バックパックに装着した大型ライフル、ビーム刃を発生させ攻撃できる小型シールド、ビームマシンガン、両肩に隠されたビーム・サーベル、腕に装着するガトリングガンなど、豊富な武装群が付属。充実のオプションパーツで兎耳形態 / ねこ耳形態 / 通常形態/と3種の形態を選択可兎耳 / 肩フリル / 黒リボン / 猫耳 / しっぽ / ボウタイ / 赤リボン / カチューシャ等、オプションパーツを組み合わせて自由にコーディネートが楽しめる1/144スケール組み立て式プラモデル接着剤は不使用
Large-sized rifle attached to the backpack, small-sized shield generating beam blade to attack, beam machine gun, beam sabers hid in the shoulders, Gatling gun attachable to the arms, and other various armament items are included. Variety of option parts. Choose from the three styles: rabbit ears style/ cat ears style/ normal style/ rabbit ears/ shoulder frills/ black ribbon/ cat ears/ tail/ bow tie/ red ribbon/ hairband etc.Enjoy your own outfit by choosing your favorite option parts.plastic model kit on a scale of 1 to 144adhesiveless
I also would like her to have fun experiences during this travel.If you would like, come to Osaka next time, Amy!I am looking forward to it. I would like to see you again.
I've emailed you but I don't have a reply. What do I do?Are you saying you have emailed Jordan@ab.com not me. I have sent you emails back saying to email him what you want on your chin pad. Also he has been out since Tuesday last week, do to fracturing his back. So you might not get a reply right away. Sorry for any inconveniences, but just let Jordan know what you want on your chinpad. I want to cancel my order once.CancelledPlease give me a reply if you sell it to me.Sell what, so instead of me cancelling the order, you still want it, so you want me to re-do the order and put it all back together again. Correct???
メールをお送りしましたのにお返事を頂いておりません。どうしたらよろしいでしょうか?あなたはJordan@ab.com にメールしたのであって、私には送っていないんじゃないですか?私はあなたにメールを返しました。その時にあなたがchin padに要求するものを彼にメールするように伝えました。彼も先週の火曜日から背中を骨折したため不在でした。ですからあなたはすぐに返答を得られなかったのではないでしょうか。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありませんがJordanにあなたがchin padに要求することを伝えてください。 一旦注文をキャンセルさせてください。キャンセルされました。私に売るつもりでしたらお返事ください。売る、って何をですか?私にその注文をキャンセルさせたのに、あなたはまだそれが欲しいのですか?私に再度注文を入れろということですか?再度元通りにすればよいということでよろしいですか?
先ほどの案内メールのEMS送料につきまして誤り(※)がございました。※誤ってアジア地域での料金形態で算出大変申し訳ございません、正しい金額は( )円 となります。取り急ぎお詫びと共に正しい金額をお知らせさせて頂きます。恐れ入りますがご確認のうえお支払い総額にご了承頂けましたらその旨ご返信のほどよろしくお願い致します。
I am sorry but the information I emailed earlier had wrong information regarding EMS rates. I calculated using Asian area rates by mistake.I apologize for the mistake. The correct rate is ( ) yen.I am including the correct amount in this email.Please check it again and reply if you agree about the total amount to pay.
I'll send a picture if needed. also i ordered this from amazon.co.uk not amazon.com so expected to get the EUR version, not the USA version of the game. i know this because of the color of the plastic (i have not removed the seal)
御入用であれば写真をお送りいたします。私がこれオーダーしたのはamazon.co.uk であってamazon.comではありません。ですから手に入れるゲームはUSバージョンではなくユーロバージョンだと考えられます。私はプラスチックのカラーでこう思いました。(封は開けておりませんが)
I am B and working for A. We are currently in need of three information to calculate C. Two of them are the information you provided yesterday. The other is about D, which is the same information as you provided yesterday. Could you please provide us with the information about D even if the information is intended for other countries than the U.S.? I would also like to apologize that we missed to include the English translation for the manual. According to the manufacturer, they had not translated it yet and decided to send the product first. The translation will be sent as soon as it is ready. It should be sent on the 30th or so this week.
このコレクターブックは大変貴重なものです。日本でのみ出版され完売してしまいましたので今回が手に入れられる最後のチャンスでした。検品のために1度開封しております。検品しながらうっとりしてしまう美しさとScotty Cameronの製品が1度にこんなに見れたことに感動すらいたしました気に入ってくださると嬉しいです何かお探しのものやご希望のものがございましたらリストの記載に関わらずお気軽にご連絡くださいませ。またご縁がありますように
This collectors book is very valuable.It was published only in Japan and sold out, so it was the last chance to get.It was once opened for inspection.I was enchanted with the beauty as I watched the Scotty Cameron’s product even once. I was so impressive.I would be glad if you like it.If you have anything that you are looking for or you want to get but not found on the list, please feel free to contact me.I am looking forward to serving you again.
