石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → French ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text

Your order is currently on hold with our shipping partner. Unfortunately they cannot deliver the item because they require an update on the order information. This information is either incorrect or incomplete. We want to send the item to you, but we need you provide this updated information before we can do so.

Please reply to this email and provide the information outlined below:

Ship To Name (Full Name):

Address Line 1 (Cannot be a PO Box):

Address Line 2:



Postal Code:


Phone #:

Buzzer/Door Code:

When providing this information please take note of the following:

Please be sure to provide a physical address within France, which is the ship to country initially provided at checkout for this order.


Votre commande est actuellement gardé à notre partenaire expédiant. Malheureusement ils ne peuvent pas livrer l'article parce qu'ils exigent une mise à jour sur les renseignements de la commande. Ces renseignements sont incorrects ou incomplets. Nous voulons vous envoyer l'article, mais vous avez besoin de nous fournir ces renseignements actualisés avant que nous pouvons faire ainsi.

Répondez s'il vous plaît à cet e-mail et fournissez les renseignements exposés ci-dessous :

Destination (nom complet) :

Ligne d'adresse 1 (Ne peut pas être une Boîte postale) :

Ligne d'adresse 2 :

Ville :

Province :

Code postal :

Pays :

Numéro de téléphone :

Code de sonnerie/Porte :

En fournissant ces renseignements prenez note s'il vous plaît de la chose suivante :

Fournissez absolument s'il vous plaît une adresse physique en France, qui est la destination initialement fourni lors de la caisse à cet commande.

tatsuoishimura Japanese → French
Original Text

一客一亭 黒楽茶碗・手捏ね~削り仕上げ作陶体験 (完全予約制)
〈 手捏ね~削り仕上げ作陶 〉

毎日 13時30分から(13時までに、工房へお越しください)


Un invité pour un événement expérience de poterie de bol de thé Raku Noire : Moulure de main de Tezukune et finissant la coupure (sur rendez-vous seulement).

<Moulure de main de Tezukune et poterie de finissant la coupure>

Vous connaîtrez la technique de moulure particulière à la poterie de bol de thé de Raku.
(Connaissez la même main moulure que l'artisan fait, sans utiliser une roue de potier d'électricité. Vous pouvez faire un vrai bol de thé de Raku Noir, en faisant votre propre forme, en le séchant depuis environ une heure, et en coupant et en le finissant dans une forme et un poids comme vous voulez.

Note : L'artisan peint le bol de thé de Raku fini avec le vernis plus tard, avant de le tirer.

Date et temps d'événement :
De 13:30 chaque jour (venez s'il vous plaît au studio auparavant 13:00)

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

1/Yes, everything is correct for the apartment. I'm Jenny Paulsen though but I'm looking at it and that's my address. I do live in an apartment complex where there are multiple A1's but they would have a different numbered address.
Would I have to be home when it's delivered to sign off for it? Or anything thing like that? Also, if this doesn't work I do have a friend I trust, they live in a apartment complex but it isn't as big so maybe it'd be less confusing?
2/I was wondering if you about 150 in these stock and do you give any discount for that much?
3/others will send to you later days, because the our stock was over, and factory need little more time. we will send them as soon as we got it from factory.



tatsuoishimura Japanese → English
Original Text




The electronic billboards that I photographed this time were, each being assimilated into each townscape of great variety and creating the scenes which were different between during the daytime at night, felt very artistic.
And, under them, a great many people walked with nifty feelings in the intense heat of the midsummer.
However, most of the walkers appeared totally uninterested in the artistic scenes.

The electronic billboards will disappear one after another from downtown in the future if they come to be determined to have only low cost-effectiveness as the advertising media.
The familiar scene of the electronic billboards may be specific, invaluable assets which we can look ay only in these present times.