いいえ、そんな筈はないですよ。あなたは勘違いしていると思います。私が今問い合わせているEAは下記のあなた達から送信されたメールに記載された2つから選びましたのでどちらにしてもGOLD Scalper EAですよ。金額から見ても下記のサイトの右側に表示されてるEAに間違いないです。そのEAの特徴の上から2行目に100% Gold Tradingとはっきり記載されています。
No, it should not be the way. I think you are misunderstanding. That is because the EA I am asking now is chosen from two that were written in the following mail sent from you guys, it is GOLD Scalper EA in any case. No doubt to the EA that is displayed on the right side of the following site the following even when I view the amount. It is clearly described and 100% Gold Trading in the second row from the characteristics of the EA.
Since I have to correct the postage of the product for now, I am withdrawing the list of some products. There are still stock of ○. And I discounted the products because you bought in bulk before. It is the last-minute price below that can be sold.I exhibited at the amount of all the products you bought if you are okay.It is not possible for the baby to discharge yet, but my sister seems to be able to on Monday.The baby was named ☆. Is ◇ coming Japan Expo as a guest?? It is a very enviable! Delicate touch of that picture is very good, isn't it? I hope ◯ I sent to you will arrive safely.
Could you introduce a dealer in the United States that meet the following conditions to us? Or, would it be possible for you to negotiate with each dealer directly? If I could deal directly with this dealer in the future, I will pay you $ 15 for each transaction as a referral fee. So 10-20 guitars can be sold for a month, it is possible to keep on paying you 150-300 U.S. dollars per month.
I have experienced my brother died in an accident and know how much my family suffers. When I saw my family is working on the other way which does not need to cut the left breast of mine somehow I thought that I had to consider my future and have a positive attitude because the situation cannot be changed even if I cried more. I will take a fine examine next week. They try looking for possibility of a few percent. I am grateful. But, I knew surgery May 21 is definite. I am thinking there are things that must be done now because left hand does not move for the time being follows by severe pain after the surgery.
I was about to go away from you in silence. I'm writing a last mail now because I think that it is very rude to you who told me as an important friend not to say the reason. I became a uterine cancer at the age of 18 and a person who cannot fill the child. Then I gave love and falling in love with someone. And now, breast cancer was found. I think no matter how easy if even my heart could be a men. The day I clear the Instagram was the date I was announced. I wanted to erase everything about me and disappear that day. I cried about my cruel life, but I do not think I am going to die, and I do not think even now.
We discussed this matter in a today's meeting at the store. All the guitar which I am ordering to you now is going to be sold to the customers with no guarantee. If necessary, I'm going to send to the customers with the concealed serial number of the guitar. We need serial number in the case that something bad is found in the guitar at the time it arrived. (of course, we do not publish the serial number in public). However, we will deal with customers not to require a serial number.
It is new. It is a product made in Japan. I send from Japan to you. Normal delivery (with pursuit online and real compensation set an upper limit, and it takes about 2-3 weeks from shipping) is free. There is charge for Express delivery (with pursuit online and real compensation, and it takes about 5 to 7 from shipping by EMS Japan Post) . Delivery, is likely to be delayed for any reason.If this product is being sold in retail stores alongside online stores, there is a possibility that it may be out of stock. In such a case, we will cancel your order within a few days.
I am understanding that it must not be published to others the serial number well, and I have been careful so much until now.I do not display the guitars in my store and not disclose photos with the serial number to the Internet because we send to the customer as soon as the guitars reach.Of course, we do not disclose that you are purchasing products in your store to outside at all.I am eager to keep on the good business with you in the future. Please tell me anything I can do. I am going to deal immediately.
