Hola, me dijeron para el dia 6 de Julio. Es para un regalo y el dia 15 de Julio ya Es muy tarde. Dame una solucion. GraciasGood morning,I am interested in one of the fountain pens you sell in Amazon:Platinum - Pluma estilográfica extrafina # 3776 century # 71, color granate, tamaño de punta EF (caracter extrafino):Color: Burgundy || Nib: 14k GoldI wanted to buy the pen, but before I have three questions:1.- I wanted to know if there is an option to receive the pen with the uEF (ultra Extra Fine) nib instead of the EF that appears in the web page2.- Is the pen new?, does it come in a Platinum case?3.- Which would be the best converter for this pen?Thanks in advance for your help and best regards,
こんにちは、7月6日と言われました。7月15日の贈り物用なので、遅すぎます。解決策をご提示ください。よろしくお願いします。おはようございます、あなたがAmazonで販売している万年筆の1つに興味を持ちました:プラチナ;極細万年筆#3776センチュリー#717、色はガーネット、ペン先サイズEF(極細):色:ワインレッド||ペン先:14kゴールド万年筆を購入したいのですが、その前に質問があります:1.- ウェブページにあるものの中に、EF(極細)ではなく、uEF(超極細)ペン先のものがありますか。2.- 万年筆は新品ですか?プラチナケースに入っていますか?3.- この万年筆のベストな代替品は何ですか?ご確認のほどよろしくお願いします。
In order to respond to the credit card issuer on your behalf, we need youto provide us with proof of delivery, which we will provide to the credit card issuer.The easiest and quickest way to respond to this chargeback is to use online Chargeback forms.By doing so, you will help resolve this issue faster for both you and your buyer.Please do not reply to this e-mail if you use the online Chargeback forms.Here are instructions on how to represent your case: * Go to your Seller Account by typing the following web address into your browser's address bar: www.amazon.com/sc-chargebacks * Sign in when prompted.* Click "Represent your case" for action-required Chargebacks and follow the instructions.
お客様のクレジットカード発行者に返信するため、配達を証明するものをご提供いただく必要があります。その証明となるものを当社がクレジットカード発行者に提出します。このチャージバックに最も簡単かつ迅速に応答する方法は、オンラインチャージバックフォームを使うことです。そうすればお客様にとってもカード発行者にとっても、より速く問題解決できるでしょう。オンラインチャージバックフォームをお使いになる場合は、このメールには返信しないでください。お客様のケースを説明するための指示は以下の通りです:* 以下のウェブアドレスを入力してお客様のセラーアカウントへ行きます:www.amazon.com/sc-chargebacks* サインインの指示が表示されたら指示に従ってサインインします。* 対応が必要なチャージバックのための「お客様のケースを説明する(Represent your case)」をクリックして、指示に従ってください。
We price our products on eBay, based on the discounts we receive from the manufacturers. Some sellers receive greater discounts on account of the volume of business they provide the manufacturers with. Also, the discounts keep changing based on the time of the year/season. The best we can offer you is: $69.99/unit.Kindly let us know if you would like to proceed and we will tell you how.When you make a purchase from us, you can rest assured you will receive products and services of the highest quality. Please note, we work between Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm EST.Wishing you a pleasant day ahead.Thanks,
Cuantos dias demora un envio hacia uruguay aproximadamente
Me dirijo a ustedes, pues el pedido 403-6164270-1377130 se supone tenía que haberlo recibido el 9 de febrero , todavía no lo he recibido y tampoco puedo seguir la ruta del mismo, por favor cuando lo recibiré?? Muchas gracias!!
I would like to sell this product at around 3,500 to 4,000 yen.
Thank you for your reply.I have checked your invoice, and confirmed that the address was the same with that of your ebay address.The earliest way is to ship you a substitute for MMF-3. Do you accept this way?The last time the package arrived to your nearest post office by around 6 days from the shipment.I will tell you the tracking number soon after the shipment. Then you can track the shipping status, and the package will arrive to your nearest post office after 6 to 7 days.At that time, you can ask the post office around when the package will arriving your home.
Buenos días,Se cancelo la compra de este pedido y me dijeron que no se había cargado el pago en la tarjeta. Sin embargo, si que se descontó el importe y todavía no se ha devuelto a la misma.Adjunto captura del detalle del cobro.Un saludo
Hola,Este pedido tiene una fecha estimada de entrega entre el 21 de julio y el 13 de agosto. Puesto que el paquete viene desde Japón, me gustaría saber si dispone alguna información de seguimiento y si cree que será posible recibir el paquete antes del 4 de agosto.Gracias de antemano por su atención.Un saludo.
