jojo Translations

ID Verified
Over 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English French German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jojo Japanese → English
Original Text





If the item is damaged, I think it is due to the lack of cushioning material in most cases. Particularly, if the cushioning material is insufficient when transporting heavy parts, damage accidents likely to occur.

I want to know the delivery duration and cost when you send goods directly to us.
If the delivery cost is not too high and the delivery duration is not too long, I want you to send it directly to Japan.

May I have a quote for the delivery cost if the goods for the order on March 1 is sent directly to Japan?
I've attached the order list any way.
I also want to know the delivery cost for smaller or larger order than this.
Do you happen to have a price list so that I can compare the quantity and the cost of delivery?

jojo English → Japanese
Original Text

Embry keeps it fun. A naturally positive outlook and a passion for communicating the human narrative underlies his whole approach to photography. With more than a decade of experience working successfully with high-profile clients, Embry’s ability to answer the demands of a high-pressure shoot with confidence and clarity ensures that his clients will keep coming back. Rucker’s reputation for over-delivering and his customized, fully-scalable productions in both still and motion photography make him a versatile and capable artist for the creation of cohesive, multi-platform campaigns. When he’s not shooting, Embry spends time with his wife, son, and daughter in Southern California.



jojo English → Japanese
Original Text

We have many good things in line for this spring and summer and I hope we can continue doing business. Again I apologize for this past order and ask your acceptance. Thank you again.

I apologize for the delay. Due to lack of staff and holiday time here, I have been so busy I have neglected my good customers and I sincerely apologize for this. I will refund your original order and by tomorrow have a list of items available for immediate sale. We have back at full staff so there wont be anymore delays. Thank you for your patience and I apologize for this delay


