石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who correctly predicted much of the 10 September iPhone event, including the discontinuation of the iPhone 5, has recently said that he thinks the iPad mini 2 will have a Retina display and A7X processor, which will also be found in the iPad 5.

Interestingly, Kuo expects that Apple will release a cheaper iPad mini model next year, to join the iPad line-up in a similar fashion to the iPhone 5c. He believes that, by 2014, the iPad line-up will be iPad 2, iPad 5, iPad mini 2 and a cheaper, plastic-backed iPad mini that's available in multiple colours.

When it comes to new Macs,it's likely that Apple will want to update its entire range to give them Intel's new Haswell processors.


iPhone 5の打ち切りを含む9月10日のiPhoneイベントの大半を正確に予測したKGI証券のアナリストのミン‐チー・クオ氏は、先ごろ、iPadミニ2はRetinaディスプレイとA7Xプロセッサーを搭載し、それはiPad 5でも見られるだろう思うと述べました。

面白いことに、クオ氏は、アップルは来年、さらに安いiPadミニ・モデルを発表して、Phone 5cと同様のやり方でiPadラインアップに加えるだろうと予想しています。彼は、2014年までに、iPadのラインアップは、iPad 2、iPad 5、iPadミニ2、ならびに、とより安い、複数色が選べるプラスチック・バックのiPadミニとなるものとの考えです。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

We would like to remind you that you still have two days to complete the eBay survey sent to you on 09/12/2013. eBay is committed to improving its service, and we would be grateful if you would take a minute to respond through this link.

Simply click the link below or copy the following address into your browser:

We're writing about your order, No. ●●. Because we have not received the item(s) to be returned, we charged your payment instrument (MasterCard ending in 6816) $61.69 on Sep 15, 2013. This is the payment instrument you authorized us to charge during the checkout process in the Online Returns Center.





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

HE said they are the ones they print that way to send to Japan only. They are not any different at all. Its just a way they sort them at the factory. Nothing different at all but I can request them if you wish.

Are you interested in:

BRAND NEW Tour Issued Taylormade Rocketballz Stage 2 Proto Rescue hybrid head. This head is a tour only prototype version that is smaller in size compared to the retail model. Each head is marked with a TRxxxx serial number

Your price is $150 each including shipping
Let me know if interested

I know we are going back a few years but do you have any interest in these babies? If so, what price works for you? I found approximately 50 of these 5’s in stock




新品のツアー・イッシュ― テーラーメード ロケットボールズ ステージ2 プロト・レスキュー ハイブリッド・ヘッド。このヘッドは、小売モデルに比べ、サイズがより小さいツアー限定のプロトタイプ版です。各ヘッドに、TRxxxxのシリアル番号が入っています。



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text


I appreciate your offer most kindly, but I am afraid it's not sufficient. Sorry, but only 5 discs are playable and the condition of the box is doubtful as well. As there are 13 discs (not 12 as I originally specified - sorry) and only 5 are suitable play, I think it's only fair that I get refunded for the 8 discs that do not play sufficiently. Out of $130 (assuming all discs are of equal value), I feel entitled to an $80 value as that would add up most rightly.

I could go all in and ask for a full refund, but I won't. I'm merely just requesting my money back for those items within the box that do not work as expected. I sincerely hope you will accept my suggestion.



お申し出は大変ありがたく思いますが、それで十分とは思われません。すみませんが、5枚のディスクしか聴けないのですし、箱の状態も疑わしいのですから。13枚ディスクがあって(私が当初 言った12枚ではありません― 失礼)、5枚のみ再生できるのなら、ちゃんと聴けない8枚のディスク分を返金してもらうのがフェアというものでしょう。130ドルのうち(すべてのディスクが同じ価値があるとして)、きちんと計算して80ドルの価値分の権利が私にはあると思います。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

You could make the argument that avid photographers should also upgrade to the iPhone 5s, which Apple claims has DSLR-level features and rivals the quality of most point-and-shoots. It's too early for us to verify those claims, but even if they bear out, the folks who will care the most about these improvements likely already carry dedicated cameras. It's inevitable that next year's top-of-the-line iPhone will sport an even better camera, so perhaps it'd be good to hold off for the time being.

If you own an older iPhone

Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. It's time to join the four-inch iPhone revolution, and it's time to accept that your old 30-pin iOS accessories are nearing the end of their lives.


写真撮影の愛好家もiPhone 5sにアップグレードすべきだという言い方もできなくはありません。 iPhone 5sはDSLR-レベルの特徴を備え、ほとんどのオートフォーカス・自動露出カメラと品質で肩を並べているとアップルは言っているからです。それらを確かめるには時期尚早ですが、たとえそれらが裏付けられるにしても、これらの改善に最も関心を持つであろう人々はたぶんすでに専用のカメラを持っているでしょう。来年の最上位機種のiPhoneがさらに良いカメラを搭載することになるのは必然であり、おそらく、しばらくの間買い控えるのがいいでしょう。



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Today, even if you've become accustomed to it, you spend a lot of time waiting for your iPhone--for apps to open, content to load, and so on.You'll spend a lot less time waiting and a lot more time doing with Apple's new hardware.

5s or 5c: Which iPhone is perfect for me?

