be able to be utilized for its future improvement.Thus the investigation design system without any waste increases satisfaction of customers efficiently.
In Singapore also mystery shopping system has been employed, and a program “Singapore Service Star” was launched. This program was set up by the governmental sightseeing department. The targets are hotels, restaurants and survivor shops, where mystery shopping investigation is carried out. If a shop goes up above a certain prescribed level in terms of its charge, service, etc., it can get a mark certifying that it is a good shop. Several time investigations seem to be done for one shop. This kind of quality standard is good to foster the sightseeing scheme of the government.
You must often have had experiences of questionnaires at shops, so you can understand the difficulty of getting true voices (useful reports) of customers. If a mystery shopper goes easy way at a level of ordinary customers, like “OK, this is enough” or “ I do this because I want free meal” or something like that, his/her report is nothing. To prepare too much before investigation for mystery shopping is no good; you must not do excess group meeting or excess training before an examination. It will make their judgment level to deviates from ordinary customers’; that is, they can become strict judges for the shops.
PAGE 146-2Business history is littered with difficult CEO successions at high profile companies. While Gates was contemplating his future at Microsoft in the late 1990s, Robert Nakasone became CEO of Toys R Us in 1998 but left just 18 months later, Richard Thoman sat in the hot seat at Xerox for barely a year, taking the job in April 1999 and departing in May 2000. Like almost everything else Gates has been involved with, however, once he had taken the decision to move on, and applied his substantial intellect to the challenge of succession, he came up with a remarkably effective solution.
企業の歴史は高い業績の会社では難しいCEO継承によって汚される。ゲイツが1990年代後半に彼の未来のマイクロソフトを見据えていた間に、Robert Nakasoneが1998年にトイザラスのCEOとなりすぐ18ケ月後に去って行き、Richard Thomanはゼロックスの重責をほんの1年だけ担った、つまり1999年4月に就任して2000年5月に去って行った。まったく同様な状態にゲイツも巻き込まれた。彼は一度は前進することを決め、彼の知能のかなりの分を継承問題というチャレンジに費やしたが、彼は非常に効果的な解決方法を思いついた。
PAGE 146-1Managing a CEO succession is not easy. You've got to know when it's time to go, help find someone to be your replacement, manage the transition, and then move on and find something else to do.No wonder that so many CEO successions fail.Great business leaders like Gates know when it is time to step up to the plate and take charge, and when it's time to delegate. And, just as importantly, the best leaders know when it is time to take a step back. But knowing that the time is approaching to hand over the reins, and actually seeing it through are two different things. Many great CEOs find it difficult to hand over power. They don't always select the right people to step in. They find it hard to let go.
PAGE 146-1CEO交代をうまくやることは容易いことではない。何時がその時か判断しなければならない、あなたに代わる者を見つけなければならない、移行をマネージメントし、前進し、他のやらねばならないことを見つけ出さねばならない。往々にしてCEO交代が失敗するのは不思議ではない。ゲイツのように偉大な企業リーダーはいつ言い出して責任を担うか、権限を委譲する時はいつかということを知っている。そして同じように大事なことだが、偉大なリーダーならいつ身を引くかということも知っている。統治を任せる時が近づいているのを知ることと、それをやり遂げることとは別問題だ。多くのCEOたちは権力を移譲することが難しいと知る。彼らは必ずしも適正な人物を参入させるわけではない。彼らはつかんでいるものを手放すのが難しいことをわかっている。
I have a question to you of you about providing my item for show.Is there any problem to sell it at U.S. Amazon. com if I haven't released it in Japan yet (I will release it after two weeks or a month) ? If it's OK, could you tell me what points should I take care of on providing it for the sale?
Hello.I am Machida, a successful bidder for your item.The item is being shipped to Japan through California.Accordingly it takes time for the delivery, so I would appreciate it if you kindly send it off as soon as possible. I must inform the forwarder in California of the tracking number of the item. I am sorry to trouble you, but please also input the tracking number at the Ebay site.I would like to also deal with you hereafter.Thank you.
PAGE 110-3So says Gary Hamet visiting professor of Strategic and International Management at London Business School and co-author of Competing for the Future, the book that established the term ‘core competencies’ in the business lexicon. Unique foresight, according to Hamel, is the key to strategy that works. The goal is not to predict what may happen but Ito figure out the future you can make happen. Ifs about winning by changing the rules of the game.’ In the past, this is something that Bill Gates has excelled at.
