Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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And then Herodes was seized by {love} of history, when Nicolaus praised this as most statesman-like, and useful to a king, so that he could examine the deeds and achievements of former men. The king was enthusiastic about it, and encouraged Nicolaus to take up the task of history-writing. Nicolaus set about the task in grand style. He gathered together the whole of history, and expended greater effort on it than anyone else. After a long time he completed this labour of love, saying that if Eurystheus had given it to Heracles as one of his tasks, it would have exhausted Heracles. After this, Herodes sailed to Rome to meet Caesar; he took Nicolaus with him in the same boat, and they philosophised together.


それからヘロデが歴史「愛好」に捕えられた時、彼は以前の部下の行動や業績を吟味することができるため、ニコラウスはこれを最も政治家にふさわしく王に役に立つ事として賞賛した。王はこれに大変乗り気でニコラウスに歴史執筆の仕事に着手するよう励ました。ニコラウスは荘重な文体で仕事に取り掛かった。彼は全体の歴史を収集し、他の誰よりも大きな努力を払って仕事を行なった。長い時間をかけて彼はこの愛着のある仕事を完成し、 エウリュステイスがこれをヘラクレスに1つの仕事として与えていたらヘラクレスを疲労困憊させていただろうと述べた。この後ヘロデはカエサルに会うためローマに向け出港した。彼はニコラウスを同じ船に乗せ、長い時間哲学的議論を交わした。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

* All Reflective Camo bags are guaranteed for life for workmanship and manufacturing defects. Due to the unique nature of the reflective printed material, the reflectivity of the fabric can diminish over time and is not covered under warranty.

• Padded CORDURA® Brand fabric back panel with 5-bar webbing cross-chest strap

• Iconic quick-release seatbelt buckle with integrated bottle opener
• Weatherproof main storage compartments for windbreaker and wallet
• Weatherproof phone compartment with Velcro and SR buckle
• Daisy-chain mounting loops for attaching carabineer or bike lights
• Reflective straps for night visibility

• Weatherproof, 1000-denier CORDURA® Brand outer shell



•パッドつきCORDURA® ブランドの布地の背面パネルと5本ウェビングの胸部ストラップ


・耐候性、1000デニールCORDURA® ブランドのアウターシェル

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

• Commercial-grade, five-bar seatbelt webbing and nylon 69 thread

Our Reflective Camo Citizen combines three of our favorite things - our iconic messenger bag, camo, and reflectivity. To be seen at night we made the fourth color of a French Camo pattern with a special glass-bead print that reflects from a distance up to 100 feet. An industry first. Like all of our messenger bags, our Reflective Camo Citizen is made with military grade materials including an abrasion resistant CORDURA® Brand fabric outer shell and a floating bucket liner made with 1000 denier truck tarpaulin. These bags were made in extremely limited quantities in our factory in the USA. Guaranteed for life.



当社のReflective Camo Citizenは当社が好む3つを組み合わせています。それはメッセンジャーバッグ、迷彩柄、反射性です。夜間でもよく見えるよう、最大100フィートの距離からでも反射する特殊なガラスビーズプリントのつけ、フランスの迷彩柄に第4の色を作り出しました。
業界初。当社の他の全てのメッセンジャーバッグ同様、Reflective Camo Citizenは耐摩耗性のCORDURA®ブランド生地のアウターシェル、1000デニールのトラック防水シートでできた浮遊性のあるバケットシールド等を含む軍事用品質の素材で作られています。バッグは米国の工場で数量をごく僅かに限定して生産されています。生涯保証つき。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

To make sure eBay buyers have the best possible shopping experience, we want to ensure easy and accurate searching and purchasing. To help make items easier to find, we have a policy that doesn't allow duplicate listings.
We understand that you may not have been aware of this policy or that this may have been an oversight. Unfortunately, we had to take the following action:
- Duplicate listings have been removed
- We have credited all associated fees except for the final value fee for your listing(s).
Please take the time to review your listings and remove any other duplicates.
The duplicate listings we identified were listed on the following multiple accounts.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

But Octavianus would have none of that. Further, from duty to his ally and to the Caesarian party, Antonius had lost the better part of two years, sacrificing ambition, interest and power. Of an appeal to arms, no thought in his mind--the chance to suppress Caesar's heir had been offered repeatedly three years before, by fortune, by Fulvia and by Salvidienus. Antonius had rejected those offers.
As yet, however, neither his predominance nor his prestige were gravely menaced and there was work to be done in the East. Antonius departed for Syria. From Corcyra in the late summer of the year he sent Octavia back to Italy. He may already have tired of Octavia.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The consuls for 32, designated long in advance, were adherents of Antonius, Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus and C. Sosius. But five years is a long period in a revolutionary epoch. Octavianus felt that time was on his side. For the present, his colleague was constrained to support the war against Pompeius. From his fleet Antonius resigned one hundred and twenty ships against the promise of twenty thousand legionary soldiers. He never received them. Antonius departed. Before long the conviction grew upon him that he had been thwarted and deceived. He may have hoped that his military genius as well as his ships would be enlisted to deal with Pompeius.


32年就任のためにかなり早くから指名された執政官らはアントニウスの追随者のCn. ドミティウス、アヘノバルブス、C,ソシウスらだった。だが革命期の5年間は長い時間だった。オクタヴィアヌスは時は自分の側にあると感じた。さしあたって、彼の同僚はポンペイウスとの戦いの応援に縛られていた。アントニウスは部隊の2万の兵という約束に対しての彼の艦隊から120隻を撤退させた。彼は決して彼らを受け入れなかった。アントニウスは出発した。まもなく彼は自分は阻止され失望されられたという確信が膨らんだ。彼は自分の天才的な軍人や彼の戦艦はポンペイウスに対抗するために強力することを期待したかもしれなかった。