So you're one of those who really should upgrade.Which new version of the iPhone 5 should you choose? Budget-conscious consumers shouldn't feel that they're settling for the iPhone 5c.If the $100 savings afforded by the $99 16GB iPhone 5c (compared to the $199 16GB iPhone 5s) is significant to your wallet, fret not:


今では、たとえそれに慣れているにしても、お持ちのiPhoneでは多くの待ち時間を費やしています ― アプリを開くのに、コンテンツの読み込むのに、などなど。アップルの新しいハードウェアで、もっとより少ない待ち時間で、もっとより多くの時間利便が得られます。


iPhone 5のどの新バージョンを選ぶべきでしょうか? 予算を気にする消費者なら、iPhone 5cで我慢するなどと思っている場合ではありません。99ドル16GBのiPhone 5cによって生じる100ドルの節約が(199ドル16GBのiPhone 5sと比較して)あなたの財布に重要なら、思い悩むことはありません。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Please do NOT wait any longer to send it back. You mentioned this 3 weeks ago and still holding on to it for some reason.
We will take it back to our vendor for a replacement and send a replacement once we get the head.

Sorry for the confusion. I had thought the refund had gone through but can not locate it. I will send refund right away.
I currently have left in stock the following on V3 R11s heads:

If you are interested in these heads, I can sell them all to you. If you are not interested, I will sell them to another customer. I will send the 240 refund directly to your paypal account.
Let me know on the V3 heads as soon as you can.



V3 R11sヘッドについては、現在、以下の在庫残があります。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Tim Cook and company rocked today’s keynote. As expected, the iPhone 5s was announced with a new processor, fingerprint sensor and motion chip alongside the new cost-conscious and brightly-colored iPhone 5c.

Craig Frederhigi spent some time on Jony Ive’s upcoming iOS 7, running through the main features, most of which we’d heard back at WWDC in June, including Control Center, Search anywhere, more textured ringtones and the like.

The two new models of iPhone were the focus of today’s event. CEO Tim Cook said that the iPhone business was getting so big they decided to replace the iPhone 5 with two new models.


ティム・クックと会社は、今日のキーノートをうまくこなしました。予想どおり、新しいプロセッサー、指紋センサー、およびモーションチップ付きのiPhone 5sが、コストを意識した新しい明るく色のiPhone 5cとともに発表されました。

クレイグ・フレダリギ(Craig Frederhigi)は、しばらく時間をかけて、ジョニー・アイブ(Jony Ive)の今度のiOS 7を見て、その主要特長を ― その多くは我々が去る6月のワールドワイド デベロッパーズ カンファレンス(WWDC)で耳にしたものですが ― コントロールセンター、どこでもサーチ、より陰影のある着信音などを含めて目を通しました。

このiPhoneの2つの新しいモデルが、今日のイベントの焦点でした。ティム・クックCEOは、iPhone事業が巨大化しており、2つの新しいモデルをiPhone 5の後継機器とすることに決めたと述べました。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

- iPhone 5C

・All the tech of the iPhone 5, but more fun, more colorful
・Green, white, blue, pink, yellow
・Entire back and sides made from one part, no seams or joins
・Hard-coated polycarbonate, steel reinforced, acts as antenna
・4 inch retina display, integrated touch layer
・8 megapixel camera, A6 processor, slightly larger battery
・New FaceTime HD camera, larger pixels, improved backside illumination, FaceTime audio
・More LTE bands than any other smartphone – dual band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, 802.11 a/b/g/n 2.4GHz and 5GHz
・Custom cases—”soft silicon rubber” that lets you see the original color underneath
・$99 for 16 GB, $199 for 32GB on a two year contract
・$29 for cases
・Pre-orders start Friday, in stores September 20th


- iPhone 5C

・iPhone 5のすべての技術を採用しながらも、より楽しくよりカラフルです
・新しいFaceTime HDカメラ、増加したピクセル、改善された背面照射、FaceTimeオーディオ
・他のどのスマートフォンよりも広いLTE周波数帯 ― デュアルバンドWi-Fi、ブルートゥース4.0、802.11/b/g/n 2.4GHz、および5GHz
・カスタムメイドのケース ― 下のオリジナル・カラーが見える「ソフト・シリコンラバー」

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Represents the cumulative number of business locations that have been claimed on Yelp worldwide since 2008, as of the period end. We define a claimed local business location as each business address for which a business representative visits our website and claims the free business listing page for the business located at that address. For more information, see “ Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Represents the number of active local business accounts from which we recognized revenue during the last three months of the period. For more information, see “ Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

"My Subscribers" Tab
• Click on the "Show" button in order to look at your current Live users
• In the "Lots" column you can check how much they leverage your strategy. Please notice that this parameter is presented in "K" for example, 10 = 10k = 0.1lot

The “G-Score” is a highly complex statistical and mathematical formula that combines various ratios and data collected on each strategy. The data is analyzed while paying extra attention to risk, reward, consistency and robustness. The G-Score is being calculated with every closed position. You can read more about the G-Score by clicking on the “what it G-Score” button.


• あなたの現在の「実行中の」ユーザーを調べるには、「表示」ボタンをクリックしてください
• 「ロット」コラムでは、あなたは、彼らがどんなにあなたの戦略を活用しているかを確認することができます。
このパラメーターは、「K」、たとえば、10 = 10k = 0.1ロット、で示されることに注意してください


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Execution Alerts
In this tab you'll be able to monitor the alerts of the signals you generated. If there is a specific problem with your signals this will help you to figure out what went wrong.
My Subscribers
In “My subscribers” section you can monitor all the clients which chose your system. You can view detailed information about their open positions, history and more.
"Subscribers Open Position" Tab
• Click the "Show" button in order to monitor your live users' open positions.

"Subscribers History" Tab
• Choose the start date and end date you wish to see your subscribers past signals
• Click the "Show" button in order to present your subscribers trades' history


• あなたの実行中のユーザーの建玉をモニターするには、「表示(Show)」ボタンをクリックしてください。

• 見たいと思うあなたの引受人の過去の信号の開始日と終了日を選択してください
• あなたの引受人の取引履歴を表示するには、「表示」ボタンをクリックしてください