PAGE 110-3Strategic and International Management at London Business School の客員教授であり、ビジネス用語として ”中核能力”という専門用語を作り出した”Competing for the Future”の共著者であるGary Hamet はそう言っている。Hametによれば、特異な洞察というのが役に立つ戦略だ。そのゴールはなにが起こるかを予測するのでなくて、あなたが起こすことができる未来を予測するのだ。もしそれがゲームのルールを変えて勝つことだったら、過去のことだが、ビル・ゲイツが得意だった。
PAGE 110-1Surrender is not in the vocabulary of the John Wayne type leader. Think again. What if Gates was wrong? Should a single view of the future always prevail? Schwenk thinks not: ‘Without tolerance for eccentricity it is unlikely that any technique for encouraging the expression of diverse views will improve decision making in a firm.’Others would argue that the Internet example simply shows that even Gates can get it wrong sometimes. The fact is that he has tended to get a lot more right than wrong over the years.
降伏という言葉はジョン・ウエインタイプのリーダーにはない。もう一度考えてみよう。もしゲイツが間違っていたならば?未来については一つの見方だけが行き渡るのか?Schwenkはそうではないと考える。「風変わりさに耐えることなしに種々の見解を表現するどんなテクニックも企業における意思決定を改良することはありえない」 インターネットの例をみればゲイツでさえ時々間違っているのは明らかではないかという者もいる。事実は、彼は何年間も間違いをやるよりは正しいことの方をずっと多くやってきたということだ。
PAGE 109-4This requires 'weaker leadership' and that 'top management's vision is less clearly communicated (and less strongly enforced) than the advocates of management vision recommend'. PAGE 109-5He pointed to the example of Microsoft's slow endorsement of the Internet. Originally, the Internet was not looked upon as fertile ground. Bill Gates' apparently all-encompassing vision did not include entering the Internet fray. Eventually, after much internal lobbying, Gates changed his mind and the company moved into Internet services. By traditional yardsticks this was an act of weak leadership. Visions are worthless if they are so easily changed.
PAGE 109-4このことは、”弱いリーダーシップ”がいい、そして”トップのマネージメントビジョンがはっきりと伝わらない(強制力がとぼしい)ほうがいい、つまりマニュアルのマネージメントビジョンの方がいい”ということを言っている。PAGE 109-5彼はマイクロソフトのインターネットに対する遅い賛同対応を例として指摘した。最初はインターネットは豊穣な土地とは見なされていなかった。一見すべてを包括するように見えるビル・ゲイツのビジョンにはインタネット騒動に入ることは含まれなかった。やがて、内部の多くのロビー活動の結果ゲイツは考えを変えて、会社はインターネットサービスに参入した。それまでの物差しなら、この行動は弱いリーダーシップというものだった。もしそれほど簡単に変わるのならビジョンというものにはなんの価値もない。
PAGE 109-2Gates embraced the Superhighway with the zeal of a convert. 'The Internet is not a fad in any way. It is a fantastic thing; it makes software and computers more relevant', he belatedly proclaimed.8 Gates fans say this actually shows great strength of character, that his willingness to make a U-turn of his kind is characteristic of the sort of leadership demanded in the modern business world.PAGE 110-2UNIQUE FORESIGHT The question for companies today is how do you create strategy in the absence of a map? IBM didn’t wake up one morning and take a stupid pill. It didn’t have implementation problems in the 1980s; it had foresight problems ten years earlier.’
PAGE 109-2ゲイツはコンバートの熱意でもってスーパーハイウエイを取り込んだ。インターネットはいずれにしても一時的流行ではなかった。すばらしいものだ:これはソフトウエアとコンピューターをより利用価値のある、意義あるものにする。彼は遅ればせながら宣言した。8人のゲイツのファンはこれこそが彼の性格の大きな強みを示すという。つまりすすんで彼なりのUターンをするというのが現代ビジネス界に要求されるリーダーシップの特徴なのだと。PAGE110-2独特の先見性今日の企業に対する問題は、地図がないときにどうやって戦略を打ち立てるのかということだ。IBMはある朝眼が覚めず、ばかげた処方薬を服用した。1980年代、IBMは運営上の問題を抱えていなかった。しかし、その10年前すでに将来見通しの問題を抱えていたのだ。
PAGE 109-1The Internet still could be Microsoft's undoing, of course, but probably not anytime soon. Critics argued, with some reason, that Microsoft's illustrious leader seemed unusually blind to the potential of the Internet for home users - even a step behind other people at Microsoft. Although a long delay in latching on to the possibilities of the Internet, or pursuing the wrong strategy, could have cost the company dearly, the penny dropped for Gates, and Microsoft had the resources to play some serious catch-up.
