石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura Japanese → French
Original Text










À la personne responsable de la vente en gros :

Cher monsieur / Madame :

Je vous contacte pour la première fois.
Je suis M./Mme ---, et vente de vêtements d'affaire au Japon.

Je veux acheter les marchandises de marque de votre compagnie par la vente en gros et vous ai contactés.

Nous vendons △ et □ dans un magasin de la EC au Japon.

Nos ventes annuelles sont des ventes d'environ x € maintenant dans le site de la EC mentionné au-dessus.

Comme vos produits sont très attrayants aux clients japonais, je crois que nous pouvons contribuer aux ventes de votre compagnie si vous nous permettez de leur vendre.

Me diriez-vous de vos conditions (la quantité, le prix, etc.) du commerce, s'il en est tels ?

S'il y a des points peu clairs sur notre côté, s'il vous plaît faites-moi savoir de ce que vous voulez clarifier.

tatsuoishimura Japanese → English
Original Text





You are to paddle a Canadian canoe by a pair. Participants are divided into several teams who compete by the time of all the members goal on the circuit course of Kawaguchiko lake area.

The natural cave scattered in the Aokigahara sea of trees opening in the north foot of Mount Fuji. You are to enter there without the electricity nor the handrails just with a helmet and the headlight only and to return.

You are to cooperate within the team consisting of several people on the stage of Kawaguchiko lake and the outskirts to locate the number of the map coordinate with the GPS and find the several points that the discovery was ordered. Which team will discover all in the time limits, and which team can make a goal?

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi bought this in Knife for my cousin and he has just taken it out of the box and it only has one edge on the blade? I thought it would have both edges on because it doesn't state otherwise

The speaker that you sold me is not charging. I have not been able to use it since it arrived. Please could you either refund the item or send me a replacement product? I am very disappointed, especially as I had to wait several weeks for this order to arrive!

WHen I charge it, 1 led on the side flashes continously, but it will not turn on.

Furthermore, I had to pay £20 import tax, which was not advertised on the item's page, so am quite unhappy with the amount of money I have now spent on a product that doesn't even work!


こんにちは、私がいとこのために買ったこの「ナイフ」を彼が今箱から出しますと、刃が 片刃なのですが?

あなたに売ってもらったスピーカーが、充電できません。到着した時から使えないままです。このアイテムを払い戻すか、交替品を送ってもらうかしてくれますか? 特にこの注文の到着を数週間も待たなければならなかったことには、非常に失望しています!



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

this MA‐Contract, Malca‐Amit’s responsibility and liability shall cease and the Shipment or any undeliverable part thereof shall be held at the sole risk and expense of the Customer. In
the event a Shipment remains undeliverable as stated above, Malca‐Amit’s liability, if any, shall not exceed US$10,000.00 or actual value of the Property, whichever is less.
11. Liability for SERVICES: Malca‐Amit shall be liable for the physical loss of, or damage to the Shipment resulting from any cause whatsoever, during the period of responsibility,
subject however to the exclusions from liability and limitations of liability set forth hereinafter.


11.「 サービス」に対する責任