We keep having our meetings among all of us staff members after we were suspended. We will confirm to be committed to our tasks if you allow us to resume our operation. Please grant us another chance of sales.
Thank you for contacting me.And I apologize for my late reply.As we have trading with distributors in other nations, there is no problemwith the periodical purchase.This is based on my experience and there are many cases in which the condition and price do not match together with one another. So could I have the standard for the condition and price?And what does crossbod mean?We are ready for all the other products.I wonder if the price will be okay.While I purchase the goods relatively inexpensively via otherdistributors for used goods, I am not sure if the price will meet your request.We are looking forward to having a deal with you.
10月6日熊本公演 KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2016~Best Single Collection~ 会場・日時変更のお知らせ <福岡公演にてチケットをご購入の方>4月9日(土)・4月10日(日)福岡サンパレスの公演にてご購入のお客様は、6月30日(木)までにキョードー西日本までお問い合わせください。払い戻しの詳細、または振替公演のチケットの引き取りの詳細をご案内させて頂きます。
This is a notice for the change of the venue and date for the October 6 performance in Kumamoto KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2016~Best Single Collection~. <For Those Who Have Purchased Tickets for the Fukuoka Performance>Please inquire Kyodo Western Japan by June 30 (Thursday) if you have purchased your tickets for the April 9 (Saturday) or April 10 (Sunday) performance. We will let you know the details regarding reimbursement or tickets for the replacement performances.
Kyodo Western Japan: 092-714-0159(10:00 AM to 7:00 PM on weekdays; 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturdays; closed on Sundays and holidays)
予定しておりました、KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2016~Best Single Collection~ 10月6日(木) 熊本市民会館 公演ですが、熊本地震の影響により会場が破損し、10月6日(木)までの修復は間に合わないとの判断が出ましたので、会場・日程の変更をさせて頂きます。公演を楽しみにして頂いていた皆様には、ご迷惑をお掛け致します事を深くお詫び申し上げると共に、熊本地震により被災をされた皆さまに心よりお見舞いを申し上げます。
The scheduled October 6 (Thursday) performance of the KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2016~Best Single Collection~will be changed for another venue and date as the original venue has been damaged by the Kumamoto Earthquake and it wil not be repaired by October 6 (Thursday).We humbly apologize for those who longed for the performance and offer our messages to the victims of the quake.
<振替公演> 10月27日(木) 会場:熊本県立劇場 演劇ホール開場 18:00 / 開演 19:00振替公演をご希望の方払い戻しの手続きを行う必要はございません。上記日程・会場に変更となったチケットを郵送させていただきます。 払い戻しをご希望の方6月30日(木)までに以下の手続きを行っていただけますようお願い致します。
<Replacement Performance> on October 27 (Thursday)Venue: Kumamoto Kenritsu Gekijo Theater, Engei HallOpen: 6:00 PM/Start: 7:00 PMFor Those Who Choose the Replacement PerformanceThose who choose the replacement performance do not need to take any reimbursementprocedure.We will mail the ticket for the replacement performance to you.For Those Who Choose ReimbursementPlease proceed the following procedure by June 30 (Thursday) as below.
なお、払い戻し期間内にローソンチケットからご連絡がつかなかったお客様は、振替公演のチケットをご用意させて頂き、払い戻しはお受けいたしませんので、ご了承ください。 払い戻し手続きに関するお問い合わせ:0570-000-777(10:00~20:00)
And if you have failed to contact Lawson Ticket during the period of reimbursement, we will arrange the ticket for the replacement performance; we will be unable to accept your choice for reimbursement.Please contact the following if you would like your reimbursement: 0570-000-777( between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM)
I am terribly sorry. I took part in the auction with the wrong setting for bidding. Could you cancel my transaction? I am awfully sorry for the inconvenience.
I received a notice about the class next year. Though I was wondering what would be going one, I was relieved to realize that mu daughter was with her favorite friend in the new class; she also found some names of those who she knew (including your daughter's!). She is looking forward to being on a new grade.
Thank you very much for your inquiry and purchase regularly. You can obtain the product you inquired about as it has already been on the market in Japan. Unforyinately, however, the postal charges of the Japan Post Co.Ltd. were hike up as of June 1, the range of low prices was repealed. What you could ship at 12 USD before now costs 20 USD. Could it be all right for you if you would be required to pay 28 USD, including the price and commissions? The charges for ordinary registered Mail was not hiked up; I could send at 10 USD if you would use this. I apologize for my bad English.
I am sorry I have kept you waiting.Now that the guitar arrived a while ago, I will send you some of the photos.The condition is very good.There is no distinctive damage except for the metal part being dull and three small damaged on the body bag.I am sure that I will send you the guitar after our staff member in charge of repair has polished the body and fret; we will adjust the guitar as a whole.
To Our Customers:Thank you for your inquiry.We apologize for the inconvenience which has delayed the delivery of the products you have purchased.While we are investigating why some of them have not yet been delivered, we believe this must have resulted from the trouble related to either loss or wrong shipment.We will refund you soon all the amount of the price as the delivery deadline by Amazon has already expired.Please do not accept the products after you receive this notice.Then they will be shipped back to Japan automatically.We are deeply sorry for the trouble you have had this time.We sincerely apologize for this.