PAGE 108-2As Sir Peter Job, the former chief executive of Reuters, the news and financial information giant once noted, when a new paradigm like the Internet is in the offing there is no time for hesitation. 'At those times', he says, 'it's important to leave your strategy suitcase in the station and catch the train'. PAGE 108-3BETTER LATE THAN NEVER In the early days of the Internet, dark clouds appeared to be gathering over Redmond as prophets of doom predicted that the Internet could be Microsoft's undoing. Gates, they said, had been caught napping by the rapid advance of the Internet and how it would transform the PC software industry.
PAGE 108-2ニュースおよび財政情報の巨人であるロイターの先の社長、Sir Peter Jobがかって言ったように、インターネットのような新しいパラダイムが出てくるときにはためらっている時間はない。「そんなときには」、と彼は言う。君の戦略スーツケースを駅に捨てて、汽車に乗るのだ」PAGE108-3何もないより遅れてもそれのほうがいい。インターネットの初期のころにREDMOND(世界征服の根拠地 ゲイツ:マイクロソフトのこと)に暗雲が集まってくるように見えた。運命の預言者たちがインターネットはマイクロソフトの零落を引き起こすと予言したからだ。彼らによれば、ゲイツはインターネットのすばやい成長に眼をまわしてします、だからそれがPCソフトウエアの業界をどう変えてしまうのかと。
PAGE 108-1'During a strategic inflexion point the way a business operates, the very structure and concept of the business, undergoes a change', he says. 'But the irony is that at that point itself nothing much happens. That subtle point is like the eye of a hurricane. There is no wind at the eye of the hurricane, but when it moves the wind hits you again. 'That is what happens in the middle of the transformation from one business model to another. The irony is that, even though these are the most cataclysmic changes that a business can undertake, more often than not those changes are missed.'
PAGE 108-1「戦略的変曲点の期間中に企業が操業する間、まさに企業の構造と概念そのものが変化をうける」と彼は言う。「しかし皮肉なことにはその点においてはそれほど大きな変化は起こらない。その小さなポイントはハリケーンの眼のようなものだ。眼の中では風はない。しかし眼が動くと風はふたたび襲ってくる。それが一つのビジネスモデルから他のものに変わる最中に起こることだ。皮肉なことに、ある企業が受ける可能性がる最も激しい変化なのにこれらの変化は大抵は見過ごされる。
PAGE 107-3Even after he had run the business for years, Gates admitted to being driven by a 'latent fear' that the company could become complacent and allow itself to be overtaken by nimbler competitors. 'Every company is going to have to avoid business as usual. The only big companies that succeed will be those that obsolete their own products before somebody else does', he said.STRATEGIC INFLEXION POINTS In his book Only The Paranoid Survive, Intel's Andy Grove talks about 'strategic inflexion points'. These, he says, occur when a company's competitive position goes through a transition. It is the point at which the organization must alter the path it is on - adapting itself to the new situation
PAGE 107-3数年間会社を経営した後ですら、ゲイツは会社がぬるま湯につかっていて、抜け目のない競争相手に乗っ取られるのではないかという”潜在的恐れ”におののいていたと告白した。「すべての会社は通常どおりのビジネスをやっていてはダメだという方向に動いている。成功する大会社だけが誰かほかのものがやる前に自社の製品をつぶすことができる」と彼は言った。戦略的変曲点”偏執狂のみが生き残る”の著者インテルのAndy Grove は、その中で”戦略的変曲点”について語っている。彼が言うところによれば、それら(変曲点)は会社の競争的位置がある遷移状態を通過するときに起こるという。会社がその進む道を変えねばならない点だ。--それによって新しい状況に順応する。