Maki Leutenegger (leutene) Translations

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About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
leutene English → Japanese
Original Text

He burned the writings which contained evidence concerning the civil strife, and said that he would restore the constitution entirely when Antony should return from the Parthian war,for he was persuaded that Antony, too, would be willing to lay down the government,the civil wars being at an end. Thereupon he was chosen tribune for life by acclamation, the people urging him,by the offer of this perpetual magistracy, to give up his former one.This he accepted, and at the same time he wrote privately to Antony in reference to the government. Antony gave instructions to Bibulus,who was going away from him, to confer with Octavian.He sent governors to take charge of his provinces in like manner as Octavian had done.


彼は内戦に関する書類を焼去し、アントニーがパルディア戦争から戻る事があれば、それらを全て復元すると言った。何故ならアントニーも又、政府を打倒し、内戦が終結する事を望んでいるからだと、彼自身、説得をされたからだと言う。 その時点では、発声投票で、彼が終身民権擁護者として選ばれたが、人々に強いられ、又、しつこい治安判事の提案に依り、以前の民権擁護者としての身分を捨て去る様、求められた。 彼は、この要求を受け入れ、それと同時にアントニーに、政府に関連した事を個人的に手紙に書いて送った。

leutene English → Japanese
Original Text

Freckle removal and skin whitening: Open cells channel woundless, obsorb nutrition,
participate in cells metabolism, promote cells rebirth.

Fancy wrinkle removal:The electrode nutrition is directly penetrated the deep-seated skin,
start cells rebirth, remove wrinkles of deep skin layer.

Resist the acne: Through the electric nutrition conveyer belt,
inject the acne removal distillate into the focus, clear or restrain the acne rebirth, avoid the wound infection.

Moisten and make up water: Inject the water feeding active distillate into the deep-seated skin,
supply enough water to the cells, prevent the series of skin problems caused by short of water.






leutene English → Japanese
Original Text

Local skin care and cosmetics for the body cargo
(1). Smooth fine wrinkles, shrink pores
(2). Make the skin moist.
(3). Enhance lymphatic and blood circulation
(4). Get rid of facial redness
(5). Eliminate slow acne scars
(6). Promote collagen and cell activation
(7). Improve skin activity and toughness

3. Inccordance with the texture of the abdominal
muscles from the abdomen pulls to groin area.
1. In accordance the lymphatic circulation, pull to groin area, lymph drainage,
eliminate toxins
7. Products, services and maintenance
1. the instrument from date of purchase (with notes) host half a year warranty and ther non-warranty or out of warranty, may also be responsible for
maintenance and updates, to recover the fee


body cargoの局部のお肌のお手入れ用クリームやその他の化粧品をお使い頂いた後、下記の様な効果があります。