I notice this after I had paid on Paypal.Though the unit price was 175 USD in the e-mail, the actual price was 179 USD.Could you change the price to 175 USD on PayPal?Well, it cannot be done.I would appreciate if there would be no error staring next time.Though I learned that there was no B or S in your stock this time, could you sell them if you had themin your stock now?I will purchase some items if the price is moderate, so could you order them from the maker?I would like you to let me know some conditions, such as the minimum lot and etc.I would like to purchase 10 items of R which I bought this time.Could you order them if you had none of them in your stock?
I am sorry but I cannot indicate the price of the product lower than the actual one.But I will accept it as 137 USD (about 100 pounds) after subtracting VAT, though I will be in the red. Though this price is exception, please feel free to use my store again.
先ほどの質問と内容が被っている部分もあると思いますが、証明書について教えてください。PED, PT, CCなどの証明書は、発行すると手数料がかかりますか?また、証明書を発行することで納期が長くなったり、逆に証明書を発行しないことで納期が短くなったりしますでしょうか?
While some of these questions may be what I have already asked you before, please notify me of the certificate.Will I have to pay the commissions for the certificates of PED, PT, and CC?And would it affect the length of delivery terms by getting the document issued or not?
お客様は私に、流量計の証明書は、発行可能なものはすべて頂きたいとおっしゃいました。発行可能なすべての証明書を発行していただきたく思います。発行に別途手数料がかかる場合は教えてください。オーダーシートとデータシートの間で、証明書の項目について違いがありますが、なぜですか。添付の画像をご覧ください。赤線の項目は同じですが、青線の項目は、どちらか片方のシートにしか見られません。PED, PT, CCに加え、NACE証明書やリークテスト証明書もいただきたく思います。
The customer told me that he would like all the certificates of the flowmeter that could be issued.I would like you to issue all of them if possible.Please notify me if there are some commissions to pay for them.Why is there a difference of the item on the certificate between the order sheet and data sheet?Please have a look at the attached image. While terms inside the red lines are the same, those insidethe blue lines are only on either sheet.I would appreciate if I could have the NACE certificate and leak test certificate besides PED, PT and CC.
OO. You were always cheerful and kept singing and dancing! I love you so much as you are so cheerful and cute. Thank you for your kind words on me. I had a wonderful time every day because of you!OO. Thank you for your smile on me even though I did not speak English so well. Probably I have been stressful to you. I am sorry. I love your beautiful smile and lovely hair.OO. I wanted to talk with you more. Let's discuss a lot when I come back here again!
OO。陽気で人懐っこいあなた。私のチョコレートほとんど食べちゃったよね。チョコレート好きの私たち。また一緒にチョコレートケーキ作りたいな。 3週間という短い間だったけど、温かくて優しくて、楽しい家族の一員になれたことを誇りに思います。みんなのことが大好きです。いつかまたもっと英語を話せるようになったら遊びに来ても良いですか?いつまでもみんなが幸せでいられるようにこれからも願っています。本当にありがとうございました。
OO. You are so merry and friendly. You have eaten most of my chocolates, have you not? We are addicted to chocolates. We would like to bake a chocolate cake again.Though it was a short stay of three weeks, I am proud to have been a member of such a warm, kind-hearted family. I love all of you. Can I come back here again when I have a better command of English?I wish all of you will be happy. Thank you very much.
Not all of us are cut out for office jobs. In the past, it was relatively simple to find employment that was indoors or outdoors, depending on the jobseeker’s aptitudes and interests.In the new millennium, however, success is almost always attached to indoor jobs, especially those that require sitting at a desk. If you’ve tried a number of indoor jobs and found them incompatible with your personality, or you’re leaving college and know you just can’t hack a desk job but still need to earn a decent salary (after all, beach bums also “work” outside), consider one of the jobs below, which combine being outside with a reasonable salary.
Some of the jobs require more professional training than others, and some include some inside work, but all of them mean the employee will spend the vast majority of his time out-of-doors.■BotanistThis job is going to involve some indoor work (teaching, cataloging experiment results or research), but there should be plenty of time outside too, since that’s where plants grow best. Whether in a farmer’s field working for the agriculture department, or within a university setting, in a greenhouse or in the woods, there’s still plenty to learn about the plants that surround us. For more about jobs in botany, check out this page.
これらの職種の中には、他と比べて専門的な訓練が必要なものや内勤が必要なものがありますが、どの職種でも仕事中は大半の時間を屋外で過ごすことになります。 ■植物学者この職種は内勤(教育、実験の結果もしくは調査の分類)の側面もありますが、植物は屋外でもっともよく育つので、外で勤務する時間はたくさんあります。 農場であろうと、大学の敷地内であろうと、温室内であろうと、そして森林であろうと、私たちを取り囲む植物について学ぶことはたくさんあります。植物学の分野で職を探すのであれば、このページを確認してください。