The disk 2 covers Zep's video clips and the chronicle of legendary lives that recorded according to time series.and it focuses on live images of the band and its history. Including the shout by Robert Brand or Jimmy page's overactions, what's more, Bonzo's stick handling with wild fill, Jonzy's base play with low centerd gravity and amazing keyboard play. Their astonishing performances are recorded in the disk2 in 99 minutes.
I am dealing with products that are trendy and popular in the world. mostly those are useful items.I imported those as soon as I find them, I am really versed in how to handle those items because I had experienced other maker's display cables before.I accepted that the products are on hold. sorry to bother you. When you will finish for the procedure for shipping.I 'd appreciate you would let me know. thanks.
I got a good score on exam, the teacher gave me a snack. It was so delicious and I was hooked to the teast.Happy birthday, I wish you will make your day, We will start working from next year, and We should work hard to make our first working year amazing, hang in there.
Thank you for deleting Taxes, I will roder 6 pieces and as one piece for €36, how much the shipping cost?The fist shipping cost €45 for 7 OPO and 4 OPL, I assume this time is cheaper than that.
I am sorry I delayed my reply. I have just asked to the supplier about the magnetic force because I think there might be some transportation company that can ship the product, depend on the levels of its magnetic force.and the levels of its magnetic force can be possible to ship, so I try to find a transpotation company that can handle it.I will let you know as soon as I can find the company, please wait for a while.
Dear You really don t need us to write 100 emails regarding 1. little Order. This is the Original and Genuine E1syndicate Product, as you can see on our Website as well, the official gear you can only buy through us, we do have many Customers from Japan Tracknumbers for your Order = ML000080406PJ and ML000080383PJ Can be traced Online via Japanese Post Website Sometimes DHL change Tracknumbers when it s shipped to Japan for this reason you could not track it Best Regards
あなたは、1つの注文に対して100に及ぶEメイルを作成するのに、私たちを必要値はしません。これは純正品で高性能のE1syndicate製品で、ウエブ上でも確認することができます。しかし私たちを通してでしか購入することはできません。すでに多くの日本人顧客に販売しております。あなたの注文のトラッキング番号はML000080406PJ and ML000080383PJ となります。郵便局のウエブ上で運送状況を確認するこtができます。しかし、DHLは時々番号を変更することもありますのでご注意ください。
Thank for having interested in our products. It is rare items with truely genuin one.We will attach the certification as the receipt form the shop I bought it.If you buy them today, we discount the price at $ 5,900,a special Xmas sale price!What's more, we will send them with the international express mail!If you want topurchase them from me, you can negotiate the price with us. Best regards
Hello,I trust you are well ..I am Fang Choa, i see you are seeking funding for your project or to make your business proposals or ideas a reality , I can introduce you to a private holy angel investor with investment funds at his disposal and seeking investment opportunity..Wondering if this might interest you ..Send your business plan/ Proposal to his personal email ( knakamurainvestments@gmail.com ) for his review Investors name Kazunori NakamuraPrivate Email ( knakamurainvestments@gmail.com ) Cheers
こんにちは私はファン チョアといいます。そしてあなたをとても信頼しています。あなたはプロジェクトのための資金源を探しており、それによってビジネス提案やアイデアの実現をしようとしているのだと思います。そこでエンジェルファンドの投資家を紹介したいと思います。その人物は自前の資金で投資を行う方で、あなたのビジネスに興味を示しました。ビジネス計画の詳細や提案を彼にEメイルで送ってください。アドレスは knakamurainvestments@gmail.comです。名前は中村 かずのりさんです。そして個人用のEメイル アドレスは knakamurainvestments@gmail.comです。
Thank you so much for showing interest in our AP miffy range. We are preparing all details for the 2018 range and will be ready to submit all information soon. Do you visit Maison et Objet in Paris in January? Would be great to meet you there. Kindest Regards,Met vriendelijke groet, Frank Vanhalst
私たちのAPミフィーレンジに興味を持っていただき感謝しています。現在 私たちは2018年度のレンジの準備に取り掛かっており、すぐに詳細をお伝えすることができると思います。1月にパリのオブジェットにいるマリソンを訪れますか?訪れるならその機会にでぜひお会いしたいです。いつもありがとうございます。フランク バンハリスト
I am sorry to bother you. As yousaid, I also thought it is difficult to maintain the property so I decided to sellit.Can you deal with this matter. I appreciate if you let me know about the matter.
