ozaki Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

Although some of the companies are attempting to lower the risk of their operations and balance sheet going forward, it will be necessary for life insurers to hold higher capital levels than they had in the past.
Over time, this will not only fortify financial strength, but will also put pressure on ROEs.

Despite strong 4Q, we estimate that many of the life insurers still generated returns below their cost of capital. Unfavorable industry dynamics cause us to dislike the business models, which is why few life insurers are endowed with a moat. We believe moats are difficult to achieve across the insurance industry, but life insurers in particular struggle to maintain long-term competitive advantages.



ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

APAC continues to be the global outperformer in our proprietary Pharmaceuticals & HealthcareBusiness EnvironmentRatings (BERs), which assesses countries according to their attractiveness tomultinational drugmakers. Region's score increased from 52.3 out of 100 in Q410 to 53.1 in Q111 – arise of 1.54%. Ratings rises were also seen in MiddleEast and Africa (+0.97%), the Americas (+0.86%)and Western Europe (+0.24%). Several downwards revisions in pharmaceutical market growth ratesresulted in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)'s score decreasing by 2.22%. The global average increasedby just 0.02% to 51.4.In the BMI BER matrix for Q111, Indonesia is in 12th place of the 17 regional markets surveyed in the APAC region.



ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

Recording and packaging. I think its just me but I have an aversion for playing live, although I've enjoyed it a lot before and have had very successful shows. I was in (we might be taking a break, actually) this band Totally Nebular and there was a while were we would play shows every weekend and a lot of those were great. We were really noisy, loud and energetic live. I've played 3 shows as Tree Hopping but none of them were as satisfying. But yeah, right now I only enjoy recording and packaging. Recording really puts me in my own world and in a great creative mood and packaging just puts all that recording into context. I think designing and making a package is just as important as the music.


録音と制作。自分だけだと思うんだけど、ライブがちょっと嫌いなんだ、勿論以前は結構楽しんだぜ、やったショーは大成功だった。このTotally Nebular(トータリー・ネビュラー)のグループにいて(でもちょっと休養するかもしれないが)毎週末にライブをやった時期もあった。ホントにでかい音でエネルギッシュなライブと評判だった。Tree Hopping(ツリー・ホッピング)として3回公演をしたけど、どれも満足できなかった。しかし、いまは録音と制作だけを楽しんでいる。録音はすごくクリエイティブな自分の世界に浸りきれるし、制作はその録音を製品に仕上げていく。パッケージのデザインや製作は音楽と同じくらい重要だ。

ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

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