Today I have received the order number 104782.But the custom tax was charged.Your site explains that the import custom tax is included in the product price when an item is shipped to Japan.When I bought the same item, I was not charged the custom tax.Why did they charge it to me this time?Please refund me the amount corresponding to the custom tax, if possible.
Hello, This is ・・・, who bought ・・・ on eBay.This time I would like to buy items without using eBay. Is it possible for you?Can I buy items at 10% discount?
Thank you very much for your sending me many photos. I checked the photos. In the photos, the crack in the blister pack seems greater than I imagined. How serious is the crack actually? Sorry to always ask you discount, but can you please give me some discount from the price $5000?
Then, please check the number of units in stocks and let me know.If the number of unit in stock is less than the ordered number of units, I will buy the number of units now available.Please also let me know until when should I wait for getting the rest of the ordered units.Please let me know the estimated cost for the following items, which include the items of your recommendation (if you have):The following list include items which I am now dealing with others, but it your condition prevails, I will buy them from you.(以下訳不要)・商品・商品(ここまで)I would like to buy the items as soon as possible.Please give me your quotation as soon as possible.
I shipped out it on 9th, so you will receive it within some days.I shipped via fedex.The tracking number is:434543315063849Once you confirmed, please let me know.I apologize you, that I still need to a lot to learn.I will take care about it from now on.I will be glad to hear from you in the future.
追加の注文です。前回と同じようにDual packを20個お願いします。また、Single Unitの注文も検討しています。単価を教えて下さい。よろしくお願い致します。
I would like to place an additional order.20 Dual packs, similarly with my last order.I am also considering to place an order for Single Unit.Please let me know the unit price.Thank you.
Paypal identity verification was completed, so please ship the item promptly.When you ship, do make sure to include the debit note (invoice).Do you have any other reason for your no reply?Please tell me the reason why you cannot ship the item.
I often buy ○○○ listed in amazon.co.uk. I always ask sellers to ship items directly to Japan. However, some items cannot be shipped to Japan even if I order to the same seller. From what this difference come from? I would like to buy many items, so can you please arrange to ship items directly to Japan if a seller if from amazon.co.uk? Thank you.
Thank you for your sending me the good photograph of an item. I will consider buying it a little more. When I decide to buy it, I will let you know. The item which I most want is pink Bentz SL280. It may be an exaggeration, but I have been dreaming of it. If you can sell me that, I would like t buy that even if it is expensive.This eye piece is very useful when I use Coronado telescope. The price is very reasonable and the function ans performance are excellent. Attached cased is also very useful for carrying.
When you ship an item, please write the shipper's name which is registered in Paypal.
You say that you want to cancel two items,please tell me which items you want to cancel.Then I will send you new invoice.I listed the razors, which you have won, because a collector requested me to list in the auction.These razors are in very good condition and less expensive than usual.So I do not want you to cancel these two items.I believe that these would be a good collection for you.Kindly please consider again.
The shipment destination is planned to be Florida. However, can you ship to Japan directly?Do you purchase items from outlet shops, Dane?Thank you for your information about server hardwares.I will check it!Thank you for your contact.
2012年8月8日にペイパルより €1,559.24 支払いを済ませているのですがアカウントに反映されていません。何度も問い合わせしているのですが 連絡がありません。至急確認して連絡下さい。
I paid €1,559.24 via Paypal on August 8th, 2012, but it is not reflected in my account. I have been asking this question many times, but still do not receive any response. Please urgently confirm and reply me.
転送できない商品をTracking 03110240000154580990こちらの住所に送り返してください。Daniel MacKenzie4857 East Eha WayApt BEwa Beach, HI 96706(609)760-6683ありがとう。返品されたら、ご連絡ください。
Please return the items which cannot be forwarded to the following address(Tracking 03110240000154580990):Daniel MacKenzie4857 East Eha WayApt BEwa Beach, HI 96706(609)760-6683Thank you,Once they are returned, please let me know.
Yoko and I work together.Therefore, from the next time, please send e-mails to the following 2 addresses.Should we send e-mails to the following addresses when we send you messages?
Thank you for your reply.Please come to the office at 20 o'clock on 9th.I will be able to introduce you some other members.When you arrive, please call me.Thank you,(名前)
1.前回税関で荷物が止まってしまったので、今回は書類に商品の正確な金額を書いてください。 2.商品の箱がへこんでいる物が多いので、梱包にもっと注意を払ってください。
1. As the last time the item was stopped at the Customs, this time please make sure to describe the correct price of the item in the document.2. There are many items whose boxes have dents. Please pay more attention to packing the items carefully.
(ケース1)の注文時に前金で税金はお支払いしていますが、(ケース2)では別途税金の請求が発生しています。私は受け取りのためこれを支払いました。領収書と明細書は下記のURLにて確認してください。---URL---明細書には申告額がEUR 2306,7と記載されておりますが、私の購入した商品の金額はEUR 1451,90ですので、税額自体が過分に発生しています。要約1.すでにお支払いしているはずの税金が発生している。2.申告額に間違いがあるため税額自体が高額に請求されている。
In (case 1), I have already paid you the tax in advance, but additional tax was imposed separately in (case 2). I paid said tax so as to receive it. The payment receipt and the statement are shown in the following URL:--- URL ---The statement shows EUR2306,7, but the amount which I actually paid for the product was1,451.90. Excess tax is charged.Summary1. The tax might have been double-charged.2. Higher amount of tax was charged due to a mistake of invoicing amount.
The other day when I opened one of the packages, which you sent me July 19th with the tracking number(XXXX), I found that one saucer of the Meissen tea set was broken. I reported that to the courier DHL and DHL seemed to know your address, but they told me that I had to communicate to MYUS and fill necessary documents. So please send me necessary documents for further action.
Can it be folded with the tires attached?