ABCの動画をリピートYouTubeの閲覧数順に連続再生します今、聴いてる曲をシェアしよう自分専用のプレイリストを作りたい方はこちらABC 関連 お薦め動画ABCの動画を連続再生専用のプレイリストも作れるYouTube公式チャンネルの動画を連続再生動画再生前のCMが入らないので快適に視聴できますABCの動画を1曲ずつ連続再生するには、動画の下に並んでいる数字をクリックした後、動画のサムネイルをクリックします全ての動画を連続再生するには、動画の下にある「全て」をクリックします
Repeat the movie of ABCPut the movie in the order of total number of view on repeat.Let us share the song that you are listening now.This way ,those who want to make their own playlist.Recommend movie about ABC. Put ABC movie on repeat.You can also make your own playlists.Put the movies of YouTube official channel on repeat.You can watch the movie comfortably because it does not include the CM prior to watching movies.Please click the thumbnail of the movie after you click the number under the movies so that you can watch each ABC movies on repeat one by one.If you want to put all the movie on repeat, you can click the "ALL" under the movies.
About the order, is there anything defective except A?And about payment, is it better to pay the amount of the products but or to pay the amount of the products, A included, after A's price is decided?
About how to receive the baggage, I requested the both the case I get the baggage and van in your company's warehouse and the case I get the baggage and van in A's warehouse to A for now.I will contact you as soon as the estimate is completed.
We understood about return. After confirmation the return product, I will pay back. According to the regulation of Amazon, we cannot pay the postage back because of purchaser's reason.Make sure not to receive the product because it is not still arrived so you can return it for free. In the case you receive it, return fee will cost. Just in case, you should watch out not to receive the product form post office though return label is sent to you.
日本の和菓子職人が作った桜プリンパッケージには詩が書いてある箱の和柄が綺麗後から小物いれとして使えそうピンクの可愛いプリンがはいっているプリンの中には桜の花びらが入っているピンクと透明の二層に別れたプリン器に移してみるなんて美しいのでしょう桜の香織がする甘くて美味しい味日本で人気の なめこキャラクターキノコの人形なんて世界の中でも珍しいよね?携帯電話のゲームでも無料で楽しめる餌をあげて湿度を保つとなめこが生える指でなぞり なめこを収穫たまに珍しい新種が生まれてくるのが楽しい
cherry pudding which was made by japanese-style confectionery craftsman.The poem was written on the package.The petter of the box is beautiful.It can be used as a pouch.Pink pretty pudding is in it.Cherry blossom is in the pudding.It is well separated between pink layer and transparent layer.I am trying transferring to a dish.How beautiful this isIt taste sweet and delicious with cherry smells.Nameko-character which is popular among japanese.The doll of mushroom is rare in the world, isn't it?I can enjoy the game of cellphones for free.Nameko is grown with feed and maintenance the humidity.crop the namekos with ticking them off my fingerIt is interesting to be able to crop unusual new variety at times.
I went to London in order to involve B which A hold there.A day before the show, I go over the coordinate of the show in the hotel ,combined with final confirmation.We all made a decision of that while we were thinking the balance of the show on the whole.On the very day of the show.The most painful things happened because we change everything to carrying by hand.I was gotten down at the point in the front of hotel by several meter because the place around the hotel was under control.The cute girls who passed by me gave me help when I had a trouble that my hand was not enough to have amount of the baggage.All of them were kind.
生年月日:1993年11月4日身長: 180cm血液型:A出身地:広島県 SOLIDEMOのシンデレラボーイ。【avex audition MAX 2013】のアーティスト部門でグランプリを受賞し、SOLIDEMOのメンバーに選ばれた。初めて挑戦したCMオーディションに合格し、香港大塚製薬有限公司ポカリスエットのCMに現在出演中。 好きな言葉は"夢は必ず叶う!"
date of birth; 4th november, 1993starture; 180 cm blood type; Ahometown; Hiroshima prefecture Cinderella boy of SOLIDEMOI received a grand prize at the Artist department of "aves audition MAX 2013" and was chosen a member of SOLIDEMO.I passed the CM audition I challenged for the first time and I am appearing the CM of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Pocari Sweat in Hong Kong.My favorite word is "The dream should come true."
