Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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The winter passed, and in the spring of 37 Antonius sailed with a large fleet from Athens to Italy. Once again he found that Brundisium would not admit him. Not that he had either the desire or the pretext for war, but he was in an angry mood. Once again for the benefit of an ambiguous partner he had to defer the complete pacification of the East. Caesar's heir journeyed to the encounter, taking a varied company that included Maecenas and L. Cocceius Nerva (still perhaps a neutral), the negotiator of Brundisium, also the Antonian C. Fonteius Capito and a troupe of rising poets. Pollio was not present. If invited, he refused, from disgust of politics. Resentful and suspicious, the dynasts met at Tarentum.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Filtering the data in the AAAManager
Each of the sections in the AAAManager can be easily filtered, in order to allow you to easily find the information you are looking for.
There are 2 ways to filter the data in the AAAManager:
Option 1
• Choose the relevant section and tab
• Go to the relevant column
• Fill in the words you would like the filter in the empty area of the first row.

Fill in the words you would like to filter the data by
Option 1
• Choose the relevant section and tab
• Go to the relevant column
• Click on the right upper corner of the column you want to filter the data by and select the relevant parameter from a drop down menu




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

• Click on the "Show" button to view a list of all your strategies and pairs with their current G-Score.

"Test your strategy" Tab
If you are trading with "Meta Trader" or "TradeStation" you have the option to check your EA's/strategy's G-Score by uploading your back test/history report to the AAAManager.
Step 1: Scroll down the "Report Type" option and choose the back test report you want to check
• "Meta Trader History": Use this option to save a report of the current history of your account in the MT4 platform
• "Meta Trader Back Test": After you back test your EA you have the option to save a copy of the report in HTML file



「Meta Trader」または「TradeStation」を使って取引されている場合は、過去のデータテスト/履歴レポートをAAAマネージャーにアップロードして頂いてEA/戦略の G-Scoreをチェックするという選択肢もあります。
・「Meta Trader」 履歴: MT4プラットフォームのご自分のアカウントの現在の履歴レポートを保存するにはこのオプションをご利用ください。
・「Meta Trader 」バックテスト:ご自分のEAの過去のデータテストをされた後、HTMLファイルにレポートのコピーを保存するオプションがあります。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Today ABC ranks the strategies performances by their profit in pips. The first strategies shown on the trading-platform’s list are the strategies that made the highest profit in a chosen time frame. (The default time frame is “Last month to date”).
In the next version of ABC’s platform, strategies will be ranked by their G-Score. This means that the first strategies a client will see - are those with the best G-Score. As we believe the G-Score will change the way traders evaluates strategies – it is important that you will use the AAAManager to learn, test and improve your G-Score.
"G-Score" Tab



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

"My Subscribers" Tab
• Click on the "Show" button in order to look at your current Live users
• In the "Lots" column you can check how much they leverage your strategy. Please notice that this parameter is presented in "K" for example, 10 = 10k = 0.1lot

The “G-Score” is a highly complex statistical and mathematical formula that combines various ratios and data collected on each strategy. The data is analyzed while paying extra attention to risk, reward, consistency and robustness. The G-Score is being calculated with every closed position. You can read more about the G-Score by clicking on the “what it G-Score” button.


「My Subscribers」タブ
・「Lots」欄内で、ユーザーがどれくらい自分の戦略を活用したかをチェックできます。この助変数はKという文字で表示されます。例1:0 = 10k = 0.1lot

Gスコアは非常に複雑な統計的、数学的公式で、様々な割合と各戦略から収集されたデータを組み合わせて作られています。データはリスク、利益、整合性、信頼性に特別な注意を払いながら分析されます。Gスコアは全ての閉位置で計算されます。「what it G-Score」ボタンをクリックされますとGスコアに関する詳細な説明をお読み頂けます。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

After generating a signal from your trading platform it will appear in “my open signals” tab. You can monitor, modify and close your signals from here.
Right click to close or modify the signal
• Click the "Show" button to present the list of your open signals.
• Modifying/Closing your signals – choose the signal you wish to modify/close, "right" click on it and choose the action you wish to place.

Signals History
You can view all your closed signals in the “signals history” tab.
• Choose the dates you wish to see your closed signals
• Click the "Show" button in order to present your trades' history



「signals history」タブでご自分の終了した信号をご覧になれます。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

General explanation:
There are 4 main sections in the AAAManager which will provide you with all the information you need to know as ABC Signal Provider:
My Signals – Monitor and control your signals
My Subscribers – Review your subscribers
G-Score - Check your current ranking in ABC's platform
My Commission – Track your commissions
My Signals
In “My Signals” section, you can review and modify your open signals and analyze your trading history.
This section includes 3 tabs: My open signals, Signals history and Execution Alerts.
My open signals


マイ・シグナル(私の信号) ─ 自分の信号の監視と制御
マイ・サブスクライバー(私の引受人) ─ 自分の引受人の評価
Gスコア ─ ABCのプラットフォームにおける自分の現在の順位
マイ・コミッション ─ 自分のコミッションの追跡
このセクションにはMy open signals(自分のオープン信号)、Signals history (信号履歴)、Execution Alerts(実効アラート)の3つのタブが含まれています。
My open signals

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

AAAManager Manual
The AAAManager is your back office application for ABC’s platform.
The AAAManager allows you to:
• Monitor and control your signals
• Review your subscribers
• Check and test your G-Score
• Track your commission

The following manual will explain to you how to use the AAAManager.
In order to download the application click on this link:.(Click "Run" and continue the installation process)
After downloading the platform this window will pop-up:
Fill in the Username and Password (case sensitive) and click "OK". You can find the login details in the welcome email you received from ABC.


AAAマネージャー マニュアル


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

2We face a crisis which could bring about the suicide of the human species or bring us a new awakening and a new hope. We believe that peace is possible. We know that religion is not the sole of remedy for all the ills of humanity, but it has an indispensable role to play in this most critical time.
3We are aware of the world’s cultural and religious diversity. Each culture represents a universe in itself and yet it is not closed. Cultures give religions their language, and religions offer ultimate meaning to each culture. Unless we recognize pluralism and respect diversity, no peace is possible. We strive for the harmony which is at the very core of peace.


2 我々は人類の自滅をもたらすか、または新たな覚醒と希望をもたらすかを選択すべき危機に直面している。我々は平和の実現は可能であると信じる。宗教は人類の諸悪にとって唯一の救済策ではなく、この最も重要な時期において不可欠な役割を果たすものだることを知っている。

3 我々は世界の文化と宗教の多様性を認識している。各文化は宇宙そのものを代表し、かつそれは閉ざされていない。諸文化は宗教に言語を与え、宗教は各文化に究極的意義を提供する。我々が多元主義を認め、多様性を尊重しない限り、平和の実現は不可能である。我々は平和の核心である調和の実現に向け努力する。