Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 Japanese → English
Original Text

長い年月、独自の技法を探し続け、75才になる今でも「心の伝わる作品」を目指し挑戦を続けている。 魂のこもった、美しく味わい深いフォルムと色には定評がある。
△△年 富山県重要無形文化財保持者に認定

専用のケースが付属します。説明書もありますが日本語表記なので、下記のメーカーサイトの英語の説明書をご確認下さい。 問題なく動作することを確認しています。
電源コードが日本用なので、変換プラグが必要です。 あなたの国に対応した変換プラグを同梱します。


● is a award-winning ceramic artist who as been awarded several times.
For a long time he has been pursuing his own unique skill, and he keeps challenging to accomplish "the work which can convey his heart" even now, at his 75 age. His soulful beautiful and deeply tasty form and color has built a solid reputation.
In △△, he was certified as a holder of an important intangible cultural heritage asset by Toyama prefecture.

An case for its exclusive use comes withe the item. There is also an instruction document, but it is written in Japanese, so please refer to the English instruction document on the following Web site of the manufacturer. I have confirmed that it functionally works fine.
As the power supply code is for the use in Japan, you need to use a converting plug. I will enclose a converting plug which is suitable for your country.

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

sir i pay camera price but ship is pay by u

Sorry but this is about an item, I could not find the number. It's about your Nikon F4S, 591 and 594: you listed them as junk because you did not properly test them. You also said they are functional so, in your opinion, do they work? Almost no one have camera properly tested for film, so I'd just like to know if camera powers up, fires and windings work.

You say you didn't check if the light meter works? If you check it and it's accurate I'm happy to bid for it :)

But I don't want to bid if it's not working.

What mount does this lens sport?



商品について、ですが、恐縮ですが私は番号がわかりません。売主様のニコン F4S の591と594についてです。あなたは、適正にテストを行わないでジャンク品として出品されました。あなたは、機能的なものであると仰いましたが、あなたのご意見ですとそれらはちゃんと動作しますか?フィルムカメラについてはどなたもきちんと動作テストをしないようですので、そのカメラはきちんと電源が入り、シャッターが切れてフィルムの巻き上げまで動作するかどうかを知りたいと思います。

ライトメーターが動作するかどうか確認しなかった、とのことでしたね? そこで、確認して頂き、正確に動作するのであれば私あ喜んで入札いたします。



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Is there anything we can offer you to retain you as a member with our company? Would you consider staying with us as our customer if I switched you to a Basic Account and waived the setup fees? With Basic Account you can keep your account open without having to pay further annual or monthly fees.

If you choose to keep your account open as a Basic Account rather than cancelling your account, you can avoid incurring the setup fee to re-open your account if and when you choose to use our services again in the future without having to pay a setup fee to reinstate your account.

I look forward to hearing from you. We have left your account open pending your reply.


あなたを弊社のメンバーとして居続けてもらうために弊社ができることは何かありますでしょうか? もし、お客様を設定手数料無しで弊社のベーシック・アカウントに切り替えさせて頂ければ、引き続き弊社のお客様で居続けることが可能でしょうか?ベーシック・アカウント会員になりますと、月々の料金や年単位での手数料を払う必要がなくお客様のアカウントをオープンに維持することができます。