One place to look is this website. I have used it on several occasions. http://www. ~ See what Hiromi thinks when you get a chance.I will do bit of search too.This may be sudden, but Keiko plans on holding a wedding on the 18th of JUNE at the Moana Hotel located at Hawaii.I was quite shocked when i first heard of it too.
一見の価値あるウェブサイトです。私は何度か使ったことがあります。http://www. ~あなたがチャンスを獲得したらヒロミがどう思うでしょうか。私も少し検索してみます。突然かもしれません。でもケイコは6月18日にハワイのモアナホテル結婚式を挙げる計画を立てています。最初にそれを聞いたときは私もとてもびっくりしました。
OK, sorry to trouble you, but please return the item.We will refund you promptly once the item arrives in Japan.Of course we will bear the return shipping fee, so please let us know the amount of the return shipping fee and the tracking number.We would like to ask you a favor.Please do not use DHL when you return the item to Japan.
我々はトラッキング番号 ***で商品を発送しておりました。こちらのサイトで追跡ができます。しかしながら、現在「返送中」となっております。私は日本郵便の担当に確認をします。ただ、日本はすでに週末の休みです。次の月曜日に至急確認します。
We shipped the item under the tracking number ***.You can track it with this site:As we checked it, it is on the way of "returning".We will check the status with Japan Post.Since it is in weekend holidays now in Japan, we will check promptly in the next Monday.
Aは入荷次第、発送して下さい。A以外の商品は出来るだけ早く発送して欲しいです。初期不良のBを再確認したところ、正しいサイズの new connecting bar があれば問題を解決できる事が判明しました。jibを連結できない原因は後方jibのconnecting barが大きいためでした。顧客へはすでに製品交換で対応済みです。new connecting barだけを送って下さい。できれば予備も含めて2つ送ってほしいです。今後も同じ初期不良が発生する可能性があると思います。
Please ship A as soon as is available.For other items, please ship them as soon as possible.I checked B which had initial failure, and found that the problem can be solved if correct size new connecting bar is used.The reason why jib could not be connected was that the connecting bar of the rear jib was larger.I already sent a replacement item to the customer.So please ship new connecting bar to me.I would be glad if you ship two bars so that I can keep one for stock.This is because same failure may happen in the future.
The payment for the item had been processed on February 16, but I do not yet receive the item.Why?When will the item be shipped?Please give me prompt reply.
The price we gave you last time shipped was 9745.00 USD. I am trying to get the same deal but the original price for that order was 10,047.00 USD I have a new account set up and may be able to accept payment in Japanese Yen. Can you give me dual invoice so I can see if it is better to accept in Yen or USD.Thank you
Hola. Soy de España y quiero saber si cobran aduanas aparte por el envío de sus productos.Un saludo y muchas gracias
Thank you for your inquiry.The package seems to have been shipped from Japan to USA, but I cannot confirm the record of arrival to USA.If you receive the item, please reject receiving it.It will be returned to Japan.Once you reject receiving, please let me know, then I will take the refunding process.Thank you.
Are these drops the ones that have like a crispy white middle?
【研修ステップ】 1.モノを見る、モノを触る、構造を知る、材質を知る、状態を知る 2.製品の使われ方を知る 3.求められる品質を知る 4.発生する不良を予測する 5.不良を検出する方法を決める 6.検出に必要なツールを選ぶ 7.良否判定基準を決める 8.検査頻度を決める 9.検査要領を決める10.検査基準書を作る不具合を予測するポイント●製品を知る●要求品質を知る図面が原器顧客要求設計図面仕様書管理点設定要求書検査・納品設備治工具工程づくり工程管理明細書作業要領書検査基準書
Steps in the training1. See and touch the product, know the structure, materials and status2. Know how the product is used3. Know the required quality4. Foresee the defects that may occur5. Decide the method to detect the defect6. Select the necessary tools for detection7. Set the standard of decision (good/no good)8. Decide the frequency of conducting inspection9. Decide the protocol of the inspection10. Make the inspection standardPoints to foresee the potential defect- Know the product- Know the required qualityDrawings are the basic standardCustomer's requestDesign drawingsSpecificationControl point requirement documentInspection/deliveryEquipmentJigs and toolsSetting the processProcess control specificationWork protocolInspection protocol
I have reported the damage to the item that occurred this time to Japan Post. They told me, "For a shipper to receive the insurance payment from Italian Post, it it necessary to obtain the certification by Japan Post." So I left the item in Japan Post and the item is now under inspection. Have you requested Italian Post to investigate the accident in question? If you have requested, it is OK. Once Japan Post receives an inquiry for the verification of the accident from Italian Post, Japan Post will provide the report stating the damaged status of the item to Italian Post, and then Japan Post will ship it to you.