It seems to be exhibited a lot at ebay,Do you mean that: you have products in stock now, but you can not send them out unless I pay you 409.99 dollars, right?
Because this watch is fake, I require repayment. The reason is, the design of the box is different, and the product number is different too. The model number written in the product explanation was BU1373, but the back of the watch was BU1360.
白と青のものは現在それぞれいくつ手元にありますか?白と青それぞれ1個380ドルで20個(合計40個)注文して、すぐに発送していただきたいのですが可能ですか?(請求金額:7,600ドル)20個なければ、今手元にある最大数を購入させていただきます。もし可能であれば、下記のPayPal Accountに請求いただければすぐに支払います。
How many white and blue items are there in hand now?I want to oeder 20 white and 20 blue (40 in total) for 380 dollars each, can you send them out immediately?(charged amount: 7,600 dollars)If there are less than 20 in your hand, I will urchase the maximum now.I will pay immediately if you request it from following PayPal Account.
Is there any wound or damagehe in main body or the case?How is it different from the new one?
Was it able to see the HTML code after all?Can you start it immediately if send the list of products to you?I will send the file this evening.If there is any malfunction, please contact with me.
I want to order ten with 2,300 dollars.If I you request it from my PayPal account, I will settle accounts immediately.Thank you in advance.I think shipment date of A product which I ordered a few days ago is yesterday, when will you send it out?
I want to purchase 1 left-handed Superfast9.5 and 1 left-handed Superfast10.5, and 2 right-handed Superfast9.5 and 2 left-handed Superfast10.5, may I buy them with $ 1,500 including the postage to Japan?
I show respect for steady diligence of NVA members by far, and I pray for the further development of NVA and health of beginning members. I just sent a small present as a token of my gratitude, so please accept it. Please continue giving guidance and support in the future. At first, I will show gratitude informality.
One last question, what is the little box with transparent five small holes with the little that is XX?I realized that the ring with the pin to fit it, it has a small hole under the foot, but the small transparent box I do not understand.
Thank you for the application to my project.It is a project that performing the exhibition in my Amazon.com account with my ID.At first, please let me ask you two questions.1. Have you purchased a product in A.com?2. Have your exhibition been exhibited in A.com?
we can certianly assist you with returning a package.The options for returning a package are:1. Ship back to the sender through your account. Our domestic shipping rates are not very competitive. Please enter the complete shipping address with telephone number if you choose this option directly from your ship request section. 2. Return to Merchant via prepaid shipping label. Please contact the merchant to inquire about the return policy and procedure and to request a prepaid return shipping label. There is a $7 charge for us to process the return which includes attaching the prepaid label, removing the package from your account and tendering the package to the courier company.
パッケージを返すことが助けられます。パッケージを返すのオプションが下記です:1. あなたの口座で送り主へ返します。我々の国内郵送料金は、あまり競争的でありません。もしあなたが直接このオプションを郵送請願書のセクションから選ぶならば、電話番号と送り先住所を入力してください。2. 前払いの輸送ラベルによって商人に返します。返品条件と手順について尋ねて、前払いの輸送ラベルを要請するために、商人に連絡してください。前払いのラベルを付けて、あなたの口座からパッケージを取り外して、輸送会社に提出することを含む処理のために、我々の7ドルの代金がかかります。
Write "date issued" "place issued" in area 59 After that, it is ok to sign and send me the orginal
「日付」("date issued" )と「場所」("place issued" )を59のところで書いてください。その後、署名して、私に送ってください。
I want to purchase ten A products with 2,000 dollars including the postage, will it be possible?The address is Florida.
Article 10 (Time of validity) The validity of this contract is one year from the day of concluding it. But if there is no proposal from Party A or Party B until two months before the expiration of contract validity, then the contract will be extended for one year, it is similar afterward.Article 12 For the items which are not decided in the contract, Party A and Party B should discuss and decide together, if possible. Special contract article 1)For the key money which Party B pays to Party A accroding to Article 3, as next agency qualification or other, will not be refunded in the future.In order to prove the contract, two contracts will be made, Party A and Party B should hold one each after signature.
Article 8 (Prohibition of the unfair production) Party B must not do any kind of behavior such as forging, processing or producing imitations of Party A's products without the written consent with Party A.Article 9 (measures when the contract was broken) When Party B break the contract, Party A take next measures depending on degree of the violation.(1) warning (2) restrict or stop the time-limited business (3) Cancel the sales agent contract (4) Request of the compensation for damagesArticle 11 (competent court) About the contract, when a complicated argument occurs, a court in the head office location of Party A will play a role as the competent court.
3、外国取引に於いては第4条但し書きを順守する。第6条 守秘義務:乙は、商品の特許内容に関する事項及び、これに付随する学術的、専門的な有形・無形財産権をみだりに外部へ漏洩してはならない。第7条 契約解除:乙が次の各号のいずれかに該当した時はこの契約は自動的に解除されるものとする(1) 乙が差し押さえ競売、仮処分の申し立てを受け、競売処分、租税滞納処分、その他公権力の執行を受けた時。(2) 乙が破産、民事再生を申し立て、会社整理、又は会社更生手続き開始の申し立てをした時
3. The foreign dealings should obey the Article 4.Article 6 Obligation of keeping secrecy: the patent contents of the product and the accompanying scientific, technical tangible or intangible property rights must not be leaked to the outside.Article 7 Contract cancellation: When Party B corresponded to one of next, this contract shall be canceled automatically(1) When Party B was seized or in response to a statement of the provisional disposition, received auction disposal, land tax disposition for failure to pay taxes, or execution of other authorities.(2) When Party B went bankrupt and stated civil affair reproduction, and stated for the company rearranging or the start of corporate reorganization proceeding.
第4条 商品の受け渡しに関する確認:甲乙間における発注方法、納入場所、納品、検品及び所有権の移転、商品の受け渡し等に関する事項については都度甲乙協議の上とする。但し、外国との取引についてはLOI及びFCOの取り決めを順守する。第5条 支払条件:乙が甲より商品を仕入れる際は、商品代金先払いを原則とする。但し、大口受注等により納品を先行せざるを得ない時は、乙は、自己の責任に於いてあらかじめ甲の承諾を得るものとする2、支払い方法は、現金もしくは甲の指定する銀行口座振込決済とする。
Article 4 Confirmation about the delivery: about the ordering method, delivery place, delivery of goods, inspection and the transfer of proprietary rights, the delivery of the product between Party A and Party B, both sides should discuss together each time. But, about the business with the foreign country, they should obey the decision of LOI and FCO. Article 5 Terms of payment: When Party B lays in stock of product from Party A, it should be advance payment as a principle. But when there are big orders and it can not but deliver goods first, Party B should get the consent of Party A in responsibility of the self beforehand.2, About the payment, Party B should pay cash or transfer the money to the bank account which Party A appoints.
I can not receive the product which I purchased from your auction, because it was intercepted at the customs of Japan.Therefore, I am very sorry, I have to return the product.It will be sent out directly by the customs, can you refund me the money deducted the postage after the product arrives.I will do the return procedure as soon as I have your reply.
細見せコーディネイトで着やせテクを教えて! 【魔法のオシャレ講座】自分で出来るパーティー ヘアアレンジを教えて
Please tell me how to use the "look thinner technique" by "look thinner coordinates"!Please teach me the party hair arrangement by oneself of [lecture of the fmagic ashion]
Sorry, I did not understand meaning of your question.Should I tell you about a state and the summary of these products?