We accept regular Yu-Pack, however, we will not accept any Yu-Pack by cash on delivery.Please do not send by cash on delivery if you purchased it at a store. The domestic postage to our company must be paid by you.
私達はあなたの要求通り先週、銀行振込をした。あなたはもう着金を確認できているはずだ。いつ商品が発送できるのか?というメールしても返信がない。これはあまりに不誠実な対応で、ビジネスのルール守ってないことになる。格言にあるように「Time is money.」で私達は早く商品を日本に転送して販売したい。あなたは自分の要求だけ押し付けて、こちらの要求に応えないつもりか?早急にいつ商品が発送できるか教えてください。その準備も早くしてください。私達は急いでます。よろしくお願い致します。
We made the payment to your bank account as per your request last week. You should have been able to confirm the receipt of the payment. We have not received your reply to our email asking when you were going to send the product. It is such an insincere correspondence that it will not comply with what is expected in business. As a proverb says, “Time is money.” We want to transfer the product to Japan and sell it as soon as possible. You place too much demands on us but we are wonder if you will not try to meet our request. Please inform us of when the product will be sent as soon as possible. Please get ready for that as soon as possible. We want to hurry. Thank you for your understanding.
It is expensive. I bought 3000 of them at $0.87 each on February 13 this year.May I buy 3000 of them at $0.87 each this time again?Attached is the last PI.I made my company in Hong Kong so the payment will be made from there.Please tell me your bank account number.
Thank you for purchasing the item.Regarding the item, it has already been going through the final inspection and the paper works to clear the customs and to comply with CITES have been completed.We would like you to continue with this business without cancellation.As is well known, this is a fantastic guitar. It will hardly be found in the market any more.We really would like you to purchase it.Thank you for your business.
It’ s been a while! I was surprised when he contacted me unexpectedly asking if I knew Jeff. (LOL) I graduated from college and have been teaching Japanese in Seoul, Korea. I am thinking if I could have a chance to eat out with him.
Dearmany orders has been sending at your habitually adress! i phoned at our warehouse for to stopped the sending at your adress tomorow i give you reply what orders i can make changment adress, ok?best regards
Could you send me the invoice again as I have not been able to make the payment?There appears the error as per attached image.
Dearyour last orders has been sending today without 2 items!- t shirt men M size Alice tatoo CART11- tand S size pin up hous wife TAT09These items will be sending tomorow with trakcing number LD000529053FRbest regardsBob M.Service clientèle
~ 様今回のご注文につきましては以下の2点を除いて本日発送させていただきました。-紳士用TシャツMサイズ アリスタトウー CART11-TシャツとMサイズのピンナップハウスワイフ TAT09こちらの商品に関しましては明日LD000529053FRという追跡番号にて発送の予定です。よろしくおねがいします。Bob M.お客様サービス
It might have been true that I had hurt her, but there was a reason that I said so.I was betrayed by a person very recently.It has been making me very nervous since then.So, I cannot believe what she said even though I really want to believe her.She should have understood my situation.
Please note that I highly recommend songs from an English speaking country. PPAP has been a great trend but mistakes are just as easy to learn too. For example dropping articles such as ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ are quite common mistakes that originate from Japanese/English songs as well as unnatural pronunciation features.Cannot recommend any specific songs as there are too many that are similar in quality. The exploring is part of the fun!
私が言いたいのは、英語圏の歌をお勧めしますよ、ということです。PPAPはとても流行していますが、あまりにも覚えやすすぎるという欠点もあります。例えばa,an, theといった冠詞を落としてしまうのはよくある間違いで、両言語には不自然な発音上の特徴があるのと同様に、歌が日本語または英語であることに起因しているものです。同じような質の歌があまりにも多いので、ある特定の歌をお勧めすることはできません。探すのも楽しいですよ!
Dear Mr. Bob M/ Client Service,Thank you very much for the reply.I make purchase from Italist and matchesfashion among the shops I first sent to you for 10000€ monthly.I am sure I will be able to contribute to your sales if you could give me VIP discount.I would appreciate your consideration to this.Regards,Kotaro Kato
This includes customers who have purchased these products from sellers. You should not ship any pending orders for this product yourself. If you are a Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) seller, please note that pending FBA customer orders for these products will be cancelled. You will be temporarily unable to create a Removal Order for these products for a period of 30 days. After 30 days please create a Removal Order in Seller Central to arrange for the removal or disposal of any inventory of these products in our fulfillment centers. If you are unable to create a Removal Order after 30 days, please contact Seller Support for assistance.
I am so sorry to hear the FOBs were not working once again. I spoke with the property this morning and they were finally able to find the issue that is causing the problem. There was a programming error on their end that had the FOBs expiration date incorrect. This was why it would work the day it was re-programmed then stop working the next day. The team was able to adjust the expiration date remotely on their system so that you don’t have to come into the office. The FOBs and garage remote should all work. Will you be home at all this morning or afternoon to test it out?