生年月日:1993年7月8日身長: 187cm血液型:O出身地:埼玉県 SOLIDEMOの天真爛漫な20才。数多くのオーディションに挑戦し、高校2年の夏に応募した集英社「MEN’S NON-NO」のオーディションに合格し、2010年3月から専属モデルとなる。 好きな言葉は"スーツ"
Date of birth: 8th July, 1993Starture: 187 cmBlood type: OHometown: Saitama prefecture Innocent twenty-year-old guy of SOLIDEMOI challenged many auditions and finally I passed "MEN'S NON-NO'' which I applied for when I was second year of high school student. I have been model since March, 2013my favorite word is suit
生年月日:1991年4月24日身長: 189cm血液型:O出身地:東京都SOLIDEMOの現役大学生。メンバー内最高身長。幼少の頃より沖縄生まれの祖父から三線を聞いて育ち、1万枚以上のCDを所有するロック好きな父親の影響で中学時代バンドに加入しドラムを担当。一方、楽屋では、メンバーから同時につっこまれても的確かつ丁寧に返答出来ることから聖徳太子の異名を持つ。 好きな言葉は"一期一会"
date of birth; 24th April,1991starture; 189 cmblood type; Ohometown: TokyoActive university student of SOLIDEMO.I am highest in this group.I have been listened Shamisen by my grandfather, who had been born in Okinawa prefecture since I was little, and I was in charge of drums when I was junior high school student, affected by my father who has strongly liking to Rock music and has over a million CD.While I am being called Shotoku-Taisi because I can answer correctly and politely even if some members say something at one time.my favorite word is a once- in-a-lifetime
生年月日:1991年4月2日身長: 188cm血液型:AB出身地:千葉県 SOLIDEMOの小顔王子。2009年第22回ジュノン・スーパーボーイ・コンテストでGREE賞を受賞。これをきっかけに芸能活動をスタート。主に役者としてドラマや舞台に出演、モデルとしても活躍する驚異の10頭身。 好きな言葉は"勇往邁進"
date of birth; 2nd April, 1991starture; 188 cmblood type; ABhometown; Chiba prefectureSmall-face-prince of SOLIDEMOI received GREE prize at the 22th-Junon-boy-contest in 2009.Setting off this, I started perfuming activity.My favorite word is Dash on.
サブリーダー 生年月日:1988年7月19日身長: 181cm血液型:O出身地:福岡県SOLIDEMOのサブリーダー。エイベックス・アーティストアカデミーに一般生として入校し、音楽レッスンを開始。 歌唱力が高く評価され、2009年に『力の限りゴーゴゴー!!』(フジテレビ系)の人気コーナー「ハモネプ」に出演した男性アカペラコーラスグループ“腹筋学園”のメンバーとして話題に。TAKE名義でのソロ音楽活動や、役者としてドラマや舞台も経験。 好きな言葉は"不撓不屈"
Sub-leaderdate of berth; 19th July, 1988starture; 181 cmblood type; Ohometown; Fukuoka prefecturesub-leader of SOLIDEMOI entered to AVEC artists academy as a general student and start taking musical classes.My singing was highly evaluated and come up a member of "Fukkin-gakuen" which is male a-cappela group that perform at the popular department "Hamonepu" of the program, "Tikara no kagiri GO-go go!!" in 2009.I am performing solo-singing as TAKE and have experienced drama and stage as an actor.My favorite word is ’’unyielding"
リーダー 生年月日:1986年5月20日身長:183cm血液型:O出身地:福島県 SOLIDEMOのリーダー。中学2年生の合唱コンクールでオリジナルコーラスを作って金賞を受賞したことがきっかけで音楽にのめりこむ。担任の先生の薦めで中学卒業後15歳で上京して音楽活動を始めて12年。遂にこのグループでメジャーデビューのチャンスを掴んだ。 好きな言葉は"以心伝心"
Leader Date of birth; 20th May, 1986Stature; 183 cmBlood type; OHometown; Fukushima prefectureLeader of SOLIDEMO.I was into the musics, setting off to make an original chorus and to get a gold prize in the Chorus Competition when I was second year of junior high school.After graduation from junior high school student I ,who was 15 year-old, was recommend to go to Tokyo.I have been in Tokyo and played the musics for twelve years.I took the chance to come out with this group.My favorite word is ’’tacit understanding''