I must apologize to you for this bad report. I sell goods from abroad to Japanese customers and get commission charges. One of my customers wanted your item, and I ordered it to you. But the customer wants to cancel it. I am wondering if you could accept the cancellation; I would like you to proceed to cancelling the system commission charge. Please understand that I awarded your item not from any malicious intention. I will continue to introduce and sell your goods in Japan hereafter also.I am very sorry, but please accept my sincere apology.Sincerely yours,
At one time while he was sitting in bush taking a rest and having lunch, a bullet went under through his knee that was drawn up and folded. The bullet hit and killed his fellow soldier sitting next to him; the talk with him stopped without noticing his death. He says that the more he wanted to die, the longer he had to be kept alive. Though he, an uncle of my mother, is over 90, he is still in good condition. What I admire most in his life is that he never clings tenaciously to safety and relief.This should be the most important thing that I and companies must cherish now.
いつも開口一番「怖い時には必ず先に動け」と言うのが母の叔父の口癖だった。戦争の話はいつも満州の関東軍時代の話が主だった。零下30度に及ぶ原野で警備でトイレにも行けず、垂れ流した尿が即凍ってしまう話。また日々生きる事が地獄だったため、早く死にたかった事。勿論、抑留生活の時も同様だ。 そこで彼は戦闘になるといち早く敵の銃弾に早く当たる様に、真っ先に突撃して行ったらしい。ところがその彼をかばったり、追従しようとする同僚が次々に戦死したという。
One of the uncles of my mother (The uncle of にすると一人しかいないことになるし、An uncle ofとすると前の文章の関係で間延びする。前の文章のあとならHeが一番自然と思いますが、仕方なしにこうしました) always starts off by saying, ”When you feel fear, first make a move at any rate!” It is his line. His main talk about the War is his days at Kwantung army in Manchuria. Here are some of what he talks.The soldiers could not go to lavatory during their guard duty at the camp in moor, where temperature went down below minus 30 degree, so urine discharged at the spot was instantly frozen. To remain alive everyday was so miserable as being in Hell that he wanted to die earlier.Of course, the subsequent internment in Siberia was the same.So, when a battle began, he used to go at the very head to be killed by the bullets of the enemy army. But he was not killed. Instead, his fellow soldiers who tried to save him or who went after him died one after another.
As I felt that our lines seemed to be crossed, I checked my first mail that asked you about the shipping charge. It seems that the questionary form of eBay has a character number limit, so not all of the information about the items probably did not reach you. I’m sorry for this trouble. I again listed up items taking their weights into consideration. Do you think the shipping charge will be equal of less than $●● for these items? If not due to the weight of ▲▲▲▲, I will resign to place the bid for it.
We will deliver a new piece of music “LOVE” for Facebook Page members from Jun 30, Japan time. It's free, so never miss to get it downloaded!
The overall color of this toy is very nice, uniform and the white portions are for the most part clean. There is one small dark spot near the end of the nose and this may very well be original black paint ? from when the toy was manufactured. The back of the toy is marked across the shoulders "Made in Japan". This toy measures approx. 7 1/2 inches tall and these early celluloid toys are almost always damaged. Other than as mentioned there are NO holes, NO scuffs, NO cracks or other damage noted. It is certainly possible that we have missed a small fault. WE ALSO HAVE A COUPLE OF EXTRA PHOTOS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. toy is easily fixed by someone who has or can make the part and repair it.
この人形の色についてはむらがなくて白い部分もほとんどきれいで全体に素晴らしい状態です。鼻すじの終わり近くに小さな黒い点がありますが、最初から人形が作られた時点でついた黒いペイントじゃないかと思います。背中の肩にかけて“メイドインジャパン”のマークが入っています。この玩具は約7 1/2インチの高さでこのような初期のセルロイド製玩具はほとんどが損傷を受けています。それ以外は穴、磨耗、かき傷、その他目立つような欠点はありません。無論小さな傷は見過ごしている可能性はあります。もし必要なら二枚ほど写真をお見せすることも出来ます。この玩具はパーツをもっていて手入れすることが出来る人がいれば間単に修理できます。
Thank you for your proposal.I agree with $640, and will pay that amount within 24 hours.Please send the invoice to my address below through PayPal.The shipping address is different and shown below.Could you please let me know your address?I hope this transaction will be a nice one.Best regards,
I am very much interested in your trumpet. Do you still keep it? If I can still have a chance to buy it, I would like to ask two questions. First; is the original case attached? If not, it's OK. But I want a case for it anyhow. Second; can I also get the sales slit you were talking about?The shipping address to me is in Florida. If you agree with my proposal, I will call you within 48 hours and pay the charge through PayPal at the same time.Regards,
I've just returned the item via EMS.
This letter is for me of "20 years’future". I am talking about the best image of my own I cherish now. My goal in that image concerns my work, my future new home, and my parents.First about my work, I want to start a new branch office in this company I am supposed to go in, and be liked by colleagues, both my men and superiors. Ultimately I want to make this company more prosperous. Second thing! I want to get enough and satisfactory earning to sustain my family good. I also believe and want the IT industry I am going to work in from now on would help Japanese society to proceed in the proper direction.