Thank you very much your heartful reply. I am little disapointed tha fact that I 'm not a leadinf agent but I have already confirmed the agreementand and accepted the fact.I will try hard to promote your product in Japan. There are questions, what should I do after I sign the contact paper. Should I post it or mail it after scanning the paper?If I will post it , I need your address.and Do you have any plan to hold a exhibition abroad?We are planning to go to Rion for a exhibition. If you fix a schedeul for the exhibition next year, let me know. Thanks and best regards
Sorry for my delay to your answer, I have't been at home since last night.Thank you for the invoice, I have just finished the payment. and we will see it on Tuesday.To tell you the truth, I was surprised when I checked at AMAZON because it gave a ★1review to my item yesterday even in Japan.it said it is dangerous because the battery charger was deformed due to heat. I have only 6 stocks for the item.but because of that I may not sell them. If so, I will once pull out my items from the site, and wait until its revised version would be available.
I will come back to German on Dec 23. Can you wait for my payment to you until then.The chair is exactly what i have been looking for and I never fail to buy it.
Thank you for purchasing our products.I will send them to you with containig al of them in one package. If you want me to send them separately, let meknow it by email. If you want to get a one package-discount, please note the following issues.If all the products you get from auctioned are categorized as shipping-free items, you can not get any discount for your shipping cost.You can get a discount for your shipping cost if there is any products you purchased are non-shipping free items Best regards
I have already contacted the distributor, but I don't get any reply yet. I am annoyed because they don't teach me its track number so I don't know the situation of the shipping at all.
あなたの上司に状況説明をしていただきましてありがとうございます。私はAmazon Japanでのみ商品を販売いたしますのでご安心ください。現在の商品価格を確認したところ、あなたのウェブサイトの価格より$10くらい高い価格で販売されていますが、ウェブサイトと同じ価格に下げる必要がありますか?
Thank you for your effort to explain it to your boss.I will purchase the items only from Amazon Japan so you don't need to worry.As I checked the prices, It was $10 higher than your website. Do I need to lower the price as same as that on the website?
表情、 瞳の感じ、眉の形、 瞳の色、目には、いつものように、ソリューションをおいてください。(濡れた目)前髪の流れ 髪の色 以下の写真の赤ちゃんでお願いします。髪型の全体的な流れ、雰囲気は、以下のお写真でお願いします。(太い線、細い線で表現してくださって可能です)
the complexion, the shape of eyes and eyebrows and the color of pupils, I hope you put solutions as usual to make the eyes being bleady The flow of its forelock, the color of its hair, I hope you imitate the baby in the picture below.and do its hairstyle based on the picture, especially the shape of the whole hairstyle and the atomosphere, possibly you can express it with thick lines and thin lines.
Listings Statusに関して、質問があります。Settingsの項目から、activeの状態へ変更できません。saveをクリックしても無効のようで、Statusに反映されないようです。出品を再開したいので至急、ご対応の方よろしくお願いします。
I have a question for LIGHTING STATUS.I can't convert from Setting to active. Clicking SAVE did'nt work.STATUS did'nt come to the screen. Please let me know the solution, I want to resume it soon.
If possible, please let me know why I can't sell the items through AMAZON.Maybe because it lower the selling price?I intend to sell the item accroding to your desired price, and If you have any idea about price, let me know.If you accept my request, I will continue to purchase the items from you.
1. I paid it through PAYPAL, please send the item as soon as possible and let us know the tracking number.and I would like you to fill your name and adress accurately. carefully package the item to avoid any damega. and put the invoice on the carton.Best regard2. thanks for gave us the estimation.I confirmed that the prices exactly refrected its selling prices.