Nest, I want to have the chance to meet the nice girl for me to make the nice home. I hope we are going to have two children, I enjoy soccer games with them, we will travel and play so often together. I really want to be a nice father.Finarrly I want to thank to my parents for their ever-lasting affection for me. What I can do is taking them to a vacation trip as their birth day present, or giving them a comfortable house; it is, I think however, not as easy as giving them several days' trip . At any rate, I want to express my gratitude to them for that I have become an accomplished person thanks to them., in the way that they can appreciat it.
I think not my entire dream would come true in 20 years. But It's not most important for me. Whatever would come in the future, I want to say on every occasion from the heart“Yes, I am happy now".I also want to improve my English so that I can easily understand this kind of sentence.
I got the item today, but it was a cripple; the pink lashing is disassembled and not usable. So I want to send it back to you, but how can I do it?I mean sending back from Japan..
Please express, in plain English, the appeal points of your merchandise and the background of the appeal (why is it necessary?). Our translation is not just routine. We make introductory writing that well fits in Japanese user culture. You can see when you get it.
Hi as stated in the auction this order has to be mailed registered mail. Please submit the additional 11.00 to mail these cards to this paypal address:○ ○so we can mail you your cards
A 団体様 初めまして、突然のメール失礼致します。 今回貴会にメールを差し上げましたのは、『アプリ』/日本語版のアプリ作成を、弊社で協力させて頂きたいためです。加えて、日本での公式マーケティングを担当させて頂きたく存じます。 『フレーズ』のように弊社もまた、本気で世界を変えられると信じる人材が集まっています。そして、貴会の一人一人の声を持って政策を変えることにより、より良い世界の実現を目指す考えは、弊社の企業理念『「A×B×C」を最大化する』に共鳴するところがあり、是非提携を申し出たいと存じます。 現在日本の政治は大変混迷を極めており、真のリーダーを求めています。その最中、日本は未曾有の大震災に見舞われ、国民の声を届けるITツールが早急に必要であります。しかし、米に比べ日本の政治はITが非常に遅れております。そこで弊社がこれまで行って参りました日本の大手上場企業や地方自治体のITコンサルティングの実績を活かし、国民の声をより政治に反映させる社会を作っていきたいと考えております。つきましては、貴会の『アプリ』の日本における日本語版のアプリ作成への協力、及び公式マーケティングを弊社にお任せ頂けないでしょうか。プロモーションや日本語化にかかる費用は弊社で請負います。ご検討くださいますようお願い申しあげます。ご連絡お待ち申し上げております。B株式会社名前
Dear A Institute Service Manager: (??)This mail concerns our proposal about the corporation with your Institute. We want to join your project of making the Japanese version "App". In addition, we would like to take charge of your "official marketing in Japan". We have many talented staffs, as in “Phrase??", that think they can actually change the world. Your way of thinking to construct better world by changing policy means with the aid of the power of individuals is quite the same as our corporate philosophy of "Maximize the value of A x B x C". This is the very background why we want the cooperation with you. The present Japanese government is in a hectic confusion, and all nation wants a real Leader. During this period in addition, the devastating Tohoku earthquake attacked Japan, and we rapidly need efficient and good IT tools for Japanese people to exchange and utter their opinions. Compared with the U.S., the IT systems for Japanese politics have scarcely been established. Our company has much experience on IT-consulting for many Japanese major companies and local governments. Based on ou experience and the business results, we want to construct the society that reflects nation's opinion to the politics.So, could you please consider our cooperation with you on making "App Japanese version" and our taking charge of the "official marketing"? We will bear the whole (??ですか) cost for promoting this project including the that of translation into Japanese. Please consider our proposal kindly. I am looking forward to your favorable reaction.Sincerely yours,○○,B Co. Ltd.
Dear Mr.Ms. (?) bargainbluetooths:I would like you to rapidly send three pieces of the item [two for the previous (May 15) short supply and one for the new order this time) .Sorry for this urgent request.Description for the three pieces is as follows.
In fact, I cannot go there from Japan only for bringing this item to you. I said again and again that the AMP was not out of the case when it arrived. Nothing seemed apparently wrong except for the sound. (確か前、音が出ないということでしたね。付け加えていいですか?) Could you pay for fixing it? I think it would be the only solution.I am looking forward to your favorite reaction.
Is the miniature installed with a sounding function?
When you place an order, please verify your shipping address has your Suite number in your U.S. address. We realize that sometimes the merchants will fail to include your suite, and apologize for any inconvenience. Below is how your address should look:Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete or inaccurate address requires special handling in order to verify the correct recipient. This process delays your package and also results in a $5 address correction charge. Please notify all merchants of your complete address, so you can avoid login delays and address correction charges when your package arrives at our facility.